Chapter Ten

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It was Christmas Eve and my family and Michael's were all at Luke's parents house, for a party.

We had all just walked into the house when Liz, Luke's mom, came to greet us. "Jane!" Liz said excitedly to my mom.

"Liz!" She went to go hug her.

"Look at you girl, that top is great." Liz said.

"Oh, I got it from the store I told you about." My mom answered.

"Oh, the one you told me about Saturday?" She answered.

"Saturday?" Luke asked walking up.

"Yea, your mom comes to book club sometimes. We still talked to each other when you weren't friends." My mom said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Sure," Liz stated. "We were worried about you two so we always checked in. Plus we knew you two would get back together. We had to stay in touch."

"Oh wow," Luke said.

"So you guys wanted us to be together?" I asked, confused.

"As much as two parents could!" Liz stated making a face.

My mom laughed as Luke and I just stared at each other.

"Let's go," Liz laughed and they walked off.

Michael found is with a full plate of food and a full mouth. "What's up?" He tried to say without food spilling.

"Nothing," Luke said. "Let's go up stairs, the boys are up there."

"Okay," Michael nodded, as we all headed upstairs.

While we were walking, Michael was a head of us, Luke leaned to whisper to me. "Do you find it weird our parents 'ship' us?"

I laughed, "Maybe a little. It's kinda cute though. They bonded over us and became best friends."

He lead me into his room, "They already were best friends."

"True," I said. They were best friends in high school, much like Michael and I. Except they didn't sleep together.

"Gwen!" Ashton cheered. He came over to hug me and pulled back, "Where's my present?" He still had a huge grin. I rolled my eyes and opened my bag on Luke's bed.

"Here's your present from Michael and I," I handed it to him.

"Oh wow, I didn't think you actually would give me something." He said as he took it.

I got out two presents for Calum and handed them to him. He hugged me and handed me one as well.

"Why does Cal get two?" Ashton said with a pout.

"Just open it," Michael said, still eating.

"Fine, fine" he said, opening it. "Oh shit! A ticket to see Mayday Parade and a shirt! Thank you!" He kissed my cheek, earring a look from Luke. Then he ran to Michael kissing his cheek.

"Calum, open yours." I said.

"Okay," Calum said and started to open the on from me. I had gotten him a 'Smells like the only Nirvana song you know' shirt. "I've seen this and I really wanted it, thank you Gwen."

I smiled and he opened his other gift. "It's a note from Michael, says, "Get ready to go see Mayday Parade too!"

"Please do not kiss me," Michael said.

"No problem," Calum said handing Michael an envelope. "Did you get me tickets for Mayday Parade?" Michael asked. "Yep, also a band shirt." Calum chuckled.

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