14. Good Night & Good Luck

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Adele was moving slowly to the Rhythm of the tango at the centre of the ballroom. Francesco was holding her waist tightly and was looking at her with his piercing eyes watching her closely as he was smiling at her. They were alone in the middle of the ballroom. The crowed was dispersed around them and couples whom were dancing to the same song were keeping their distance. They didn't even need to know who Francesco was. If they took one look at Francesco's eyes, they would have known they had to keep away.

Antonio and Georgina had also been dancing for sometime but, then Antonio had cornered Georgina to a wall and they were making out now ever since at one side of the ballroom. At the other side of the ballroom, Anna was cheerfully dancing with Angelo not far from Adele. The new couple couldn't stop talking and laughing as they were starting to get to know each other.

Adele smiled weakly as she glanced at Anna and Angelo but they were too busy with their conversation to notice her smile. But Adele's heart broke at seeing Costanzo's sad face sitting on his table near the ball room floor drinking as Sancia was looking at her from the balcony from the same spot Adele had seen her last. She was most likely waiting for him to approach a girl only for her to order her demise. After all she had threatened Costanzo not to keep in touch with any women when she had sent him flowers earlier on. Those chilling words had really scared Adele. That woman had a heart of stone.

Francesco whispered " Sweetheart. What are you thinking about?"

Adele wasn't sure how to tell Francesco. She bit her lip and looked up into Francesco's piercing eyes and whispered back " I was ..... trying to .... distract myself." She spoke truthfully.

Francesco spoke curiously " Why sweetheart? What are you trying to distract yourself from."

Adele wasn't sure how well she could express what she was feeling as they had been dancing. She had been getting more emotional as their dance had gone on and she had started looking around the ballroom to stop thinking to what was in her mind.

Adele took a deep breathe and decided to say it " Memories of ten years ago came back. They make me very emotional. I miss the past.... more than you can imagine."

Francesco smiled " I was thinking about the past too. I was thinking about our last dance just before we said goodbye a decade ago. It's the same dance. Our matching movements are as perfect as they used to be..... but sweetheart, we are together now. We won't have to say goodbye again. The past was sad because we were forced to be separated but we are reunited now. Try to think of that night differently. Face the past baby. We are doing the same movements. Maybe we should mirror what we said to each other that night too. I want us to try to relive that moment to remind us how far we have come and how we should cherish our closeness after all these years."

Adele thought about what Francesco said and nodded. She then whispered " I said .... How long is left?"

Francesco leaned closer and touched his forehead to Adele as they continued dancing and whispered " I didn't say anything back when you asked me that. I didn't want to look at the clock. Go on."

Adele nodded "I looked at the clock and it was two in the morning. I said .... We have three hours. They were going to put us in a car to Oklahoma at 5.00 right? But we got 2 hours extra and left at 7.00 for some reason."

Francesco smiled " They were going to send your family away at 5.00 am but I asked Costanzo to rip the tires and change wires of batteries so the guards had to walk to the shops on foot to replace everything. So it could give me more time to spend with you."

Adele chuckled " He didn't? Really. Is that why they delayed the trip to fix the cars. They didn't have spare tires?"

Francesco nodded " They did. I didn't know they had so many in storage. But the sabotaged batteries bought me more time."

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