Chapter Twenty Five

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Michael and I were bringing our stuff down to the foyer when the doorbell rang. I had woken up only about ten minutes ago. I was so tired but I went and opened it to a sleepy looking Luke. He smiled and walked in giving me a kiss and brushing hair from my face.

"Hi, Luke." I rubbed the sleep from one eye.

"Hi, Love. Do you want some help with your bags?" He asked. He became very smiley all the sudden. He had his hand slide down my back and cupped my ass squeezing it quickly. All I could do was gasp and he was out the door with my bags. Michael had already taken his but came back for his pillow and backpack.

"You okay, Gwen?" Michael asked.

"Yea," I unfroze. I was definitely awake now. I grabbed my backpack and blanket. Michael and I said good but to my parents and his parents.

We were on the road and I was thankful. Calum and his family had already left earlier this morning. So we were piled into the Hemmings Suv. Ashton and Michael were in the middle aisle and Luke pulled me to the back. Everyone was talking amongst themselves and we still had about five hours to go.

I was reading on my iPad when I felt Luke's hand on my thigh. I looked over at him but he had his headphones on and was looking out the window. I looked back down at his hand again then back at my book.

It was only seconds later that he started moving his and slowly up and down my thigh. I look at his hand and back at him. He still wasn't looking at me. I shoved his hand off and could see his smile. We were in the car with four other people.

I went back to reading and felt his hand again. I rolled my eyes and decided two could play at this game. I kept reading while he slowly trailed it up.

My body stiffened I couldn't help but want his hand to go there.

He had turned toward me moving his headphones to his neck. His hand still inched closer and closer and I sucked in a breath. He leaned down and whispered in a low voice. "You want me don't you?" I don't know how he could innocently ask me that while doing what he was doing.

All I could do was nod, afraid of what words or noises might escape me.

"I thought so. You're a good girl." His hand ghosted over my clothed spot and I jerked up.

"Hey kids are you all hungry?" Andy, Luke's dad asked from the front.

I stilled. I had completely forgotten anyone was here. Apparently I'd forgotten words too.

"Yea," all the boys said. Luke even moved closer to me. "Very hungry," he purred.


"Yes," my voice was small. Luke removed himself from me. I coughed, "Yes, I am."

Ashton and Michael turned to give me a look. "You okay?" Michael mouthed.

I nodded.

"Okay, we'll go through a drive through then." Liz said. I was thankful they weren't paying attention to me.

We told them what we wanted and then when everyone was preoccupied I hit Luke in the chest.

He faked hurt and laughed. "What was that for?" He asked.

"Like you don't know. You asshole." I tried to look threatening.

He leaned down and kissed my lips then forehead. "We're on vacation so you just get ready for what I have in store for you."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"We'll see," he smiled with a look I hadn't seen.


The rest of the drive wasn't as eventful. I mostly just watched Outlander on my iPad. I rested my legs on Luke's lap as he lightly rubbed them while listening to music. I was very happy that I shaved last night.

We finally got to the condo at around eight. There were two on each floor and the Hood's was right across from the Hemmings. Ashton went to stay with Calum so he wouldn't be alone.

Liz showed me my room, I remembered it from 4 years ago.

"Alright, sweetheart get ready to go eat tonight." Liz patted my back and smiled.

"Okay, thank you again for letting me come." I smiled.

"Gwen, we're happy to have you back in the family." Liz grinned. "I'm gonna go freshen up."

I nodded as she went to her room witch was located near the balcony. My room was near the back, I had a little balcony of my own. I was near the laundry room. Luckily for Michael he was near the kitchen and so was Luke.

I went to my bathroom and put some makeup on. I fixed my hair into a messy ponytail and changed into some jeans. Luke appeared at my bathroom door. "Hi, love."

"Hey," I looked to the door and smiled.

"Did you know that penguins search for long periods of time to find a mate and when they finally find them they just know." Luke's face was bright while spilling all this information.

"Yes actually, it was in the movie Never Been Kissed." I laughed.

He walked in and sat on the toilet to continue our talk. "I just wanted to tell you I think you're my penguin."

I look at him through the mirror. "You mean that?"

He sat with his elbows on his legs, hunched over. "How could I not?"

I turned around with a huge smile I couldn't suppress. "I think you're mine too."

He smiled and shot up. He pulled me into him and into a deep kiss.

"Ew," we broke apart hearing Michael. "Come on love birds, I need food."

We smiled as he left and looked at each other. "Come on, my penguin." Luke cooed.

It was around 11 when we got back. We were all exhausted and ready for bed. I was asleep when Luke came into my room and got in bed with me. I woke up to him wrapping his arms around me as we were face to face. I stirred and he spoke softly, "Hey, hey. It's just me. I couldn't sleep, I needed you."

I smiled, eyes still closed. "Night, Luke."

"Night, penguin." Was the last thing I heard before I fell right back asleep. I always did sleep best in Luke's arms.


Yay, Spring Break!

Spring Break Luke is going to be something else. I'm very excited for their first vacation as boyfriend and  girlfriend. So i'll probably make at least two more long chapters about it. 


Close as Strangers》HemmingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang