1' 55"

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A/N: I tried writing the whole chapter in English. *headache*


Eury scanned the calendar on her phone. On it says that tomorrow will be their online viewing of grades and on the second day after that would be her birthday.

And the day after her birthday is their anniversary. First year anniversary...

In one year of being together with Drew, never did she say those three important words. She loves him, for sure, without questions. But those precious words just can't come out of her mouth even if she wanted to. Or maybe she really doesn't want to.

Yes, she loves Drew. She wouldn't call him babe if she didn't. It's just that something inside her tells her that she must not say it to him. Hey heart knows why.

What happened last night wasn't awkward. It was rather painful to see. Just the sight of Drew smiling sadly pinches her heart.

Her heart wanted to run from her and escape this situation. If she answers back, he'd know that she's lying and if she doesn't say anything, it would definitely break his heart. Either way, she'd hurt him. That's why she chose to stay silent and stare into his beautiful eyes instead in hopes of compensating for the words she knew she could never say to Drew.

"Go back to sleep," he whispered then leaned forward to cup her cheeks before dotting a kiss on her forehead. She swallowed the guilt when she saw how broken he was and if it wasn't for the dim lights, she'd feel more guilty. But even if it was quite dark, she saw how his eyes glistened and she hates herself for the inevitable pain she causes him.

She wanted to say sorry but he didn't let her. He must have felt that Eury wanted to apologize.

"Don't think too much. I can wait, Princess," he whispered as he pulled her in for a warm hug. His arms gave her warmth but she could still feel the coldness she brought to his life.

She wanted to cry but Drew was beside her bed until she fell asleep again and she knew that she'll hurt him more if he saw her crying. She could only say sorry in her mind.

"Princess! Breakfast is ready!" She jumped out of bed when she heard her boyfriend call her from the kitchen. For sure it's going to be another to-die-for kind of food. Drew never runs out of ideas whenever it comes to cooking.

She peeked and saw her boyfriend's back as he was setting up the table. Guilt was still eating her inside so she thought it might be good to make up for the things she couldn't do for him.

She sneaked behind him and swiftly snaked her arms around his waist for a back hug. "Good morning, babe!" Eury tried to sound as cheerful as possible and it must have worked.

Drew almost jumped when she suddenly hugged him from behind. He knows what she's trying to do. It was because of last night.

He put down the plate that he was holding and turned to face Eury while her hands were still on his waist. He held her arms and gave her the most sincere smile he could give. "Let's eat."

Eury was even more hurt when her boyfriend smiled at her. There she knew that this won't end here. Drew will always feel the pain she brought to him.

What could she do? She's still not over her first love and at this point, she can say that she's never going to get over that guy, not sooner nor ever.

If someone would ask her why she even entered a relationship with someone she could never love as much as she loves Van, she would say that at some point, she thought she could get over him; she thought she could move on. She was wrong, though. Almost a year is passing after she said yes to Drew and yet, her heart never changed. She'll still choose Van. Problem is, he left.

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