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harry's pov

i was sitting in our rehearsing room when niall came rushing in...

"harry the management has called you"he panted

"why"i asked

"maybe they want to talk to you about the incident yesterday"he guessed

i stood up and walked...the only sane person in management is paul besides him everyone's crazy..i dont know what they'll be telling me...i took a deep breathe before opening the door..

"hello"i greeted

"are you out of your mind harry,we clearly told you that you're not allowed to commit to a relationship,didnt we"braun shouted

"calm down braun"paul tried to calm him down

"how are we going to clean up the mess he created"braun shouted again

i just stood there leaning my back on the door..

"you're going to have to break up with her or else your career is going down mate,you'll loose your fans,dont you get that"braun shouted

"i'm sorry but i cant leave her"i said my eyes were downcast

"what do you mean you cant leave her?you have to leave her harry,you'll loose your fans"paul tried to convince 

"why me???all the boys are allowed to be committed but why not me"i shouted

"you're the heartthrob,girls go crazy for you and if they find out that you're committed to someone it'll ruin everything"braun shouted "do you think your fans will accept her,they will only make her life hell"

"i love that girl and there is no way i'm leaving her...i'm ready to give up everything for her"i stated and walked out.slamming the door...

"guys i'm heading home"i said carrying my bag..

i was driving the car..all the things that braun said kept running in my mind...why me? i know my fans will be supportive,they'll be okay with the person i choose,they are happy as long as i'm happy...

i cant even think about leaving life wont be as meaningful as it is now that she is in it..

i parked my car and walked up...i was really tensed and angry...i took out my keys and opened the door..

"you're home early"ashley smiled

her smile took away all my anger and my tension...loooking at her and talking to her really calms me down..

"you look tensed baby,is everything alright"she asked..

"had a fight with the management people"i put down my bag and slouched on the couch..

"everything will be alright,dont worry"she came and sat next to me...i put my head on her lap and she ran her finger through my was relaxing...she started humming and then she was singing the song "bridge of light" i loved that song...her voice,so soothing,i fell asleep...

after a while i woke up..i rubbed my eyes and stood up...i walked towards the bathroom...something smelled really good in the kitchen..i walked to the kitchen and ashley was cooking..

"mmm smells good"i said hugging her from back

"will be ready in a minute,go wash up"she said tasting the food she was making

i went to the bathroom and washed up...i went back and took my seat..she served me a plate

i hurriedly took the spoon and started eating...

"slow'll choke"she chuckled

"it's delice"i showed her a thumbs up..


we were sitting on the balcony drinking wine and talking about our lives...

"ashley thankyou for being in my life"i looked at her....she looked so beautiful under the moonlight...

she smiled at me and my heart raced...



"what do you think of babies"

i looked at her and said "well they are cute,chubbey,adoreable but why do you ask" 

"just like that" she looked up in the sky...

"we're going to have 12 babies"i said

she looked shocked and looked at me with wide eyes "12 babies are you mad"

"i want a football team"i chuckled

"i'm not marrying you"she teased

"you'll have to or else..."i threatened

"or else what"

"or else i'll tickle you"i started tickling her

"stop it harry"she laughed

"say you'll marry me"

"okay okay i'll marry you"she gave up

that's like my good girl i said and i kissed her forehead...

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