Chapter Sixteen

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It had been more than a week since the party incident and Luke had been acting a little weird. He seemed fine once it was over but the next day he started to avoid me. I wasn't really sure what was going on with him. I had talked to Calum about it but he wasn't sure about the whole thing. I knew Michael didn't really know anything, so my last resort was Ashton. I knew that Ashton knew the most but I guess I was avoiding him. My mind had been rushing through the worst scenarios, like Luke went back to the other Gwen, or he thought that I was an idiot for getting in a fight with her, or worse. I don't know what would be worse but i'm sure there was something.

It was Saturday and Luke was ten minutes late to do our English tutoring. He was never late, if anything he was usually ten minutes early. I waited downstairs on the couch, I had already texted him through out the week with minimal answers so I wasn't about to freak out now. I hadn't really talked to Michael either. He hadn't really come around, he'd mostly been around Calum his past week. It had been a little weird without him.

Sometime later I heard the door open, I popped up from the couch. Both my parents were in the study so I knew who it had to be. I heard two voices, Michael's and Luke's. Just as I thought, Michael knew I had been trying to get in touch with Luke and how worried I had been. I walk into the foyer where they were. As I walked in they were laughing and talking. "Where have you guys been?" I asked, it had come out a little more aggressive than i'd hoped.

They both stopped laughing and turned towards me. "Hey, Gwen. Luke spent the night so we woke up late. Now he's here and you two can tutor." He smiled, "We're kind of hungry though, so let's eat." I looked at Luke who was looking at Michael. Michael had started to walk to the kitchen, "Excuse you," I spoke.

Michael looked at me and then at Luke, then back at me. He walked back to where he had been standing with Luke. "I have been texting and calling both of you with little to no answers. You two have been next door this whole time, j-just ignoring me."

"Gwen, we just needed some guy time." Michael laughed.

"Yea, Gwen. We just needed sometime to talk." Luke stated a little quietly.

"Oh you just needed sometime to talk," I huffed out a laugh. "Throughout all that talking neither one of you could have talked to me really quickly? Told me what was going on?"

"Gwen, why don't we talk over some lunch?" Michael said, calmly.

"It's always about fucking food, with you, Michael. Jesus. You know how freaked out i've been this past week and all you want to do is eat our food. How about you get your own parents to get you some. Oh wait, they're never home."

"Gwen!" I saw my mom and dad standing in the door way.

"No, it's fine." Michael stated, "Sorry Gwen, to inconvenience you." Michael turned to my parents, "Sorry mo- I mean Mr. and Mrs. Isaacs." He hadn't called them that since freshman year. I felt bad suddenly, I was so livid that it didn't matter. Michael pat Luke's shoulder and left.

My parents looked pissed, but again, I didn't care. "Gwendolyn Marie Isaacs, how dare you talk to Michael like that. I don't even know what to say to you." They both gave me disapproving looks and walked out of his house. I figured that they were both going next door to comfort Michael. Part of me was glad he had my parents and the other part was pissed that my parents didn't give a shit about my feelings. I should't have said what I did, I can't believe I did. I wanted to curl up in my bed and cry, I felt alone. Luke was still standing in front of me. He looked confused and sad for me, it just fueled me even more.

"Gwen, I"

"Leave Luke"

"What? Gwen"

"Leave. It's my turn to not want to talk." Except I did want to talk, I needed to but not t to Luke. I ran up to my room to grab my car keys, when I came back down Luke was still there. "I thought you'd leave," I said as I was walking out. "Where are you going, Gwen?" Luke asked. "Oh, like you care." I said, unlocking my car, to get in. When I when to open the door, he closed it and pulled me back. "Gwen, I love you. You know that. So tell me, where are you going?"

"Sometimes you got to get your head right. So that's where i'm going." I pushed him aside and opened the door. "I'm sorry Luke, whatever I did." I got in and closed the door before he could say anything. I started up the car and backed up out of the driveway. I heard him say "Gwen or Gwen come on" but I ignored him so he stood there and watched me, as I left.

I had to talk, I had to stop avoiding him. He was the one who had all the answers. Ashton


Sorry this has taken so long, school has been so busy.

Anyway, if you have any questions or comments let me know.

Hope you enjoy

Laters babies

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