12 - mask off

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- Alina -

My eyes left the bike that i noticed and i quietly pulled the front door of the house open. It was silent, almost too quiet so i continued forward and already sensing this might be a break in for the jewel.

As i suspected, my sight caught someone just by the vault door. I could see that the cameras in the corners were on but how didn't Beth hear or see someone come in? But the more i examined them, the more i understood that they're trying to hack the lock.

My feet came up behind and i was about to slip my hand around to cover their mouth but the woman whipped around, the feeling of a gun pressing right in my abdomen.

"You." My mind clicked, seeing as it's the same person who's been after me since i obtained the necklace. "Move a muscle and i'll pull the trigger." Her voice was deep yet the front of the cap was so low that i couldn't see their eyes nor face at all from the same black bandana.

"This whole time you were after the necklace?" I calmly asked. "Turn around." She dodged the question jerking the gun deeper to indicate how serious the command was so i faced away.

"Move forward!" A harsh yell left her mouth and i did as told. My body dropped on the couch, hands placed together as i observed her pull out duct tape, ready to tape them together.

I looked down, noticing as the gun was ever so slightly pointed away from me and i used the chance to pull my leg up, kicking it out of her hold.

The quick action to go and get it back happened but i extended my foot, watching her trip down so my body got right on top, stopping any type of escape.

"Tell me who you're working with!" I yelled out, tightening the hold of her wrists even more but my rage dimmed from seeing her not even fight back. More so try and keep her eyes off mine.

"Did Rio send you?!" I blurred out but she did nothing but keep her face to the side. "Speak! Who the fuck are you working for?!" I went in and gripped her face, whipping it forward to finally get her to do something.

I locked my glare in her eyes and i feel like that's all it took for my mind to click. I yanked the bandana down, my heart literally skipping a beat. The weakness that rised had me accidentally loosen her wrists and she used the chance to reach for the gun, point it right in my face.

"Get off." The woman sternly ordered and i lifted my leg over, watching as she stood up as i did the same. "You used me." I said my thought out loud, absolutely wrecked as i gazed back into her raged eyes.

"Us meeting was never a coincidence, was it?" I kept calm and continued. "I'm sorry, Alina." Madison faintly said. The guilt was so obvious in her voice however she held the gun up, ready for anything that i'll do.

"You and me.. Was any of it real? Everything was a game to manipulate me? All this for a fucking necklace?!" I was about to step closer but stopped as soon as i saw her finger slip on the trigger.

"Alina, i'm sorry! This wasn't my decision! The first time i met you at the race, i hadn't known i'd be doing this! I never wanted this to happen!"

"Never wanted it to happen? But look where we are now. You, me, face to face as any of us could just make a single move that will end only one way."

"You're a good actress. Can flirt, seduce even make the other person love you without a speck of sorrow. I assume that your last words about being in love with me were also absolute bullshit."

"They weren't! I- Alina.. i fucking love you. That's what i was so devastated about when you came back in the bedroom! I realized how i didn't want to go. I wanted to stay but i failed with the plan. I destroyed it! So i couldn't do anything but to continue on and try to fix it."

"Then continue it on! Go ahead!" I spat back. "I didn't want anything else but the necklace. I have it and that's all. Now please forgive me that i did that to you." She explained but i lifted my hand, gripping hers that's around the gun.

"Stop fucking lying to me so just finish the job!" I yanked her hand down, aiming the weapon right in front of my heart. "Pull the trigger." I spoke and watched her eyes widen. "No! Alina, i don't want to kill you!"

"Shoot. No fucking team in this business has only wanted to just steal from me so make your leader proud and end this whole thing now." I forced her hand even closer yet she began to try and yank the tip of the gun away from seeing how serious i was about this.

- - -
I heard as the front door had slammed closed but i didn't bother to get up from the floor, my eyes still staring forward and towards the vault door.

"Hey! Alina! I got- What the fuck happened here?" I panned my own eyes around - couch tilted over, glass coffee shattered in pieces. "Alina! Someone broke in? Where's the necklace?! Is it-" Beth, my sister, ran towards the vault, unlocking it to the sight of an empty box.

"Fuck! Who did it? How are you still alive?!" She came back, kneeling down next to me. "I- God.." I leaned my head back, trying to control the emotions. "Beth, i fucked up. Once again my life proved that i'm nothing but an atm or a useless person to every fucking woman."

"Madison, right?"

"Mhm." I looked back on her.

"Alina, i got news. It seems as i came here way too damn late but hear me out nonetheless." Beth stood up, grabbing the couch to lift it upright. "Sit down properly!" I heard her order and i scooted onto it, absolute weakness still flooding through my body from the fight.

"Lorraine is in the city."

"Who?!" I didn't hesitate to yelp the word out.

"Our beloved mother. And the worst part about it is that Madison is working with her."

"Don't fucking lie to me right now!" My hands flew up, grabbing her collar in a hold. "God! Calm down! Why the hell would i lie? From the very beginning i wanted to make sure you are safe so ever since you told me the woman's name, i kept an eye on her. And guess what, just a few minutes ago Madison had met up with Lorraine. I assume this chaos you both had here had completely knocked her out and she didn't bother circling around the city to make sure no one was following."

"What's the address?"

"The street is Calle 9. Next to the Luis Maseda Park." Beth answered and i immediately dropped my hands, standing up and ready to go. "What the fuck are you going to do? You can't go there without the bodyguards!"


The Trap of Love | GxGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora