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"Hey baby," Van whispered at her ear as he hugged Eury from behind.

"Hey, it tickles." She inched away from him as she chuckled 

He buried his face on her neck and her hair that smelled of strawberries. God, how she loved her smell.

Eury continued to wash the dishes, completely comfortable with the way he's hugging her and swaying a bit.

"I don't want to ruin the moment but..."

Her brows furrowed as she quickly thought of what it could be. "Yeah?"

"Um, there are men's clothes in your closet." He sounded hesitant with the slightest hint of jealousy. "And... They're not mine."

Eury's eyes widened, remembering the said clothes and who owns them. He must think she slept with Drew.

"I think I should return it. I should, right?" She turned to face him as she wiped her hands with a towel. Apprehension was evident in her.

"We can't exactly burn them, can we?" He spoke with feigned bitterness in his voice.


His expression was unreadable.

"Are you jealous?" She asked, suddenly quite amused.

But then the instant change in his visage surprised her as he smirked. "No. I know I'm your first," he said in a low voice, almost whispering.

Her face immediately flushed but she recovered quick. She looked down at her hands resting on his chest while he held her by the waist.

"One more thing, Drew and I haven't had a proper talk—a real one—yet since, so I really need to go see him. I try not to let it bother me but it does; I'm here with you, happy, while he's hurting. I know I hurt him so bad..."

His face was serious now. "I'll come with you."

"Can we do it today?" She asked and thankfully she didn't sound too eager to get rid of Drew's things.

He looked at her longer than expected, and she thought maybe she asked the wrong question.

"Sure. I'll help you pack them," he said with a smile.

"I'll ask Nina if we can borrow her car," her reply.

"Then maybe we can visit Nina after," Van suggested to which she agreed.

"Sounds like today will be productive." She smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.

She thought the conversation was over but then he leaned closer then whispered, "How about tonight? What shall we do tonight?" His voice was raspy enough to sound sexy effortlessly.

Her eyes blinked repeatedly. "Enough of that already!" She jokingly said as her face reddened once again.

Soon after, Eury called Nina while Van was in the shower. It rang for a little while before a different voice answered.

"Hello?" She asked reluctantly.

"Lambkin!" Her cousin's lively voice replied.

She laughed at herself for not recognizing Ivan's voice right away. "God, I missed that nickname!"

Realizing he was the one who answered the phone and not her friend, she asked, "Where's Nina? And oh gosh, did you spend the night in her hotel room again?"

Ivan burst out laughing at her query. "Where am I supposed to stay? Besides, we'll be leaving together anyway," he paused. "And living together in Toronto," he added in a whisper.

2 Minutes, 23 SecondsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz