The Legend: Part II: Chapter 32 - A Plan in Motion

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Zelda's P.O.V

After learning that the temple in Gerudo Valley was built after the time of the Spiritual Stones and the Ocarina of Time, I made it my plan to throw off Armani from Link's trail. I ventured back down the mountain with Navi at my side until I was back in the village where the camp was. Everyone was asleep for the most part but Armani's tent was still lit by a lantern inside. As I crept through the camp I passed Mido's tent. I knew it was his tent because he left the flap open which revealed his sleeping form. I crawled inside and woke him up. "Mido wake up." I whispered as I shook him awake. He stirred slowly. He jumped back in surprise at the sight of me. "W-Who are you?!" He exclaimed. "Shhh! Everyone's asleep! It's me,  Zelda." I stated as I lowered the wrap covering my face. Mido exhaled in relief. "Your Majesty I hardly recognized you." Mido chuckled. "I have a job for you." I stated. "Of course, anything!" Mido exclaimed. "I need you to tell Armani that you've received word from Nabooru in Gerudo Valley that Link was seen there." I explained. "Wait was he there?" Mido asked. "No.  I've figured out where he's going but I need Armani occupied while I catch up with Link. I need you to do this to throw Armani off the trail." I explained. "Yes, Milady! I'll go right now." Mido exclaimed as he crawled out of the tent and ran towards Armani's. I sighed in relief as I saw Mido enter the tent. I then made my way deeper into the village towards Impa's house where I planned to hide out until Armani had left for Gerudo Valley. As walked closer to the house I saw the there was a light in the window. Suddenly my heart fluttered. I know it was unrealistic to think it was Impa inside but deep down I hoped it was. I knocked on the front door and held my breath as I heard footstep inside towards the door. It opened to reveal Gordo. "Uh may I help you?" Gordo inquired. I lowered my wrap to reveal my face. "Zelda?!" Gordo exclaimed with a bow. "I hardly recognized you!" He laughed. "I get that a lot." I laughed as I stepped inside the house. Gordo closed the door behind me as I entered the front room. "I don't mean to sound rude when I ask this but why are you in Lady Impa's home?" I asked. "We wanted to be closer to Ronin. So we moved back here from Castle Town. We had no where else to go." Gordo explained. "That's alright I understand." I stated. Suddenly Laura entered the room. "Have you found Link yet?" She asked. "Not yet but I know where he's going." I answered. "Did someone say something about Link?!" A voice shouted from the other room. It was Gordo's father from inside the living room. I approached him and he acknowledge my presence. "Your Highness! I have something important to tell you regarding Link!" He exclaimed. "What do you mean?" I inquired as I knelt beside him. He sat in an old rocking chair as he reached out to me. I grabbed his hand and held it in mine. "After the battle with Ganondorf and your death, Link was heartbroken. He was lost. He went looking for answers, until finally he found some. He faced a series of tests which he passed of course. His prize was two masks. One was known as the Resurrection Mask. The other is known as the Fierce Deity Mask. Now both these mask hold a great amount of power. As you must have realized now is that Link used the Resurrection Mask to bring you back from the dead. But as for the Fierce Deity Mask I fear it has already consumed him." He explained. The news had shocked me. Link had told me the Goddesses had resurrected me, but it was the mask. "What is this Fierce Deity Mask?" I asked. Gordon's Father sighed as he lowered his head in shame. "I warned the boy of its power but he did not listen." He cried. "Please tell me." I begged. "These masks were created by a spirits from the moon and given to a warrior. But he did not receive these without giving the spirits something in return he had to gather all of the other masks and give them back to the spirits, for they did not belong on this earth. He did this and was given the 'Resurrection Mask' and the 'Fierce Deity' mask. This mask had the power to bring the dead back to life while the other mask was told to have the spirit of a warrior with no soul. He used the Resurrection Mask to bring back an army from the dead and then used the Fierce Deity mask to defeat his enemies. The Fierce Deity mask gave him great strength and immortality. But some say the mask consumed him and the spirit of the mask took control of him." He explained.  "Oh no." I cried. "Do you think the Fierce Deity Mask has already consumed him?" I inquired. "I pray not. For if it has Link will be lost to us forever." He sighed. I felt a rush of overwhelming panic. Link was in danger. "I have to find him." I stated. "Wait my Queen! You must be careful! Link may not be Link anymore." Gordo exclaimed. "I have to try." I stated. "He would do the same for me." I huffed as I rushed out of the house and closed the door behind me. Armani's search party was gone when I returned to the campsite, all that remained was Navi. She was flying around aimlessly until she saw me. "There you are Zelda!" She exclaimed. "Navi you should return to the Great Fairy." I suggested. "No way! I'm going to help you find Link!" Navi stated firmly. "Its going to be a long journey, are you sure you can handle it?" I asked. "Do you know who you're talking to?! I'm Navi the Fairy and my friend Link is in trouble. You have my help missy whether you like it or not." Navi sassed. "Alright then." I laughed. 

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