please dont leave me!!!

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ashley's pov

i sat on the couch and turned the tv on...i was flipping through channels....then i watched one channel in which they were talking about 1D boys and their girlfreinds..they were showing this cute pictures of niall and lucy...they were talking about how happy niall looks in the picture in which lucy and niall were holding hands...the presenter than continued "the hottest news for 1D is that harry and nicole seems to have patched up.the paparazzi saw them yesterday at a restaurant and then later they were caught kissing outside nicole's house" 

i thought it was only rumours but when they showed the picture i was shocked and hurt at the same time...tears rolled down my cheeks,my heart felt heavy...this cant be true...i turned off the tv and went to the room...i couldnt stop crying..i was hurt...i was a fool to think that he'd ever fall in love with a girl like me...all the times i spent with him came flashing back...i'm such an idiot..why did i trust a guy like him..i was never right for him...i kept crying cause it hurt so much...after couple of hours i called lucy...

"hey girl whats up"she sounded happy

"hi lucy..umm i- i was wondering if i could stay at your place tonight"i stammered

"okay..i'll be at home..come anytime you want..bye ash"she hung up

i heard the doorbell..i stood up and wiped my face...i went to open the was harry..

"hi love,how are you"he smiled..i did not reply..

"something wrong"he asked

"everything is wrong harry"i replied..i could not hold back my tears..

"why are you crying ashley"he stepped forward

i took the ipad from the table and i showed him the picture...he didnt look suprised...

"where did you find this"he asked

"its everywhere on the news"i stuffed the ipad on my bag..

"i can explain"he replied

"no,i dont want your explanation..i'm staying at lucy's place tonight,i'll come pick my things tomorrow"i grabbed the bag and walked...he held my arms

"you're leaving me"he murmured

"let me go harry"i released my hand from his grip and walked..i opened the door and walked away..

it was raining outside but it didnt really matter...i was walking in the rain with tears in my eyes..

"ashley wait"harry called me but i ignored and i kept walking..

he held my hand and turned me towards him..

."ashley its not what you think"he tried to explain

"you kissed her harry,you met her you guys went on a date and you kissed her...what is there to think"i hollered..

"i didnt kiss her"he implied

"stop lying harry..just stop never had feelings for me..i was the stupid one to fall for you...i loved you harry and for a moment i thought you loved me know what really sucks falling for the guy  you 're not right for,you fall anyway because you think he might turn out to be different"i cried

i looked at him and he didnt say anything he just looked at me..not a single word came out from his mouth..he let go of me,i turned around and walked away...somewhere in my heart i wished he'd stop me but he didnt...i stopped a cab and i sat inside...i felt was the worst heart was aching and i did not want to feel this way...the cab dropped me off at lucy's place..i went up to her room and when i saw her i wanted to cry more...i hugged her and i cried..

"what's wrong ash"she asked...i did not say anything and just kept crying...

after a couple of hours i stopped crying but my heart still felt the still ached..i wore one of lucy's clothes..she brought me a cup of hot chocolate...

"tell me ash what know i'm here for you..i'll listen"she handed me the cup

"you havent watched the news have you"i asked

"no i havent..why?she asked curiously

"harry and nicole are back together...the paparazzi clicked a picture of them kissing"i choked

"oh god i'm so sorry ash..there must be some explanation..what did harry say"she enquired

"he didnt  say anything"i looked out the window reminiscing

harry's POV

i stood still and watched her walk away...she loved me and now i've lost her..the only girl who truly cared about me is now gone and i didnt do anything to stop her...i went back to the felt empty without her...she was the only girl who made everything complete in my life...i changed my clothes and laid down in the bed...they must have taken those picture yesterday...

*flashback of the day before

my phone buzzed..i took out my phone and was nicole..i didnt pick up her call but she kept calling and it was getting preety annoying so i picked up her call...

"hey handsome"she greeted

"what do you want"i asked in annoyance

"can we meet up..i want to talk to you"she said

"you can talk on the phone too..that is what phones are for"i replied

"its important please meet me for old times sake"she pleaded

"fine where do you want to meet"i asked

"pick me up at my place and then we'll decide"she ordered

i hung up the phone..."what did she say"zayn asked

she wants to meet me,she has something important to say i responded

"good luck mate"he smiled

i drove to her place..she was waiting for me at her door..she hopped in...she tried to kiss me on my cheek but i dodged.."where to next"i asked

"the restaurant where we first met,do you remember"she smiled

i didnt reply and started the engine...

finally we reached the place...she was the only one talking the whole way...we sat at the table and ordered

"so what was so important"i asked

"i miss you harry,lets get back know we make a perfect couple"she claimed

"you've got to be kidding me"i scoffed

the waiter brought our order and i started eating...i wasnt listening to the craps she was talking...

"are you done,i need to go home"i said getting up

we walked to the car...i drove...i stopped infront of her door

"you could atleast walk me to the door"she asked

i got out of the car and walked her to the door...

"harry cant we get back together..i know you still love me"she smirked

"listen nicole i dont love you..the only girl that i love is Ashley and i will always love her...get that thing on your mind"i said and as i was about to walk away she hold me and kissed me...i was startled..i pushed her away..."you're unbelievable"i said in disgust and walked away....

*end of the flashback*

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