cherry blossom tree

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Ashley's pov

"good morning beautiful" his voice woke me up

"morning"i woke up lazily...he had made me breakfast...

"breakfast in bed,i like it" i smiled..

"anything for a beautiful girl like you"he smiled back 

"so you do this kind of things for all the other girls"i teased

"no i don't,why would i?"he raised his eyebrow

"well i've seen the girls you've dated...and they are really pretty"i said taking a bite from the toast

"they're nothing compared to you"he came forward and kissed my forehead

i smiled...i could feel the goosebumps....

"hurry up and get ready we're going out today" he stood up

"where are we going"i asked curiously..

"its a surprise"he smiled and winked at me and walked out of the room

where is he taking me,i wonderd..

i went to the bathroom to take a shower..

after i was done showering,i brushed my teeth...i looked at myself in the mirror..he thinks i'm beautiful..i smiled shyly..i washed my face and came out of the bathroom...

i wore a floral print spring dress,with a jacket and flats i accesorized it with a chunky bracelet and a long necklace...i wore flats cause i was not comfortable wearing heels...i walked out the door...harry was watching  tv...

"harry i'm ready,lets go"i informed

he turned around and looked at me from head to toe...he came closer and hold my hand..he kissed it gently and said "you look amazing"..

"thankyou"i took a courtesy and giggled..

"shall we" he smiled,giving his hand...i grabbed his hand and we walked out....he opened the door of his car for me...he walked over to the driver's seat and settled...he started the engine and drove..

"where are we going exactly" i asked him..

"its a surprise"he smiled cheekily

"you're not going to kidnap me are you"i joked

he just laughed..."have patience my love" he replied

we reached the place and he parked his car..i got out of the car...and i looked around...he brought me to a zoo..i looked at him confused..

"you like coming to the zoo,dont you"he asked with a smile on his face

"i do but i dont remember telling you this"i was surprised cause i clearly remember not mentioning anything about zoo to him..

"your father told me"

i just stood there with a slight smile on my face reminiscing the good old days...

"and your monkey freinds were missing you too"he teased

i just rolled my eyes and walked...

i was an animal lover...i was excited to see all the animals..i was running here and there like a liitle child and harry just walked behind me,looking and smiling at me...he must have thought that i was a total idiot but i didnt really care cause i was happy to be there...i heard girls screaming and running towards us...for a moment i forgot i was out with "THE HARRY STYLES" they clicked pictures with him and he seemed okay with it..he was freindly with them..he wasnt like a stuck up brat..may be this is why people liked him..i waited till he took pictures with the girls...

"sorry about that"he came to me and apoloziged

"its okay..they're happy"i replied..

"heyy look he looks just like you,only if he had curly hair like yours"i pointed at the chimpanzee and laughed

"'re comparing me with a chimpanzee"he glazed at me..

i just laughed and continued walking...

"this way"he grabbed my hand and walked...he took out his cellphone and dialled a number..."is everything ready"he asked to the person on the other side of the phone..."good" he said and hung up..

he led me to a huge cherry blossom tree near the lake....there was a picnic blanket placed under the tree with picnic basket on top...there was a bottle of champegne and two glasses....

"you did all this" i asked smiling and amazed

"yeah...actually i ordered people to do it for me"he replied sitting down...

i sat besides him....the veiw from there was really good,it wasnt much crowded,the weather was perfect...

"i'm hungry..lets see what we have in the basket"he started taking out the foods out of the basket...

i served the food on the plate...there was potato salad,fried chicken,pinwheel sandwiches,deviled delight and watermelon...

"whoever prepared this food must be an extremely talented chef"i had a beatific expression on my face....he poured the champegne on the glass...

"cheers"he raised his glass...

we ate the food which was delicious....after we were done eating we laid back looking at the sky...

"ashley how many people have you dated"harry asked..

"i dated a guy two years ago"i replied

"why did you break up"he asked again

"well he was a pervert..he tried to take advantage of me by making me drunk...i punched him hard on his face...his brains probably scattered"i chuckled

"you're a preety strong girl,i should be more careful" he smiled

"why do you date so many girls,people think you're a manwhore"i blurted..he looked at me and said "

i havent found the one,i am just searching for the right girl"...

"the right girl????" i questioned

"yes..i'm waiting for a girl who'd make the earth move for me"

i chuckled..



"thankyou for always being there"i hold his hand..

"i'll always be there when you need me" he looked at me and we both smiled...

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