i triple dog dare you to

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"so shall we begin" louis said with a smirk in his face and rubbing his palms..

first up is liam....

okay soooooo i choose danielle to dare me..liam winked at danielle

she smiled...okay honey i triple dog dare you to wear my lingirie and give a sexy pose...

what"liam screamed i'm not doing that ever...

well than we shall shave your head....danielle gave an evil smirk...

okay fine i'll be back in a minute...i'l get you back for this danielle...he left...

danielle its your turn to choose...eleanor pronounced..

i choose perrie danielle replied...

okay dani i triple dog dare you to give harry a sexy lap dance...

this is easy peazy..thanks perrie danielle smiled and stood up...she swayed her hips moving forward to where harry was sitting and she danced seductively...all this time harry had this shy smile on his face...he was blushing...

i choose zayn to dare me perrie exclaimed

zayn thought for a while and said" i triple dog dare you to kiss me"

what?? kiss you?? thats not even a proper dare perrie responded..

well i dont like bald girls zayn laughed..

okay hubby get ready..she sat on zayns lap and kissed him...

my heart couldnt bear it...last time he kissed me and now he is asking her to kiss him infront of me...why would he do that...i started feeeling uncomfortable...lucy looked at me...i pretended like it was no big deal and i was okay...everyone cheered..i just smiled..

"zayn who do you pick" harry asked him

i pick ashley to dare me...he smiled at me...

wow someone loooks sexy in her lingirie niall laughed looking at liam...liam came out wearing danielle's black lingirie...everyone laughed and harry hooted...come here sexy harry called him...

strike a pose honey danielle took out her cellphone...liam gave a duck face expression and she clicked...

happy can i go change now liam snarled..

what's the hurry you're looking super hot harry laughed..

"shutup" liam grumbled and went back to his room to change..

so where were we....ah zayn picked ashley louis exclaimed

i  uhh i triple dog dare you to stay in the closet  for 3 minutes....

i knew he was afraid of the dark..i was angry for what he did earlier...it was kind of a punishment for him..well am not a saint or an innocent little girl who would let it go...

in the closet,but its dark zayn seemed horrified...

yes in the closet i gave him an evil smile...

or unless you want your head shaved harry added..

fine...he stood up and niall took him to the closet 

your turn ashley...

i choose lucy..i smiled at her..

what do i dare you...lucy thought for a while...she was taking a lot of time to think..

hurry up already i griped..

zayn and liam came back..

i made it out alive zayn groaned...

so whose turn is it...liam asked

tangled up in loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora