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        It was August 22nd, the first day of my senior year. I was pretty excited, I honestly felt this was going to be a good year. I guess I was also happy it was the last year, of high school. I got up and turned off my alarm. The clock read, 7:15. I only lived about three minutes away from school, so I could have slept in a little more.

        I got up anyway and grabbed my uniform out of my closet. Yet another reason to be excited about this school year, I only had to wear this awful thing one more year. I got dressed and went to the bathroom going through my morning routine. I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs. I went into the kitchen and saw my mom and dad eating breakfast.

My dad looked up from the paper, "Gwen, look at you. You're up before noon, how does that feel," his smile was contagious.

"Forced," I smiled 

He laughed and went back to his paper. "Gwendolyn," my mom spoke.

I swear she was the only one who still used my whole name. "Yes ma'am?"

She walked over to the table handing me two paper sacks. "Your and Michael's lunch for today."

I smiled and looked up at her, "Thanks Mom." "Sure," she spoke and sat down. I started to eat some toast that was on the table when Michael walked in.

"Sorry I'm late," Michael shouted from the hall way as he walked into the kitchen.

Michael and his family had moved in next door my freshman year. His parents were never home because they were always at work. So once we became friends he just decided to become my brother. He actually has a connected room to mine in my house. It's still a guest room but Michael has clothes and stuff in it.

I think that my parents had felt bad he was always cooped up in that house alone. They love him as their own though. He goes everywhere with us. Plus, I think they're happy I have a best friend ever since what happened with Luke.

Michael walked to the table, he said his hellos and goodbyes. He grabbed some toast and grabbed me, "We have 10 minutes, come on."

"Have a good day," my parents cooed

"We will," we chimed back.

We climbed into my car. I hated driving so Michael always drove for me. "Mom made you lunch," I held up the brown bag that said, 'Michael' on it. He quickly glanced at it while driving, "That woman is my soul mate."

"Because she made you a sandwich?" I laughed. "That's not what soul mates are for."

"Not in that way," he retorted. "I believe you're my friendship soul mate."

I smiled, "I can see that." He pulled into the school parking lot and parked. We hopped out of my car and walked into school. I handed him his lunch and asked, "What's your first class again?"

"Algebra 3," he huffed out.

I laughed softly and sarcastically said, "Your favorite!" We got to his locker and he said, "I so excited I could hurl myself out the window."

"Please don't, we need each other to get through this last year."

"Yea, yea," he smiled. "You have to go to your locker. You know that Henderson kid left so your locker will be next to Luke," Michael said with a soft voice.

I just stared at him. Shit, I thought. I hadn't talked to Luke since Christmas break of freshman year. We had been best friends since second grade. Once high school came around that was all over. Luke had wanted to be popular where as I wanted to just do well in school and be myself. Luke had never understood why I wanted that when, 'Everyone could want to be you.' He had pushed me out of his life, much to my dismay. I was practically in love with him and now every other girl, and some guys, were in love with him too.

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