The Legend: Part II: Chapter 23 - Poisoned

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Link's P.O.V

Much time had passed since I dropped Zelda off at the castle. I had joined my recruits in merriment as they all celebrated at the pub. I had drank very little and planned to keep my composure and remain sober for I was to visit Zelda tonight. I prayed that Armani, that prick, hadn't touched her and agreed to the plan Zelda and I had created. Most of the recruits were dancing with fair ladies that had acquired, while the rest were passed out on the floor or scattered about on tables.  "I should get going." I thought to myself as I slapped a couple rupees on the table and made my leave. "Wait kind Sir!" one of the Tavern maidens exclaimed. She approached me with a glass in her hand. "This one's on the house for bringing in all of these lovely costumers." She stated with a wink as she set down the glass. "I appreciate it but I really shouldn't." I laughed. "To tell you the truth a stranger walked in and ordered this and asked it be sent to you. I think you have yourself an admirer. Probably one of your fine recruits. I suggest you sip it and hope the kind donor sees and takes kindly. You wouldn't want to offend them now would you?" She chuckled. "I guess so." I sighed as I brought the drink to my lips and sipped it lightly. As the tavern maiden watched me drink it down she bowed and left me. I set down the drink and fished out a couple of rupees to place on the table. I then got up and made my leave. I opened the pubs doors revealing the crystal clear night sky. It was relatively cool this night and I basked in the fresh air. It was stuffy in the pub and I never cared for that type of atmosphere. I could only think of Zelda right no. She was to be my future wife. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. Suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my lungs and throat. I attempted to cough but the pain did not falter. i glanced at my hand as I removed it from my mouth to see I had coughed up blood. "I've been poisoned." was my first thought. My vision began to blur and I could barely maneuver through the Castle Town streets. I managed to make it to the Castle gates but not before I fell to the ground and felt the world darken around me. 

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