Chapter 41 - The Fashion Assessment

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Picture of Elliot

Lauren's POV

5 weeks had past by so quickly. We were all in the middle of our finals. But today was Elliot's big moment, it was the day of the fashion assessment.

We had all assisted Elliot over the past few weeks with changes, suggestions and we all believed that it was going to be amazing. He had put so much effort into this one day, well all his hard work would come down to less 20 minutes. All of us were together backstage ready to start the show.

There were around a thousand people watching the event as family and friends came out to support designers and models. Also many students took time out to perv on other hot students strutting their stuff on the catwalk. Dennis was in the crowd and we knew he'd be the loudest.

We were huddled together ready to do our thing, we were just getting final directions from Elliot. Ours was the next designer group out and there with only a few minutes left before we hit the stage. We were in "your style" clothes. In the end Elliot did agree with Mark and I wore the white lace dress instead of the black playsuit which was switched over to high end fashion. We all looked fierce and amazing.

 We all looked fierce and amazing

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Elliot was now getting emotional. The signs of his stress and strains over the past few weeks were bringing a flood of tears into his eyes. We were there for him whatever the outcome. A young man approached Elliot letting him know we were up in 30 seconds. Altogether we made our way over to the stage as the last designers show stopping piece made its way backstage.

Elliot's breath slightly hitched. The final design looked very similar to one of his pieces, in fact the white lace dress I was now wearing. I immediately grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek knowing that whatever happened today we would always be friends. He looked shattered. But sabotage was well known in the fashion industry.

Finally the speaker introduced Elliot, he gained back his composure as he confidently went on stage. He began with a little story about who he was and why he changed to fashion then began explaining the designs in each categories and his concepts. The music started off with Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots, which I found funny, then one by one we went out on stage. It was amazing to be finally showing off his marvellous designs. As I came out in the white lace dress the crowd erupted. There were so many people here today it really felt like we were doing a proper catwalk and not a Uni assessment.

I could hear Dennis above everyone elses voices and smiled. When I got backstage it was to the tune of Zane's Pillow Talk and all a blur. It was the swimsuit category we had to do a super quick change. Once Mel and I were on stage the entire crowd went wild. Mark and Heath followed closely the girls were going crazy when they stepped onto the catwalk. It felt like we were at a rock concert not a fashion parade.

"My models are all Business and Law undergraduates you probably know them or have seen them around". Elliot was beaming as he explained his models and designs.

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