Chapter Thirty One

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It was our last night in Florida. After Sam left everything was much more calm. Luke hadn't left my side since she left. I think he was scared it change my mind about forgiving him since they kiss d. I knew it was all her though so I really just wanted to forget about it.

We were all in Calum's condo trying to figure out something to do. Luke and Calum's parents went out for dinner and told us to do whatever.

"We could go,to Joe's party?" Calum said. "He's a cool guy."

"No," Luke and I both said. We looked at each other with a slight smile. Although I was over what happened the last time we were at a party. I just didn't want to go to one for a long time.

"Well, I'm hungry." Michael huffed.

"What a surprise." Ashton retorted crossing his arms.

"I'll google what's cool to do around here." I said as everyone mumbled some reply.

We were all excited to go back home but it was going to be hell leaving the beach.

I found a cite that had the top ten most popular things to do around the area.

"Well, besides the beach. There's a museum, oh but it closed at 5. Or there are some different restaurants."

"Yes!" Michael said excitedly.

"Oh wait." I said. "There is a haunted house tour that starts in an hour."

Luke took my phone to look at it.

"That sounds spooky." Ashton creepily moved his long fingers at Calum who just laughed and said. "It could be fun."

"Or boring." Michael interjected and I gave him a pout. "But I know you love this kind of shit so I'll go."

"Yay!" I clapped and smiled. "Thanks, Mikey. So, it starts in an hour and it takes 20 minutes to get there. So get ready boys."

Once we got there and paid we wondered onto the long bus. There were about 15 other people on the bus with us. I was so excited because I loved haunted history. Michael normally didn't get scared but I knew he'd find it interesting. I always loved the Friday nights when Michael and I would stay up watching new and old episodes of Ghost Adventures. It always freaked us out, plus Zak Bagans is a god.

Calum and Ashton were across the aisle from us next to each other. I was in the middle of Michael and Luke. We were in the front one the bus because it was the only place for three besides the back. I'd normally sit with Michael because of our history with haunted stuff but I didn't want to leave Luke. Speaking of Luke, he looked really anxious.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked.

His leg was bouncing at a fire pace. "Huh?" He turned and looked at me. "Me? Oh yeah, I'm all good. All good in the hood."

"Uh huh," I laughed.

"Did someone say my name? I heard hood?" Calum asked.

The door to the bus opened and Luke jumped slightly and then sighed when he saw it was just the tour guide.

"Are you scared?" I asked with a little disbelief.

"Shh, I don't want everyone to know."

"Awe, Hemmingsway."

"Gwen, don't. I just know you like this kind of stuff so..."

"I'll protect you," I kissed his cheek.

Close as Strangers》HemmingsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora