Chapter Thirty

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Michael and I both ran towards the living room but he held me back when we caught sight of them.

"What are you doing?" I whispered. I wanted to give her a piece of my mind. I also wanted to head butt this little bitch but Michael was holding me back.

"We both know Luke has to end this. Plus Luke never yells." He whispered.

"I don't know how many times I have to say it, Sam! You are nothing to me! I'm in love with Gwen! Always have been and probably always will! Even if she were to leave me and never speak to me again, that'd be it for me, okay? I don't want anyone or anything else and you know that so stop chasing after something that's a dead end."

"Luke," Sam practically whimpered. I could see she was crying. Hell, I would have to if Luke raised his voice at me. I've never done well with that sort of thing.

"No, Sam. It's always been her, always. When I was with you I thought about her, he'll I even yelled out her name and you pretended no to notice."

Sam let out a sob. I felt for her but Luke had this conversation with her so many times I guess he had to write it out for her.

"I'm sorry, but this will Never Ever happen. So please go find someone who will give you a chance because once you have someone who loves you, you can do anything."

"You're an asshole." Sam sobbed out and ran off. Which made me even happier knowing she was leaving for good today. She'd understand his advice someday just not now. I never knew why people had to chase after someone saying, 'I always get what I want' or some crap.

I heard Luke sigh and close the door and Michael put his hand over my mouth and brought us back to his room. He sat us back on the bed and back to what we were doing. "Michael, what the f-" I was interrupted by the door opening and Luke coming through.

"Hey," I said softly.

"Luke, what's up?" Michael asked.

Luke chuckled. "I know you guys heard me. It's not like I was exactly quiet while conversing with her. Plus Mike, I could hear you go, 'Oh shit.' Every time I said something to her.

I couldn't help but laugh as Michael just shrugged. Luke rolled his eyes and smiled, walking over to the bed to sit with us. He got behind me so I was sitting in between his legs. "I didn't mean to yell at her but I couldn't help it. It was like she wouldn't listen unless I did."

"I'm sure it's what you needed to do because it looks like she got the point." I smiled up at him.

He softly smiled back to me, "Maybe."

"She'll understand when she's older." Michael said. "She's a weird little teenage who wants to bend and break the rules because it's 'cool.' Michael made air quotes making Luke and I laugh. "She'll see that she was just acting like a dumb little teenager."

"What did she say that made you yell, get out?" I asked after a quiet minute.

Luke breathed out. "I opened the door and she was like, 'You've got one last chance before I leave.' Then she was trying to practically pose while in he doorway."

Michael busted out laughing and then pretending to pose. "Oh Luke, quick we don't have much time." *new pose* "I know you want me." *new pose* "Who's Gwen?" *new pose* "Damn, I'm hot."

"Okay, okay." I stopped him as Luke died beside me. "She made herself enough of a fool."

"Okay, fine." Michael rolled his eyes. "It would be you to stop us making fun of the girl that wanted to get rid of you."

"Well, she didn't." I stated.

"And she couldn't." Luke added making me grin.

"Ew, I forgot how sickening you guys are." Michael said.

"I believe the word is cute." Luke said and Michael nodded, "Right, silly me."

Luke and I laughed and I spoke. "I love you guys."

They both looked at me with a huge smile. "Love you too."

"I'm sorry Sam ruined this trip." Luke said.

"No, Luke." I turned to him. "This trip wasn't ruined."

"Well, it didn't exactly go great." He huffed out a laugh.

"Okay, true." I smiled. "But this trip was still great. I'm with my best friends. It's my last trip as a senior in high school. It's out first couple get away."

"Oh god, our first couple get away. This trip really did suck."

"Luke, you drama queen." Michael spoke. "Gwen was with you and when she's with you nothing's bad. God, are you two disturbingly in love. It doesn't matter that it wasn't perfect, it was ideal because you were right by her side." Michael huffed.

Luke and both stared at him. "Couldn't have said it better myself, Mikey. Thank you?"

"I need to call Quinn, get out."

"Awe, you need to call your girlfriend." Luke cooed.

"Hemmings," Michael warned.

"We're going." I got up and dragged Luke with me.

We went to my room and laid on the bed. "Shit, now I need a nap." Luke said.

"Me too," I moved to get under the covers and Luke did the same. I snuggled in close to him.

"Gwen, I'm sorry about Sam. Really I-"

"Baby, it's over. Don't worry."

"I like when you call me baby." I could hear his smirk.

I laughed and opened my eyes, "I like when you call me princess."

His eyebrows shot up, "Is that so."

"It is," I shot my eyebrows up. "No more talk of Sam, okay. She'll never have you. You're mine."

"I'm yours and you're mine." Luke licked his lips and I nodded. "Say it."

"I'm yours." I said almost above a whisper.

"Screw the nap." Luke threw back the covers with that damn smirk.


The end.

Ha ha, just kidding.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Kinda just a filler chapter but still some lwen fluff.

I want Luke to tell me I'm his cause I have been for a long time! Who's with me!? Lol, no one.

Either way, I can't believe in on Chapter Thirty! I've also gotten almost two thousand reads since the last time I've posed. Thank you guys! Thank you so freaking much, you're making my dreams come true, love you guys! :)

#lwen is otp!

Laters! Aha

Close as Strangers》HemmingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz