The Legend: Part II: Chapter 36 - Captured

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Zelda's P.O.V

I awoke to find myself in a bed and with an aching pain in my head. I tried to sit up but felt dizzy as I did so. "Whoa! Try not to move too much." A voice suggested. I opened my eyes to see it was Uli. "W-Where am I?" I asked. "You're in my house sweetie. We found you passed out before the woods, your head was bleeding." Uli explained. I recalled the sweet lady  from when Link had taken me to Ordon. She was Rusl's wife and she was pregnant at the time. But now I could see her swollen belly was gone. I reached for my head but hissed in pain as my hand came in contact with it. "Try not to touch it either." Uli suggested. "Yeah, good idea." I chuckled. "I'm sorry I had to take off your wrap your Highness. I didn't know it was you at the time I found you, but luckily it was just me and Rusl who saw it was you." She explained. "Thank you Uli for taking care of me." I thanked. "Not just you anymore though." She chuckled. I felt the color drain out of my face. "How did you know?" I asked. "Honey, a woman can sense these things. Plus you're starting to show a little bit." She laughed. I glanced down at my stomach to see a small baby bump. "It can still pass as fat right?" I asked. "To a man yes, to me, not a chance." Uli laughed. "I'm guessing Link's at fault for this?" She inquired. I blushed in response. "Oh dear, don't be embarrassed! I just assumed Link and you had romantic relations." Uli tried. "We did. I mean we do." I stated. She shot me a disapproving look in response. "How is Link these days?" She asked as she sat beside me on the bed. "Not good." I sighed. "What do you mean?" Uli questioned. "He's in a great deal of trouble, and I'm the only one that can help him. But I don't know how to. I tried talking to him but it didn't help." I explained. "Maybe you should trying showing him rather then telling him."Uli suggested. "I'll try that next time I see him." I stated. In truth I didn't want Link's friends and family here in Ordon to know about the danger he was truly in, so I kept the charade going. "Now how did you get yourself hurt my dear?" Uli asked as she checked my head wound. "I was trying to climb a tree and I completely fell. I guess I'm not as athletic as I thought I was." I lied. "Now a pregnant woman such as yourself should not be climbing trees and what not. You have a child within you. You must be more careful!" Uli scolded. "Yes ma'am." I stated. "I really should get going." I stated as I stood up. "Not so fast! You're still not healed. I don't think you should be moving around just yet." Uli suggested. "Do you have any red potion?" I asked. "I will go and check in the back." Uli stated as she turned and left towards the back room. She returned with a bottle of red potion and handed it to me. "Thank you." I stated as I unscrewed the top and drank the potion down. Instantly the pain in my head disappeared and the wound began to heal. "Better?" Uli inquired. "Better." I sighed in relief. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" Uli called as she walked towards the front door. "Its the Hyrulian Guard Miss, can you please open the door?" A rough voice asked from outside the house. I peeked out the window to see Armani had caught up. Most of his search party had piled into Ordon already and was sniffing the place for any sign of Link. "Release me! This is down right fairy abuse! I have my rights!" A high pitched voice shouted. I looked closer towards Armani to see that he held a small bird cage in his hand. But there was no bird inside, it was Navi. "Oh no." I gasped. The poor fairy was Armani's prisoner. "Miss please open the door or I will have to use force." The guard stated. Uli shot me a glance of worry before she backed away from the door. "Just break the door down. We don't have time for this!" Armani commanded. Suddenly the guard began to break down the door. The door quickly gave in as the guard kicked it forcefully. "Your Majesty?" The guard inquired as he saw me. He bowed and then apologized. "I'm so sorry I had no idea. I was just following orders." He tried. "Well is he in there?"Armani questioned. "No." I answered for the guard. I walked out of Uli's house to reveal myself to Armani. The prince's expression was satisfying enough as he laid eyes on me. "Impossible! You're supposed to be in the dungeons." He stated. "Release my friend." I demanded as I gestured towards Navi. "Zelda! He threatened to kill me! I had to tell him about the stones I'm sorry!" Navi explained. "I know his next destination is here. Now where is he?" Armani questioned. "He's gone. And he has all three of the stones already, you're too late." I stated. Armani suddenly grew angry. "Guards seize her majesty. Take her back to the castle and put her in her room. Make sure she stays there otherwise you will be punished." Armani threatened. I was roughly grabbed by two guards and tossed into a wagon brought by the caravan. "Take this insect with her as well." Armani commanded as he threw Navi within the cage at me. I caught her before she hit the bottom of the wagon. "Zelda I'm so sorry! I was so scared I didn't mean to tell him." Navi cried. "Shhh! It's okay Navi." I cooed. She cried as we were taken away from Ordon and back to Castle Town. 

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