The Legend: Part II: Chapter 27 - Fierce Deity vs Armani

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Zelda's P.O.V

I watched as Link entered the ring to face Armani. He was hunched over and balancing on his sword, and was clearly not fit to fight in this duel. "Shall we begin then?" Armani inquired. Link and I exchanged looks. He nodded his head yes as I stared at him with worry. "Don't worry." He mouthed. "You may proceed with the duel as gentlemen." I stated as I attempted to stop my eyes from watering. Link was going to die and I was going to let it happen. "Oh please Goddesses, protect him." I prayed. Link and Armani faced one another and then bowed with their swords unsheathed. Link bowed farther than Armani indicating honor while Armani barely tipped his head. The moment Link lowered his head Armani attacked. He kicked Link in the chest knocking him back. Link cried out as his stitches ripped open. His shirt was stained red with blood as he began to bleed out. "Link!" I cried. Armani laughed as he circled him. "I have to say I'm disappointed. The great chosen Hero can barely put up a fight." Armani mocked. Link was fuming. He was clearly angry as he got up and ignored his current pain. Link charged Armani. The prince simply side stepped to avoid the attack leaving Link's back wide open. Armani slashed at his back cutting deeply. Link fell to the ground and his sword scattered out of his hands. "No!" I cried. Armani then kicked his side to roll him over onto his back. "So long Link." Armani laughed as he raised his sword above Link's chest to ready for the final blow. Suddenly Link fished out a small object. It appeared to be some sort of mask. He quickly put it on and within seconds a blinding light appeared. Once the light dissipated smoke filled the air. It was thick which made it hard to find Link and Armani in the ring. Eventually it cleared to reveal Armani on the ground and Link above him. But was it Link? The figure that stood above Armani was much more  able-bodied then the Link I saw just moments ago. His hair was a distinctive silver and his armor had changed from green to blue and gray. Various markings were etched into his chest piece, while similar markings were on his face. "Link?" I called. His face turned to reveal his eyes. Where there was once blue eyes was two white voids in its place. Link then stepped off of Armani and made his way towards me. Armani instantly got to his feet and charged Link. "Watch out!" I warned. Link didn't even pay any attention to Armani. He focused on me. Armani swung with his sword at Link but what happened I couldn't believe. Link had caught the sword with his bare hand. Armani's eyes widened in horror as Link bent the sword with his one hand. He tossed the sword away and then punched Armani nice and clean causing the Prince to fly several feet backwards. The crowd cheered as Armani struggled to get up. Link brought his attention back to Armani. He brought his sword to the Prince's neck. "Link! Wait!" I cried out. But he ignored me. I quickly stepped down from the stage and entered the ring. "Link stop! This isn't you! Stop!" I shouted as I ran to them. Armani cowered on the ground as Link raised his sword to deliver the final blow. As I ran towards them I swiped up Armani's broken blade. As Link was bringing down his sword to kill Armani I jumped in between them. Link's sword made contact with the broken blade and shattered before my eyes. I fell back on the ground beside Armani. Link's eyes widened in surprise, yet he said nothing. "What are you doing?" I asked him. He looked away. "Link?" I called. Something was off with him. "Zelda!" A voice shouted. I glanced over Link's shoulder to see it was a handful of Link's recruits. They were armed and ready for battler. "Are you alright?" Ronin asked. "I'm fine. Something is wrong with Link. " I answered. Link's head suddenly snapped back towards me. He grabbed me by my arm and tossed me to the side. He lifted his sword once more to kill Armani but not before his recruits could intervene. "C'mon Link this isn't you!" Mido shouted as he charged Link. Ronin quickly attended Armani while another guard came to me. "This way Milday." The guard instructed. "Ronin look out!" I screamed as I saw Link swing his sword downwards. Link's sword quickly cut through Ronin's shoulder as he was attempting to protect Armani. The prince cowred in fear as Ronin cried out in pain. "No!" I cried. Ronin fell forward while Armani ran towards the guards and I. Link was out of control. "Link snap out of it!" I shouted. Mido swung his sword at Link but was quickly cast aside by Link's sheer strength. Link then turned to face me. He looked around and conveyed the scene. He appeared confused by what he had done. Link shot me a longing glance before he turned and ran. "Link wait!" I cried out. But he didn't listen. He ran and ran until he was out of sight. "Milady should we go after him?" A guard asked. "Yes send in a troop. Bring him back alive." I ordered. I then ran to Ronin's side. He was bleeding out and fast. He was sobbing while he grasped at his wound. "Shhh, its going to be okay." I assured him as I attempted to stop the bleeding. I tore my dress to make a gauze. "Take care of Laura for me." Ronin begged. "Don't talk like that. You're going to take care of her. You're going to pull through. You're going to survive." I stated. Suddenly Ronin was silent. His breathing slowed and then he stopping breathing all together. "No." I huffed. "No!" I cried. I check his pulse and listened for any indication that he was still breathing. But there was nothing. "Ronin...I'm sorry....I'm so sorry." I cried. I gently closed his eyes and then kissed his forehead. "The Goddesses will take care of you now. " I stated. Suddenly the sun disappeared behind the clouds and it began to rain lightly. The blood was washed away by the rain and any indication of the wound was nearly gone besides the deep cut in Ronin's shoulder. "Why would Link do this? How could he?" I asked myself as I stared at Ronin's life less body. 

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