Chapter Eight

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I had hopped out of the shower with a smile on my face. I was a little too excited to see Luke. I had been so happy and it had only been a couple of hours. Plus he had texted me thirty minutes ago asking about if I wanted food.

I was putting on some black shorts and my red Captain America shirt. I was humming Foo Fighters getting dressed. Michael walked into my room, from the bathroom. "Humming and singing? Someone's happy," he smiled, sitting on my bed.

"Oh, I hope my signing didn't wake you." I had been belting in the shower. I was really happy today.

"You forget I love your voice, so it was alright. It was a little creepy that it was Every Move You Make by The Police. None the less." He sighed.

"Luke's bringing Chick-fil-a for us three." I said.

"Chicken!" He grabbed my shoulders, making me laugh. "You and chicken." "Don't pretend you don't love it too. You remember that you were the one who had the dream about eating chicken nuggets." He said, shaking me.

I shot him a look, "Fine, you got me." I stood, getting out of his grasp. "I have to dry my hair."

"Okay, I'm just going to go watch TV downstairs," he stood.

"Alright," I said, walking into the bathroom.

"Alright," I heard him say, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes, "Alright!"

He laughed harder making me chuckle as I got out my hair dryer. "Alright," he said slamming my door and running down the stairs.

"He's such a idiot," I said to myself with a laugh.

Michael and I were watching The Office when Luke walked in. "Ah, The Office." Luke spoke. Coming around to the couch, sittings and putting the food down.

"Luke!" Michael and I both cooed. Michael grabbed the bag.

"I got us all chicken sandwiches and fries. Except Gwen's has no pickle." Luke said sitting down his bag and his drinks. He sat next to me and handed Michael a drink and then me.

"Dr. Pepper?" I smiled

"Duh," Luke answered making a cute face.

Michael was moaning while eating. "Luke if you weren't dating my best friend. I'd make out with you for getting me this."

"It's no problem, Mikey." He smiled at me and I winked back. "So what episode is this?"

"It's the one where Jim comes back." I answered.

"Season three, right?" He asked and I nodded. "Awesome, Jim and Pam are my OTP."

"You know what OTP means?" I laughed.

"Yea," his eyes widened. "Because of them."

"Right," I grinned, eating my food.

Once we were done I had to drag Luke into the dining room. We started to work but Luke was having trouble focusing. We had only written two paragraphs and it had been an hour and twenty minutes.

"Luke, pay attention." I tapped him on the head with my pencil, his hair stopped most of it.

"I don't want to," he whined, putting a hand on my thigh. I had a blush creep onto my face. He saw the way it affected me and started rubbing it.

I looked at him, "You only need three more paragraphs. This is due Monday." He pouted so I said, "If you focus and finish this I'll give you a treat."

He crooked his head, "A treat?"

"A treat"

"What kind? Candy, drink, you?"

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