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this past month and a half with my mother gone and my father working double shifts+him in college has been the hardest. I have to take care of my little sister 24/7 and I barely see my dad anyways, and when we do see each other all we do is fight.  I've been depending on my aunt and cousins and friends for this past month and a half. I just miss my mom and no one knows when she is coming back. It's so hard I have no time for anything. I'm mostly in a house that isn't mine. I can't hang out with my friends, I barely talk to anyone beside while in school anymore. I cry all the time because the situation I've been in is stressful as fuck and sad and I can't even explain it in depth because it will take up your time. Like I've had this cold for two weeks that won't go away and it's so bad because I have no choice whether to go to school on certain days and lately I've been in school sick as hell and I just want to fuckinnggg cryyyyy. I am a slave to my sister I have to do everything for her and I feel just terrible I want my mom back. So I can't make time or the things I want.

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