Chapter Twelve

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Okay, this has sexual content. Just a fair warning, hope you enjoy ;) ___________________________________________________________________

I pulled up to Luke's house. I knew he would be the only one home. His parents had gone to the next town over like they do every year, to a big party. I collected my breath, I had been practicing the whole way over here what to say. I got out and headed toward the side yard, where Luke's window was.

I started to think about the time Luke came to my window. It hasn't been that long ago. That was the night I realized how cheesy he was. I felt the tears well up but I pushed them back. I put my keys and phone in my pocket started to climb the wooden garden post they had. I had done it when I was younger and I hoped it would hold for me now.

I went slowly and finally made my way to the roof. I climbed up and made my way over to his window. I could see it was dark but the TV was on. I knew he was awake because he always turned it off to sleep.

I took out my phone with a shaky hand, I hated heights. I was trying not to look down. I pulled up Luke's number ready to call when I slipped. I grabbed onto the windowpane and my phone. I lightly hit my head on the actual window. "Really Gwen, really." I mumbled to myself.

I saw the light of the TV go off and the curtains were thrown back. Luke had a baseball bat and a horrified look on his face, until he saw it was me. "Gwen, what the actual hell are you doing?"

"Open the window, you muppet." I shirked, not sure how long I could keep myself up.

He rolled his eyes and opened the window, helping me in. "You could have just called you know."

"Doesn't that sound familiar," I said, again remembering the night Luke came to my window. "I can say I understand wanting to be romantic now."

"Then you could have thrown rocks at my window," he said, biting his lip. I could tell he was trying to suppress a smile.

"I didn't want to copy you. I was trying it in my own way. I mean I learned from the best on how to be romantic."

"Yea, we can both see how well my teaching skills are. You could have fallen off the roof, Gwen."

"I had to come see you though. I couldn't wait any longer."

"Come sit down," he took me over to his bed and sat beside me. Once we sat, he folded his hands and looked at the ground.

"Luke, tonight I realized a lot of things. I'm sorry about the whole museum tour guide girl thing. It wasn't just about wanting her to know you were mine. I want everyone to know you're mine." This wasn't what I had rehearsed, I couldn't even remember what I had rehearsed.

But I continued on, "You make me so happy and I had been wanting to take us to that step for a while. I just felt that helped me make the move. Now I'm more comfortable with the sexual stuff and wanting to touch you in anyway. Also I was scared because we've only been dating for so long. But again we've known each other for longer. I'm comfortable with you. I'm rambling," I chuckled and put my head in my hands.

I felt Luke's hand run down my back, "I forgive you." Then he laughed and I looked up at him, confused. "Like I could ever really be mad at you." He finally looked at me, "I just, I'm so." He closed his eyes, "Gwen, my feelings were hurt because I felt that you only wanted me for a show. Like it wasn' t about us. I know I over reacted, badly."

He opened his eyes and I gave him a soft kiss, I pulled back and cupped his cheek. "Gwen?"

"Yes, Luke?"

"Why did you become my friend this year? Why did you forgive me?" He asked, pulling my hand down to hold it.

"Luke," I sighed. "Why do you always ask that?"

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