The DA Class

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  • Dedicated to Pat Mac, Kevin, and Grandma!(Happy Bday!)

A/N: Sorry for not writing the longer chapter in the last upload. To make this chapter longer, I'm going to start writing early and write in my free time. And I shoutout to Katiem97 for actually commenting. Come on people. Please spread the word about this story and vote comment and fan. I'm going to stop blabbing now. And none of these characters(besides Sarah), ideas, spells or names belong to me. Everything goes to JK Rowling.

Sarah's POV:

I woke up with my covers at the end of my bed. Spaz while sleeping much? I rolled over and checked the time. I had an hour until classes start. I was looking through my pile of clothes when something gleamed. I searched for it and picked it up. Ugh. It was the stupid DA coin. I checked the date. The next meeting was in two days. Stupid Mudblood copied my fathers idea of our mark, minus the pain. And the tattoo. And the design. Whatever. Same difference.

Breakfast was waffles again and waffles always lighten the mood. It's good mood food. I sat eating my waffles thinking happy thoughts. Unicorn blood is shiny. Phoenixs burst into flames. Peeves throws objects at first years. I was even happier with these thoughts. I was almost sure nothing could ruin my day. Until the blood-traitor ginger came up to me. My plan disgusts me so much but I'll have to deal with it for my father's sake.

"Hey Sarah! Can I talk to you? Somewhere else?" Ugh the ginger just has to fall for the plan. I stood up and started stepping over the bench as an okay. We walked into the talking corridor again. "Well I was thinking, the trip to Hogsmeade was really fun. You know, with me and you." I nodded without saying anything. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to do something like that again." Weasley said that more as a question than a statement. "Sure. When and where?" I asked trying to hold in my enthusiasm (note the sarcasm). "Maybe the next Gryffindor quidditch match? At the fields?" "Okay but if it's against Slytherin, I won't promise I will be cheering for Gryffindor," I said this as if I was excited. "Awesome. I guess I'll see you at the DA meeting." "Yup! I'll be there." I replied trying to end this terribly boring conversation. I walked away, giving a small wave over my shoulder.

Two days passed quickly. There wasn't much excitement going on at all. Pansy tried to brag about talking to Draco, as always and I shut her up with less that twenty words. Someone recieved a detention in DADA for tapping their wand on their desk while reading. "Wands away! And detention!" The squeaky voice is irritating.

The DA meeting is today. Luckily, I already know where the Room of Requirement is, so I had no trouble finding it or having to walk with the blood-traitor.

The room was dark. With little light sources, the room was a bluish color. A group was already gathered mingling and talking about what they expected. Potter, Weasley, and Granger were in a tight circle, probably talking about what they were planning to teach for the first lesson. When the last person that signed the list arrived, a voice spoke. "Well now we can finally begin." It was the Mudblood. "Today, we will be going over a few basics," Potter finished for her. "Does everyone know how to disarm someone?" Everyone nodded. What a stupid question. We learned that in our first year and have practiced in every other year so far. "We are going to practice on some of these dummies. Everyone choose one and some people might have to pair up." I went To the dummy as far as there was from the main group. I didn't want anyone to be paired with me. I got the spell right every time and got bored. Then I tried Expeliarmus wandless. I succeeded two out of three times. More practice and I can master it. "Great job everyone! And we will move on." Potter continued. "Now we will practice stunning these dummies. Afterwards, we will have duels using these two spells we just worked on." I went back to my dummy. Luckily, no one came near me again. "Stupefy. Stupefy. Stupefy." I finished working on the stuff I knew and tried to preform wandless again. Four out of five. Getting better.

Next was the duels. It was like an around the world. Winner would move on and beat everyone until they got to the person they started with. Potter and Granger started. Granger continued and beat Weasley, Brown, the Patils, the twin Weasleys, etc. Then it came down to me. We walked backwards turned, and had our wands out. We dueled on three. I knew what was coming-"ONE,"- Granger did the same thing every time-"TWO,"- disarm, then stun-"THREE!" She immediately said "Expeliarmus!" My wand flew out of my hand. I could tell she was pleased with herself. Here comes the plan. "Stupefy!" I yelled while moving my hand and arm to do what the wand movement would be. She flew backwards, obviously shocked. "Expeliarmus!" I finished and her wand jumped into the air. I win.

People just stood there shocked. I, Sarah Riddle, defeated the smartest student in our year. "I guess I win then?"

The meeting ended and everyone hurried off to there dorms. I had the longest trek. I was the only Slytherin at the meeting, so I walked alone.

The week went on. More meetings were held and the learners were getting better at what they were doing. We only practiced "the good stuff" and never did anything to harm someone else. Boo.

I started to get close to Ron, even though I still hated him. He thought we would become boyfriend and girlfriend and live happily ever after. We "dated" a couple of times and I pulled on my best acting skills. One date, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course, in my head, I was all like "HELL TO THE NO!" but this was reality and I had to help my father, no matter how disgusted I am. After I replied sweetly, he leaned in and kissed(?) me. It was more like a dog licking your face feeling than an actual kiss. I just sat there, hoping no one was watching me being kissed by a dog. He finally pulled away. Weasley looked happy and obviously didn't notice his own spit on the area around my mouth. My lips were pursed and I avoided opening my mouth at all when I was around him. As soon as he left, I ran to the dungeons and washed my sticky face. I was eternally disgusted.

I spend most of my time now in the Chamber of Secrets. I get bored easily and homework is always a piece of cake. I think about my father in that large and open space. I wondered if he would ever come back for me and if he was, when? I thought about the large mythical snake, Nagini. Was she real? I've always wanted a snake. Since I found out I could talk to them, it has been my dream to own one. Will Draco and I ever be together again? Will my father end up dead, or will Harry Potter? So much to think about and so many questions, but not enough answers.

Harry's POV:

I can't believe Sarah is Ron's girlfriend. I mean, I'm the boy who lived! The boy who defeated Voldemort as a baby! I have every girl I want swooning over me (except Cho Chang) but her! And Ron just has to keep bragging about the great, passionate kiss they shared after he asked her and say she was all over him. I still guess I should leave them some space because this is Ron's first real relationship, but Sarah is just so pretty. I BELONG WITH HER!!! Cool it Harry. You're better than that.

A/N: This is probably a super short chapter so I am sorry. An I need some help for all you readers out there! Ok, ready? WHAT SHOULD SARAHS PATRONUS BE?!?!? I am braindead right now and I need you help! So comment your ideas. Also comment, vote, and fan!

Love ya but I don't really know you so not literally!

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