The Legend: Part II: Chapter 10 - The Mask Calls

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Link's P.O.V

I had avoided Zelda at all costs. It had been a few days since the night we made love, and ever moment away from her was like a knife in my chest.  I had to stay away. Zelda was betrothed and there wasn't a place for me here anymore. I had made plans to return to Ordon but not until I had assisted graduating the last batch of recruits. Ronin, Mido, and all the others had worked so hard and in a few days they would officially become apart of the Hyrulian Guard. It was the least I could do, after all they were my responsibility. But once Zelda appeared in the crowd it felt like those plans were about to change. Time had stopped and there she was. As beautiful and full of life as the day I had met her. There were two men with her. Her fiancé and the King of Termina.  Anger swelled within me at the sight of him. He was thin and tall and surely not capable to take care of Zelda. The two men were set on seeing me fight as if I were some sort of prized freak. But I could see in Zelda that she needed to please these two. For her I would do anything. "Ronin! Mido! You're up!" I exclaimed. Both young men stepped forward. Their hands twitched for a blade as eagerness was evident in their eyes. I tossed both of them wooden sparring swords. "Can't we make it more interesting? Give them real blades for pity's sake!" Daltus exclaimed. Zelda seemed uncomfortable and genuinely concerned at the idea. "I don't think-" Zelda tried but was rudely interrupted. "Yes! Let's see the hero in the heat of battle!" Zelda's fiancé exclaimed. "Fetch the swords." I instructed Mido and Ronin. They quickly retrieved the blades and returned within just a few moments. Once everyone was armed I awaited Zelda's permission to proceed. We locked eyes and what I saw was fear. She was afraid. "Begin!" Daltus demanded. Suddenly Mido and Ronin charged me both swinging widely and ill formed. I dodged both attacks leaving both Ronin and Mido frustrated. Mido aimed high while Ronin aimed low. I blocked Mido's attack with my sword and jumped upwards to avoid Ronin's. This went on for awhile longer until both devised a plan. They would attack together. I side stepped causing Ronin to fall forward and his bald to scatter out of his hand. I bent down to help him up but Mido quickly charged from behind. "Link look out!" Ronin advised. I turned just as Mido's blade skimmed past my side. His blade drew blood but it was nothing  that could kill me. Mido drew back and proceeded to attack. I quickly kicked his legs out from under him and knocked his blade out of his hand. I then pointed the blade towards Mido's neck. "Do you yield?" I asked.  "Not yet!" Ronin shouted as he tackled me from behind . I flipped him over my shoulder so that he landed right beside Mido on his back. I then aimed my sword at both of them. "Do you yield?" I asked once more. "We yield." Mido and Ronin stated in unison. I then tossed the sword to the side and offered both them a hand. They then took it and pulled themselves up onto their feet. Zelda was on here feet as she eyed the wound on my side. It was minimal but it was enough to worry her. I covered it with my hand and mouthed to her that I was fine. "Quite a show!" The King of Termina exclaimed as he stepped into the sparring circle and patted me on the back.  "He is quite the warrior. He single handily defeated a Dragon within Death Mountain before, and even a Gothma!" Zelda bragged. I stood proudly beside her. "You must accompany us to lunch! I wish to hear more great stories of your heroics!" King Daltus demanded.  "Of course! If that's alright with her majesty." I added as I looked towards Zelda. She nodded her head yes and smiled. "Link...." A voice whispered. I instantly recognized it. The voice belonged to the mask. "Link.....Come to me." The mask called. Suddenly deep within me awakened. I felt this mighty need to go out and reunite with the mask. But it was until Zelda touched my arm did I snap out of it. "Please join us." Zelda instructed. "Of course. Lead the way my Queen." I answered. 

The Legend: Part IIWhere stories live. Discover now