Chapter 6 - Uncomplicating the complicated

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Lauren's POV

I tossed and turned for most of the night. So I decided that the first thing I'd do this morning is text Daniel. I couldn't stand all this tension and felt bad that he was hurting. I just wanted him to hear my side of things. Maybe we could work thing out.

Dan we need to talk? - L

I jumped into the shower hoping by the time I was done there'd be a response. I had a towel wrapped around my body ready to dry off when I heard a text come in. I picked up my phone and looked at the screen it read:

Nothing to talk about - Dan 😡

He wasn't going to make this easy. Even his emoji was angry. Dan knows me and he was probably waiting for this. I thought if I gave him a bit of time, he'd cool down but based on yesterday's performance I knew we had to resolve this quickly, you know uncomplicate the complicated?

All I want is 10 mins, can I at least get that? - L

Waiting for the next text I started getting ready. I was just about to put my boots on when I heard my phone.

What no luv heart emoji's anyone - Dan 😡

What time are you on campus? - L

I headed into the kitchen, my Sister Maree was sitting at the dining table eating her breakfast. I hadn't caught up with her properly in days.

"Hey stranger," I said as she looked up from her reading. Maree was completing her Masters Degree in Psychology at Wollongong Uni. We were never that close, but within the last few years our sibling-hood grew into something special. She was finally giving me her time and I appreciated it.

Maree was older than me by two years and always saw me as that annoying younger sister. It wasn't until she started Uni and took up Psychology that we began to get a little closer. After my HSC we even hit the clubs together. That was until early this year when she met 'the one'.

"Lauren, now here's a blast from the past. I think we've seen each other a whole hour over the past 7 days. We are in need of a girls night in with Mum," she said thoughtfully.

"Sounds good to me are you free Friday night?" I asked.

"Yeah, until 11pm then Stephen's coming back here. That'll give us plenty of time".

"Lock it in Eddy". I winked as I grabbed a banana heading back out towards the door. "Gotta go to Uni, oh and by the way I have a date tonight, so I'll fill you in with all the juicy details tomorrow!" Maree sat up in her chair.

"Ok, but be good and safe, I don't quite want to be an aunty yet," she giggled knowing too well I was not the promiscuous type.

"Pheww, sure. See ya," and out I walked out.

As I was climbing into the seat of my car, my phone buzzed, it was another text from Dan.

Can you meet me at the library at 2pm - Dan 😡

Ok this was good, we're now getting somplace, finally making progress. If we could get past this it'd be so much easier.

No probs see u there - L

The drive into Uni was stress free. Having parked the car, I walked out heading towards our campus. I managed to see Dan's younger brother Aidan. This was his first year at Uni and I'd met him on a few social occasions. He was leaning against the wall looking straight at me smirking, then he nodded and raised an eyebrow. Hmm trust him to bring on the games, I thought. Great just want I was trying to avoid. As I was about to clear the entrance he stood in front of the door, he then whispered, "you bitch".

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