2' 06"

57 8 4

The three of them let the afternoon pass by watching the television and surfing the net. Dr. Tamares was always on his phone, though. It made Van wonder how much free time the doctor had for him to spend it here with them doing nothing.

By the time the sun went down, Van suggested that he will cook dinner. Eury was still asleep in her room and he might wake her up after he finishes cooking.

"CC," he called Stacey but Dr. Tamares lifted his head too as if he wasn't just busy with his phone.

"CC," he repeated, not minding the odd look on the doctor's face. "You keep quiet, understand?"

"The f? I'm not even talking here," Stacey complained but shooed him after and continued watching.

"And don't bother checking the fridge for beer. You won't find any."

"Seriously, Van? I'm a changed woman," Stacey said defensively but was obviously only half-true. She faced him completely this time and almost threw a pillow at him if only Duncan didn't interfere. He held this weird power over Stacey that has her zipping her mouth with just a word from him. Van mentally applauded his authoritativeness.

"You," he turned to the doctor and pointed at him. "Come with me."

Stacey glared at them before turning again to the television. Duncan stood up and Van felt little when he did so. He looked like the undead beside a walking muscle, compared to him, that the doctor is. Duncan was far from the bodybuilder or personal trainer type but Van envied him anyway.

They entered the kitchen and Van immediately gathered and prepared the ingredients he needed. The doctor just stood by the counter with arms crossed while waiting for Van to speak.

"So, Stacey's fiancé." Van took hold of a knife in an attempt to intimidate the doctor but the latter didn't seem the least bit scared. Van continued and spoke with confidence as he was slicing some carrots.

"Yes?" Duncan answered nonchalantly.

"Whatever is going between you and CC," he spoke like a protective brother, "stop it."

Dr. Tamares only laughed at him as if he said the most stupid thing on earth.

He stopped slicing the carrots and glared at the doctor. "Aren't you old enough to be playing games and picking fights with a 21-year old woman?" He asked, pointing the knife at Duncan, to which he grinned at in response.

The doctor's face turned blank in a second. "How about you mind your own game?" He challenged.

Van's lips formed a thin line. Everything is better when he takes his mind off of reality but this man certainly knows how to drag him back.

"You have no say on how I choose to live my life," he whispered the next, "especially the last days of it."

"I'd say the same to you except the last part."

Van grunted at losing their little conversation.

"Do you like Stacey?" He asked, now in a serious tone while he did a few more chopping, in time with the slight throbbing in his head. "You don't know what she's been through. She deserves someone who will take care of her, see the real her, not someone who thinks he knows what he's getting himself into."

"I know what I want and I will have it whenever I want," he paused, not really answering his question. "See, I understand that you want to hide your sickness from that lovely lady I met a while ago, but I still see you as a coward. You've wasted enough of your life killing yourself and now that you found your purpose again, you're racing against time. I find it pathetic ─ you lying to the woman you love to protect her from something inevitable. I pity you."

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