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"Can we please sit down first?" Eury managed to say in the middle of sobs. She held his trembling hands and led them to the couch.

"Oh God, how do I start?" She asked herself. Her eyes shot upwards to prevent more tears from flowing. When her gaze landed back on Drew's devastated face, it brought back the tears she was holding.

Eury heaved a sigh and spoke in a whisper. Her chest felt a little better now that she calmed down, but it still ached for the man sitting beside her. He looked like a lost boy, desperate to find his way home. The only difference is that Eury is certain that he won't feel at home with her just like how she is with Van.

"Ask me everything you want to know and I will answer truthfully," she suggested with a broken voice, her eyes never leaving Drew's dull ones. It lost life on the day of their anniversary, the day that she ruined him.

Drew swallowed and Eury prepared herself for knives when she should have braced herself for swords because once he opened his mouth, endless words of sorrow rained on her.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were adopted? That you and your brother were both adopted? You should have known by now that nothing could change the way I see you. I love you, Princess. Am I not worthy of the truth? Don't I deserve your honesty? Didn't I earn your trust enough? Didn't I prove my love for you enough for just a simple truth? We've known each other for more than three years! We were a team! Team DrewRy, right?"

She shook as rivers of tears ran down her cheeks, her face red from crying. Memories of when they were together rushed like a waterfall in her mind that it literally caused her a massive headache. He wasn't shouting. He wasn't blaming her. He was only asking hurtful questions that he deserved to know the answers to. It was torture for the both of them, but there is no easy way out.

"What happened to that? I thought we had the most special connection in the world. Why, Eury? Why did this happen to us?"

She wanted to wipe all the tears he shed, but she held herself back no matter how painful it was. She didn't want to lead him on any longer.

"Is it my fault?" He asked in a hoarse voice. Before she could even open her mouth, he was certain already that he is to blame. Still, she shook her head hard to let him know that it's not his fault.

"It is my fault," he nodded, but faced the other direction as he convinced himself of his conclusion. He then turned to her again and looked her straight in the eyes. "I knew... I felt that there was another there in your heart, but I still courted you because I believed in myself too much, that I thought I could change your heart's choice and make you completely face me. I guess I didn't show you enough. It wasn't enough. My love wasn't enough for you to love me back too. It wasn't as strong as what you have with your... with Van."

Shit shit shit! Eury felt something pinch her heart. She hurt him to the depths yet he is still careful of his words. She forced herself to speak since she said she would answer his questions, but she annoyingly couldn't find her voice.

"I understand, or at least I am trying to, that I can never beat him, knowing how special your relationship is with him. Just, please... Let me continue to love you from afar until I am all healed." His tears subsided, but hers continued to flow like raindrops on a glass window. Drew carefully wiped her tears away with his knuckles. Although agony was all over his face, he still offered a smile that showed his dimple, the one she always pressed with her finger whenever she saw it. It was her favorite. She could barely breathe anymore, but she kept scolding herself mentally to not break down or faint, not in front of Drew. Her shoulders rose and fell as she breathed heavily.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Eury repeated those until her words were muffled by Drew's shirt. He pulled her closer than close, his hands on her hair and her back.

2 Minutes, 23 SecondsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon