The Legend: Part II: Chapter 4 - Stood Up

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Link's P.O.V

As the cool water washed over me the voices suddenly stopped. I sighed in relief and faced Zelda. "Link? Are you okay?" She asked. Zelda was clearly worried. "Yes, I'm fine. I just felt sick for just a moment." I lied. Zelda lowered her shoulders and rolled her eyes in relief.  She stepped forward and pressed her hand on my forehead to feel my temperature. "You seem fine to me." She stated. "Come on lets go to bed." I suggested. Zelda rolled her eyes at me. "Its nearly morning already. " Zelda sighed sadly. I could tell that her life as a new Queen was wearing on her. "What are your duties tomorrow?" I asked. Zelda groaned in response. "I have to meet with-" She started but suddenly stopped. "Meet with who?" I questioned. "Rutella! And all the other sages!" She exclaimed. "Should I be present?" I asked. "No!" She quickly answered. "Well if that's all you're doing tomorrow, perhaps you should come with me and we could visit the springs in Ordon?" I suggested. Zelda's eyes lit up. "That sounds wonderful!" She squealed. I smiled at her as I cupped her cheek. "Its a date then?" I inquired. Zelda nodded her head yes as she stepped forward and embraced me. I hugged her with full force. "Meet me at the back gate?" I suggested. "What time?" Zelda asked. "Two in the afternoon." I answered. Suddenly the room lit up as the sun peaked through the open curtains.  "You should go." Zelda stated sadly. "Not without this." I chuckled a I quickly grabbed her and kissed her passionately. When we pulled away from another we were both breathless. "See you later." Zelda laughed as I stuck my boots on. I scooped up my shirt and felt the mask underneath. Carefully I kept the mask hidden as I carried my sword and my shirt in my arms. Once I made it to the balcony I waved goodbye to Zelda and climbed down to my quarters near the new recruits. I heard them hustling about and decided to take a detour to the armory. There I saw that my chest was still locked. There was no damage or any evidence that it had even been opened. I knelt down and shoved the key into the lock. Once it was opened I placed the mask inside but as my hands touched the artifact the voices returned. "Link....Link...Link!"It chanted. I quickly tossed it inside and shut the chest. I then locked it and found that the voices left. I sighed in relief as I leaned against the chest on the floor. "Captain?" Ronin called from outside. I then got up and met the recruits outside. "Good morning." I greeted then. All the recruits suddenly looked between another as if they were judging me. I then looked down at myself that I didn't have a shirt on and my hair was a mess. "Have fun last night?" Ronin teased. "Shut up." I chuckled as I tried to pat my hair down. "Grab a partner and begin sparring." I instructed. They did this until some were battered and bruised. After that we moved on to shield movement, and foot work. The hours were passing quickly, and before I knew it it was nearly time to see Zelda again. "Take a break today. You have all earned the rest of the day off. But tomorrow we will work extra hard so be prepared." I stated. Most of the men sighed in relief while the others groaned about the extra work for the upcoming day. "Hey Link!" Ronin exclaimed. "I was just wondering how did you become such a great swordsman?" He questioned. "Experience." I laughed. "What do you mean?" Mido asked from behind Ronin. "In the beginning I had only wielded a sword once or twice in my village, Ordon. But once I met the Princess and my journey began I was faced with many enemies. I was honestly very out skilled in the beginning, but the more battles you fight the more you see people's weaknesses." I explained. "Its all about taking in your surroundings and noticing details. Its quick simple to spot an enemy's weakness once you've become prone to seeing it." I added. The recruits seem to soak this new information in as they stood there. "Well I'll see you all tomorrow bright and early!" I exclaimed. The recruits murmured good byes as they all dispersed. Once they were gone I quickly freshened up and went to meet Zelda by the gate. I had arrived at the gate just a few minutes early. But soon minutes became hours. I had waited and waited patiently for Zelda. But she did not arrive. Suddenly I became worried. "Was she in trouble?" I thought to myself. "Maybe she's hurt?" I inquired. "No." I told myself. "She's fine." I added. The sun began to set and I suddenly became angry. Zelda had stood me up. I angrily marched back towards the castle in order to give Zelda a piece of my mind. 

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