Chapter 33 - Corbin, the enigma

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Picture of Corbin

Ethan's POV

By the time we got home it was close to 530am. We hadn't realised that Maurice obtained an extension to the pub's opening hours given it was Mardi Gras night. It was announced at 230am that the pub would close at 5am for one night only. Apparently Darren announced it a few times during the bands sets.

It was another great night, well especially once Lauren arrived at Maurice's. She looked amazing as she walked into the pub in her flowing backless dress, she was still wearing those flowers in her hair. She looked angelic but sexy as all hell. I couldn't stop touching her back all night, her skin felt was so soft and tanned like velvet. Whenever she left my side there were dozens of male eyes following her. I knew how lucky I was to have such am amazing woman by my side.

Her friends ended up staying until closing. Dan decided not to drink which was a good idea. I offered for everyone to crash over my place but he said he was supposed to help his Dad out with some home project tomorrow morning so he was fine not to drink.

Janita and Darren left together around 4 am. I didn't get the chance to ask for details he just came up to me and said catch up later and Janita followed him outside. Whether or not anything happened I have no idea.

We woke up around 10am this morning and headed to Bondi skipping breakfast. We were going to meet up with Corbin around 12 for lunch. Lauren wanted to get her stuff from the hotel where everyone was staying her parents had a late checkout of 1pm. She mentioned she'd text her mum last night letting her know she stayed at my place because of Maya drama's.

As we were driving to Bondi Lauren went through the events of last night after I left. I was pretty chuffed she caught the bouquet. But when she mentioned exactly what Maya did to her, to say I was pissed, would be a complete understatement.

"Babe, I can't believe what an idiot she is!" I was angry and shaking my head as my hands gripped the steering wheel so tight you could see white. She grabbed my left hand off the wheel and pulled it into her lap. Her touch instantly calmed me down.

"I never want to have anything to do with her again or her Mother. They see the worst in everyone and gossip so badly they can't see what hurt and pain they cause. Nobody is perfect but nobody deserves to be put under a microscope so they feel better about themselves. Ethan, I'm done!" She was pouting and breathing so heavy. She looked so adorable I just wanted to pull her into my arms and make her feel safe never letting her go.

"Good, because I can't stand to see her always hurting you". I looked at her and smiled.

T had text Lauren to explain she'd caught up with Lauren's Mum and Dad earlier at Breakfast and totally explained the Maya situation. Her parents were not impressed with her behaviour. Apparently Maya didn't end up staying the night so no one knew what happened to her after she took off with Matt, T even tried calling her mobile but it was switched off.

We were now close to the hotel. I found street parking out the front then we walked up to Lauren's parents room. Lauren had a key but decided to knock instead. Her Mother opened the door and tightly embraced Lauren.

"Sweetheart, I'm so sorry about your night. T and Pete told us everything and they're both utterly disgusted in Maya. I called Liz just now and she said Maya got home early this morning around 8am. A group of guys had dropped her off and she went straight into her bedroom. Apparently they went to The Bourbon and Beefsteak at the Cross. I told Liz what happened and honestly she doesn't believe it so I said best the girls are no longer friends especially since Maya has no issues about Lauren's safety".

She gave her Mum a huge hug. "Thanks Mum, makes me happy to know who really cares about me. I'm so blessed to have amazing friends and parents I love you all so much".

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