Chapter Four

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It was about ten when I went and grabbed a water from the kitchen. Thank god they had these for the designated drivers. I had never enjoyed drinking. The thought of not being in control of my own body terrified me. I tried to steer clear of it when I could. If I did drink it was always in the comfort of my own home, but only to get me buzzing.

I had only seen Michael a couple of times, always with Calum. Calum was showing Michael off like it was his business. Michael, I could tell, was getting to be pretty drunk. With Michael being around Calum, girls had started to flock to him. Which I found quite funny because Michael had only ever had one girlfriend and Calum had, had many.

Last time I saw him he had been making out with his ex, Jenna. Couldn't wait to tell him that in the morning. I decided to go into the game room where some people were having a Mario Kart battle. I sat and watched until about eleven when some girls I knew from English started asking me about writing, classes, and Michael. I had been in a really deep conversation with a girl, Holland, when Ashton appeared at my side.

I hadn't noticed him at first but Holland had. She was staring at him like she could believe he was right there. Ashton put his arm around me, "Hey it's Holland, right?"

She nodded, giddy she replied, "Yes! Hi Ashton, how are you?"

"I'm great," he replied. "Just buzzing, you know?"

She nodded, "Me too, wow."

Wow, Ashton has a very strange effect on girls. He was very attractive though. I moved my head to look at him, I had never been this close to him before. He was very muscular, I had heard he was in a band. He had dimples that were very precious. Dark blonde, tousled hair, very large hands and eyes. He always seemed happy and flirty, no wonder most girls wanted him. I probably would too if I didn't already like Lu- I mean if I was looking for a guy.

Shit, I could even listen to myself anymore.

"Awesome," Ashton said, jerking me out of my thoughts. "Holland, do you mind if I barrow Gwen here for a bit?"

Her smiled had fallen and inch. She looked at me and I gave her an apologetic smile. "Sure, Ashton. Gwen, I'll text you later. I still want to hear about your story."

"Please do," I smiled and waved to her as she walked away. Ashton had replaced her spot in front of me. "Have you seen Luke?" he asked.

"No, why?" I questioned.

"No reason," he smiled and took my hand. "Come on."

We had walked around talked for what seemed like a really long time. Ashton was a lot more than I thought. He was smart, funny, and a great listener. I was really enjoying talking to him. I had talked to him in Anthropology, but never just us two. I saw Luke in the doorway of the room we were in. I gave him a smile, being nice. He just walked out of the room and I frowned. "Turn that frown upside down," Ashton giggled. I turned to look at him, "Oh sorry."

"Don't be, what's wrong?"

I didn't want to tell him it was Luke so I said, "Oh nothing." He sighed, "Gwen. How can we be friends if you don't trust me?" I laughed, "Ash, I barely know you." "It was Luke wasn't it?"

Wow, he was good. He took my silence for a yes. "I knew he didn't just want you to be his tutor."

"What are you talking about? Is he using me or something?" I accused.

Ashton smirked, "I think you know better than to think that of Luke."

"No, he didn't want to be friends with me. I have any right to think of him as I want."

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