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A/N: This may be a little bit confusing but the one part I wrote in the first chapter with the newspaper article and stuff? Pretend that was like a pre-reference sorta kinda thing. So what I'm writing right now is the supposedly present. Just to clear up and confusion.

And none of these Harry Potter characters belong to me. Just another fanfic

Sarah's POV:

I arrived at platform 9 3/4. I said my goodbyes to my mom, but she asked if I was alright. "Yea I'm fine, Mom, don't worry." I could tell she didn't believe me, but she just kept quiet. I stepped onto the Hogwarts Express and waved to my mom as the train started moving, like all of the other kids always did to their close relatives saying goodbye. I plastered a fake smile on my face until I couldn't see the detail of her face anymore. I ducked back into the empty compartment I found at the back of the train. "Dang, I'm going all depressed," I thought to myself. I couldn't help myself though. As soon as I woke up from that crazy dream at the end of the school year, I went downstairs to ask Mom, Lucius, and Narcissa what it was about. They told me that that was what happened at school that night. I asked if Dad was coming home. Mom replied saying that he would have to stay in hiding for awhile before he gathers more Death Eaters and comes up with a plan.

After about five months of thinking about this, I still didn't understand why Voldemort didn't just come to stay with the Malfoy's. I mean there house is pretty safe, if you put the weekly Ministry checks to make sure there was no Dark activities going on because Lucius was "once" a Death Eater but was "put under the Imperious Curse" and could "possibly be under it now". Who believes that poo anyways. I was pretty antisocial during those summer months. I would only speak when spoken to or speak simply with polite manners. Other than that, I was usually up in my room, reading like the mudblood again. I barely even talked to Draco.

I was sitting alone in my cabin. The only person that tried to make eye contact with me was the female Oompa-Loompa that sells you overpriced sweets. I replied to her offer with an evil glare. She walked away mumbling about anorexics and teen diets. Oh, please. Half the time I was in my room all summer, I was sure that I tried every flavor of the Every Flavor Jelly Beans. I was making a mental test inside my head to see what was best, worst, fruitiest, etc. when there was a knock at the compartment door. It was Draco. He cracked the door opened as if he was afraid of me before asking if he could come in and talk. Draco looked like he had a squinted and pained expression as I took my breath to reply. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Nothing!" he replied immediately. "Well come in then." Relief washed over his face as he opened the door wider so he could enter the compartment. I took my trunk from the seat opposite of mine, mentally signalling to him that he should sit there. We started talking small talk before there was an awkward silence.

"Sarah, what's really wrong?" Draco questioned. Because he didn't know about Dad being back yet, I poured my heart out to him about what happened. "MydadgotbackthenightoftheTriwizardTournamentandhetrappedPotterandkilledsemi-hottieandtherewasbloodandDadgaveMr.MouseashinyhandandhedidntcomebacktoyourhouselaterthatnightlikeIthoughthewasgoingtosoIwentalldepressedandthinkythinkylikestupidmudblo..." "Okay I think I got it," said Draco. "Great I feel like my mouth has been jinxed by the tounge tying curse!" I told him. He just rolled his eyes. I was already feeling better after sharing this with him. After I explained what happened slower and clearer, we dropped the subject and talked like we usually did. Eventually, the prefects came around and told us we had to put on our school robes. I ushered Draco out saying a chick needs her privacy so she could change. As soon as he was out of there, I changed my into my robes with magic, then I sat down and started doodling for twenty minutes just to bother Draco. When he started pounding on the door, I decided that I had to wait another five minutes just to make him angrier. I opened my door with the swish of my wand, purposely having my notebook slip so he could see the complex drawing that wasn't there before. The look on his face was priceless. I'm not a Slytherin for nothing! Plus the fact that I'm Voldie's Daughter but that shouldn't count since I never got to know him yet. Let alone meet him. Oh well!

We pulled up to Hogsmead's station. I got in a thestral's carriage with Draco, Goyle, Crabbe, and Pansy. I watched in disgust as Pansy epically failed in flirting with Draco so as we stepped out of our two star ride(very bumpy) I made a point of quickly kissing Draco on the lips before saying I would be right back. Pansy stomped off to some other Slytherins I dont care enough about to remember there names. I walked over to Ginny Weasley. Might as well. If I want to help Dad with anything, it would help ro get close to Potter, and Ginny was just step one.

I introduced myself as Sarah Dirdel. She said her name was Ginny Weasley. "I know!" I replied acting flustered to meet her. "How could I not know the sister of one of Harry's best friends!" Ginny's face turned as red as her filthy blood-traitor hair. "Umm thanks?" She said obviously embarrassed. "No problem! Well I got to go. Dumbledore is going to start talking soon!" "Bye..." she mumble as she quickly walked away, freaked out. Too strong? I asked myself. Nahhh. I walked over to the Slytherin table next to some new people today. Dumbledore started and finished speaking before anyone could say Dobby's Sock (that stupid yet adorable house elf that Potter made leave). The new people around me were talking, but I wasn't listening to there conversation. I was staring at Draco. Just staring at him made me realize some things I've never noticed before. Of course I always saw his ridiculous hair styled to his mommy's liking, but it was his piercing grey eyes that caught me and the way they sparkled when he laughed. Whoa whoa hey!?!? Am I, Sarah Riddle, Daughter of the feared Lord Voldemort, falling head over heals for Draco Malfoy, of whom's house my mom and I were staying at? Was there unnecessary details in that very long question that could have made the sentence question simpler if they were taken out? I knew the answers to both of these questions were a super duper yes!

A/N: I almost ended this chapter here, but I didn't :)

Draco's POV:

Sarah Riddle, Daughter of Lord Voldemort, just kissed me, Draco Malfoy, for whom's house she is staying at! I was speechless. It was just a peck on the lips but there was a fireworks show as big as the U.S. Capitols on the Forth of July (I never even understood that holiday. I mean its just July Forth. Whats so great about it). And the way she smiled when she said she would be right back. Her perfect teeth. Perfect hair. Just a perfect Sarah. For whom I was falling for. I sound like Shakespeare, the English wizard from 400 years ago or something...

I sat in the Great Hall with Crabbe and Goyle flanking my shoulders. They were talking about the next trip to Hogmeade but I was staring at Sarah. Once, she almost caught me staring, so I immediately faked a laugh. Crabbe and Goyle looked confused. "You think having a male cheerleading squad at Hogwarts is funny?" said Goyle. "Haha. No... WAIT WHAT?!?!?!" I said still partially staring at Sarah. "You know, the cheerleading squad? You just nodded to saying you would be the captain?" Crabbe added to Goyle's statement. "You know what? No. Just drop the idea of a cheerleading squad. Just thinking about Goyle in a skirt is giving me nightmares." They looked disappointed, but I hope they were just joking around. But then again... Crabbe and Goyle don't know how to be sarcastic or the meaning of a word with more than two syllables...

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