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Van opened his heavy lids and felt a bit of sting. He did not mind the slight pain of his still-present headache, as he saw the most beautiful being on earth when he awoke. Although, he could not help but notice the lack of color on her face. Her cheeks weren't alive and rosy. Her lips were pale and chapped.

Recalling what had happened to his baby girl, he felt his heart being crushed to bits as tears formed in his eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat and observed his surroundings.

Duncan was nowhere to be found, and so was Stacey. His cousin and his girlfriend were not in the room too.

He helped himself sit up on his bed so he could get a good look on Eury.

She slept peacefully; in fact, she seemed to be in deep slumber, he feared for a second she might not ever wake up if not for her silent breathing.

He fully turned to his side to get out of the bed when he heard somehow distant shouts. He could not make out at first whose voice it was, but later realized it was Ivan's and it was coming from outside.

He quickly—as quick as his weak body would allow—walked to the door.

Even without opening or leaning on the door, he could clearly hear his cousin's words.

"Ma! You know we're supposed to leave in two days! I can't just leave my cousins here! Who will take care of them?!"

It was clear that Ivan was talking to his mother.

Van furrowed his brows. There was so much frustration in his cousin's voice and he thought, how is he supposed to feel?

His Tita Mariella must know by now about his sickness. Disappointment ran through his veins. He's becoming more and more of a burden each day.

He decided against eavesdropping further. Instead, he turned around and went back to his bed.

He sat down on the edge of his bed and stared at his Sleeping Beauty.

He smiled at the memory of Eury calling him Snow White back then. They're now both princesses. He shook his head at his silly thoughts.

"Van..." A raspy voice called out to him as soon as the door opened.


"Baby!" He immediately got hold of her free hand. She smiled at the faint warmth of his hand.

Ivan rushed to them, followed by Nina.

His lips trembled as tears formed in his eyes. Her angelic smile shone bright and lit up the whole room. She's awake.

Van held her hand as tight as he could, never wanting to let go of his love. "I thought I'd lose you, baby girl." His voice broke and tears raced each other down his cheeks and to her hand.

Eury only gave him a smile as tears also filled her orbs. She struggled to reach up to his face with her other hand to wipe his tears, disregarding the slight pain of the IV pulling at it. She hasn't even realized yet that she was connected to a heart monitor. What even had happened to her? She was only more than happy that she woke up to Van's face.

Ivan and Nina couldn't help their tears too at the sight of the couple. Nina held her boyfriend's arm as she sobbed and tried to hide her whimpers. She is hurt, remembering that Drew had a part in this. Ivan, on the other hand, is utterly broken by all the news dumped on him like ice cold water. His heart continuously swelled that he could actually feel the pain in his chest. How could he leave his cousins? He could not; they need him now.

After talking to his mother, he felt completely left out, him and his sisters. How come they weren't aware that Eury was sick and was diagnosed at eight years old? Why was he left in the dark all this time?

And now it hurts all the more, knowing that both of his cousins are in a dangerous situation with Van dealing with his own sickness. Why did they both try to hide it? The facts made his head throb and his body weak. It was as if he suddenly got sick as well. If it weren't for his girlfriend, he wouldn't be able to take all of this. His mother told him that she'll do her best to come home for Eury and Van. Ivan could only hope that his mom would make it fast and that his father would allow her to leave in the first place.

Duncan hasn't showed up yet and he was the only one talking to the doctors so Van does not know yet how Eury actually is, but he thought the guy deserved some rest. He was doing so much for them already and wherever he is right now, he hoped he was okay. He's just too grateful for his doctor and friend.

As per Eury's request, Ivan and Nina went home for the mean time and Van was asked to lie beside her on her own bed. Before that was settled, it took a lot of convincing to assure Ivan that they'd be okay. They all agreed after Ivan insisted he'd come back as soon as possible. Van also received a text from Duncan that he just needed to finish some business but he'll also come to them as soon as he can so they can properly talk about Eury's condition.

At last, they were alone. It was nighttime and Eury asked Van to turn off the lights so they're left with the ;ights from outside the window.

She held out her hand and Van did the same as he neared her bed and lied down beside her. They were silent for a couple of minutes, content with hearing each other's even breathing.

"When did you realize that you love me?" Eury asked, breaking the silence with her weak but still sweet voice. Just hearing it makes Van's heart grateful.

"I have always loved you, baby girl. I always will." He intertwined their fingers and raised their hands to the window. They were granted its beautiful silhouette.

"I'm good with that," she said and snuggled to him closer, but careful with the wires. They were silent once again.

"How about you? When did you realize that you love me?" It was his turn to ask.

"Really? You're asking me that? I have the same answer." Their joined hands rested on his chest, right above his beating heart. "Let's change the question. When did you realize that you were in love with me?"

"I'm not sure when. Maybe it's because we've always known that we weren't siblings by blood?"

They fell into a comfortable silence yet again that Van broke after a few minutes of contemplating his words. He thought of not saying it but his emotions pushed it out of his mouth.

"I haven't told you yet, but Duncan and I found out that my biological father died of cancer. Isn't that funny? Come to think of it, we both kind of inherited these fucking illnesses. Thanks to them." The words were bitter on his tongue, and he was certain that Eury was not happy with what he said.

"I'm not blaming my real parents for my disease, so you shouldn't too," she responded in a whisper and a warning tone.

"I'm sorry. It's just... I don't know anymore."

"I love you, if that helps," she sighed. He instantly felt lighter. "Let's not talk about that anymore, please?"

Just for once, he wanted to forget that death was a few steps away from him. The thing is, it had always been about him and his cancer; they never talked about her heart disease, and it bothered him to the depths.

"What matters now is that you're here with me. You will never leave me, right?"

He did not answer. Instead, he kissed the top of her head before lifting his pinky finger.

She smiled sweetly and linked hers.

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