Chapter Nineteen

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Here I was yet again, standing outside Luke's house. It looked like his parents weren't home but maybe his brothers were. I took a deep breath and walked up to knock on the door. I heard Ben yell, "Jack the door rang."

"Oh wow, did it?" was yelled back. "It would be so crazy if after it rang you would be the one to answer it." the voice got closer. The door swung open and Jack's face changed, "Gwen, hey."

Man, did Luke and his brother look alike, it hit me I hadn't seen Luke in days. I craved seeing him and looking at Jack who could be Luke's older twin pained my heart. The welling of tears started and Jack was ready for it. "Hey, come in sweetie. It's cold out, here let's get you warm." He put his arm around me to lead me in. This house was still strangely familiar, I used to be over here all the time. I had practically lived here. Ben was playing video games when we walked in. "Gwen?" he asked confused. "Gwen, are you alright?"

"I need to speak to Luke," I barely managed to get out.

"Of course, Luke, i'll get him." Ben said as he shot up, turning off the tv. He ran up the stairs, I could hear him bang on Luke's door.

"Gwen, here's some hot chocolate. I remembered you don't like coffee." Jack smiled. I hadn't even realized that he had left. I thanked him for the kind gesture.

"Gwen," I snapped my head to the doorway. I knew exactly whose voice that was.

"Luke," A soft smile had appeared on my face. It was nice to see that he had taken these past few days like I had, like shit. He had stubble, his pajamas on: even with it being 3 in the afternoon, his hands were hidden in the ends of the long sleeve shirt, and his hair was matted on his head.

"I'm going to leave you two," Jack said as he walked out past Luke and patted him on the shoulder.

It was quiet for a couple of minutes. I couldn't keep it in any longer. "Luke, i'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have never spoken to you like that. I was just angry and worst of all scared. I thought maybe that you didn't like me anymore or, I don't even know what I was thinking. All I know is my brain went into panic mode when you never called me back."

"Gwen, i'm sorry. I'm an idiot, I love you so much and I freaked out."

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused

He closed his eyes and let a breath out, "That night when you got into that fight with 'The other Gwyn,' she called me the next day and asked to see me."

"And you did?" I became tense.

"Yes, I thought it would be good closure. I didn't exactly break up with her in the best way you know, still wanting you. Well, she and I talked about some guy she liked who had been an asshole to her because he was popular and all this stuff. It sounded like me and you."

"Luke, I told you that non of that mattered anymore." I interrupted him.

"It should, Gwen. You should hate me. I was so wrapped up in wanting to be popular and being happy, that I lost sight of what really made me happy. You. You make me the happiest person in the world, even when we were just friends. I just feel like I don't deserve you. I'm so afraid I going to turn around and end up hurting you again. Gwen...I couldn't live with myself. Hurting you...would be an ultimate punishment for me." He moved closer and took my hand, kneeling in front of me. "I knew looking into your eyes would show me that you deserve so much better, it scared me. So I tried to stay away, it was stupid but I didn't know what else to do."

"Telling me how you felt might have helped." I said, not really knowing how to feel about this.

"I was so venerable, I probably would have just cried." Luke smiled.

I smiled slightly and then spoke, "Luke, I love you and having you in my life is one of the best things to happen to me. You mean so much to me and we deserve each other. Of course we're going to think we don't because we're human, but we are right for each other. If you ever think you don't deserve me than just try to be who you think does. Help improve yourself and i'll do the same, but never change. I love you for you, nothing more nothing less." I said, as a couple of happy tears fell down my cheek.

"I promise i'll try and be the best me for you," He had let a couple of, what I assume where happy tears fall.

"That's all I ask," I grin. I pulled him up for a kiss. I couldn't explain how much I had missed his soft tender lips against mine.

"Aweeeee! Get it baby brother!"

Luke and I pulled apart to see Ben and Jack leaning against the door frame.

"Come on, guys!" Luke stated.

"We're just so happy for you," Ben wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"They grow up so fast," Jack put a hand on Bens shoulder.

"I remember when they took baths together," Ben said.

"Ben!!" Luke jumped up chasing him up the stairs as Jack and I laughed. "Welcome back to the family, Gwen. We've missed you."

I smiled at that. I was definitely happy to deserve such a family.


Hey guys!!

I'm pretty happy with this chapter, I hope you are too. Hope this is a nice treat for the end of the week. I don't want to go back to school.


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