The Haunted Doll I

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Siska and her best friend Ria were out shopping for antiques when they stumbled upon an old abandoned house on the outskirts of town. The house had the word abandoned written all over it, with its paint peeling off and weeds growing everywhere.

"Wow, this place looks creepy," Ria said.

"Yes, it does," Siska replied, "but that's exactly why we should check it out."

The girls made their way inside, and Siska noticed a small wooden box on an old bookshelf in the living room. She opened the box and was surprised to find a beautifully crafted doll inside.

"This is incredible," Siska said, "I wonder how old this is?"

Ria didn't seem too interested in the doll, but Siska was obsessed. She purchased the doll and took it home with her.

That night, Siska heard a strange noise coming from the direction of her doll. As she walked towards the doll, she noticed something wasn't quite right. The doll had moved from its original spot in her room.

Siska tried to shake it off and flew into bed, hoping it would just be her imagination. But once she closed her eyes, she heard the creaking of the floorboards, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the doll had moved again.

Siska knew that she couldn't ignore strange occurrences any longer and decided to look into the history of the doll.

Siska discovered that the doll had a dark history. The previous owner of the doll was a young girl who died under suspicious circumstances.

Many people believe that the girl's spirit is attached to the doll, and Siska began to feel uncomfortable about keeping it in her house.

Siska decided to visit a spiritual healer who specialized in dealing with hauntings. The spiritual healer told Siska that the doll was indeed haunted by the young girl's spirit, and that it needed to be destroyed.

Siska knew what had to be done. She was going to have to destroy the doll.

Siska prepared to destroy the doll, but as she raised the hammer above its head, she heard the voice of the young girl from the doll say "Please don't do it."

Siska hesitated and realized that she couldn't bear to destroy the doll. She began to believe that the girl's spirit was trying to communicate with her and needed her help.

Siska began to have vivid dreams about the young girl, and with every dream she had, she felt closer to her.

One night, the young girl's spirit appeared to her and told her what had happened to her. The girl had been murdered by someone close to her, and her spirit had been trapped inside the doll ever since.

Siska knew that she had to help the girl's spirit find peace, but she didn't know how. She decided to contact the authorities and tell them what had happened.

The authorities investigated Siska's story and they found evidence to support it. They discovered that the young girl's uncle had murdered her and had hidden her body in the same abandoned house where Siska had found the doll.

Siska's discovery had finally led to the resolution of the case, and the young girl's spirit was finally able to find peace.

Siska decided that the doll should be placed in a safe space where it could be taken care of and be kept away from the dangers of the world.

She was relieved that she was able to help the young girl's spirit, but she knew that the experience would stay with her for a long time to come.

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