The Legend: Part II: Chapter 11- The Treaty

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Zelda's P.O.V

We returned to the dining room where lunch had already been served. I sat at the head of the table where Armani sat at the opposite end. Link and King Daltus sat on the opposite sides as we dined. I watched Link carefully as I saw him try to not seem bored. "Where exactly are you from Sir Link?" Armani asked. "Ordon. Its a small farming village." Link answered. "Interesting." Armani stated as he sipped from his wine. "So how exactly does a farm boy become so invincible?" Armani inquired. Link shifted uncomfortably. "He was chosen by the Goddesses. " I explained.  "I see." Armani sighed. "You are very lucky to have such a warrior Zelda. " Daltus chuckled as he stuffed his face with food. "I am aware of that fact."  I stated as I smiled at Link.  Our eyes met and for a moment and time stood still. Link's stare was unwavering as his blue eyes pierced through my soul. But then he looked away and the moment of short intimacy ended I felt lost. "Please excuse me. I have been away from my recruits for far too long. They must continue with their training if they wish to graduate by Summer." Link explained as he stood up and bowed to me and then left the room. I watched him leave in silence. "Shall we get to business then?" King Daltus inquired. "Yes. I think now would be a good time to discuss this." I answered. Armani fetched his advisors while mine cleared the table to make room for various documents. "Armani tells me you had no idea of this arrangement between your father and I." Daltus stated. "That is correct." I answered. Suddenly Armani entered with his advisors. Once he was seated the treaty was revealed. I read it over word by word. It was clear in the treaty that what Armani said was true. Him and I were destined to marry and my father's signature on the treaty proved it. "When was this treaty established?" I questioned. "Just after your mother passed away from the plague." Daltus answered. My mother and along with many others in Hyrule had been taken by a plague long ago when I just learned to walk. I set the treaty onto the table and glanced out towards the window. I could see Link with his recruits. He was so engaging and so far away. I wanted nothing more than to go back to the night we had spent with each other. "Zelda." Armani stated. I quickly snapped out of it and returned my focus on the issue. "Yes?" I inquired. "You seem distracted Milady." Armani added. "No sorry this is just a lot to take in." I lied. "I understand. But Zelda you and my son are destined for each other. " Daltus stated. I folded my hands into my lap and looked at Armani. He was staring at me awaiting my answer. "I understand the benefit of a marriage between us for your kingdom, but I don't see how it will benefit myself or my kingdom." I stated firmly. "A union connecting our two kingdoms would create an even stronger, more fearsome empire!" Armani exclaimed. "Your kingdom is fading, and you seek power to benefit yourselves not you people." I bolded stated. Both the king and the prince of Termina scoffed and were visibly insulted by the comment. "Our people are dying!" Armani shouted as he stood from his chair. "From famine and plague." I added. "Hyrule will be more than welcome to send food over seas for your people. We also have some of the best healers. I would have to speak to them and see if they were up for the long voyage, but I'm almost positive they will be." I stated. Armani groaned and threw himself back into his chair. "Zelda you are a young woman. You are in no position to rule. You need a strong knowledgable man beside you to rule." King Daltus stated. Anger washed over me. "I am perfectly capable of being Queen and taking care of my people!" I exclaimed. "Then explain how you nearly lost Hyrule to a man from the desert!" King Daltus shouted. "He was no ordinary man. His soul was absent and his heart was black. Ganon was lost and controlled by his thirst for power just as you are now." I stated. "You were promised to my son!" Daltus shouted. "That was under the binding of my father's rule not mine. Since he is dead his word means nothing. I am Queen therefore I make my own path and decide what I see best for my kingdom and its people." I explained. "If you break this treaty I will have no choice but to declare war on Hyrule." King Daltus stated firmly. "You would sacrifice so many lives just because I wouldn't marry your son?" I inquired. "No because you denied Termina of retribution!" King Daltus shouted. "Zelda you said so yourself. War is not the answer." Armani tried. I glanced at him to see that he was genuine. He did not want war either. "If I marry you will Hyrule remain at peace?" I questioned. "Hyrule will remain untouched." King Daltus swore. "Then it shall be done." I stated.

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