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"The term that appears in the major term and minor premises but not in the conclusion is the middle term," murmured Van as he thoroughly reviews his handouts

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"The term that appears in the major term and minor premises but not in the conclusion is the middle term," murmured Van as he thoroughly reviews his handouts. On top of his study table is the laptop that his Tita Mariella gave him as a gift. He cracked his knuckles while reading carefully. He was about to start typing his homework when someone knocked on his door. It was surely Eury who knocked like the way the young Anna from Frozen did.

"Come i—" He didn't get to finish his sentence since Eury barged in already. Van didn't take his eyes from his laptop though for he was staring at a blank Microsoft Word page. He began typing but he was stopped when Eury hugged him from behind and by the neck.

"Kuya," Eury's hands went to edge of his chair and she placed her chin on her brother's shoulder. "Good news or bad news?"

Van almost turned his head around but he was reminded that his sister's face is only centimeters away from his. Thankfully, Eury left his bubble and that's when he realized that he was holding his breath. She sat on the edge of his bed and slightly patted his messy sheet.

He turned to face Eury and placed his arm on the top of his seat. "Bad news first."

She breathed in deeply to muster courage then said, "I didn't make it to *UP." Eury bowed her head in disappointment. Unlike her, Van passed the entrance examinations in the said university but he chose to stay in their previous school so he wouldn't have to leave his sister.

Moments of silence passed and Eury began to worry that her brother might be mad at her.

"Good," he said, almost whispering but enough for his sister to hear.


He didn't let her finish talking too. "That's good to hear. If you passed the exam, then you would've had to live there too. Laguna isn't a step away from Manila, you know. Who will take care of you there? And...you really can't go there." Van faced his laptop again before he stammers and typed whatever he could read from his handouts just to say that he's busy.

The corner of Eury's lips slowly raised when she thought of how protective her Kuya really is. "There's still good news, Kuya."

"What is it?" He asked. His attention was all hers but he didn't bother looking back at her again and continued typing random stuff to keep his mind from thinking senseless things.

Eury squealed with zipped lips. "I passed the entrance exam at our school! Finally, I'm gonna experience being like you."

Van didn't quite comprehend what she said so he turned his head to her. She's lying on his bed, making invisible snow angels and looking at the ceiling of his room as if it was the sky. "Like me? What do you mean?"

His sister sat up again and Van noticed that her hair was a bit ruffled but still, she looked pretty.

"Well," she paused to cross her arms in front of her, "you have so much freedom to do what you want. Unlike me, since I'm still in high school, you know..." Eury shrugged, unsure of how to say what she wants to tell him.

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