Chapter 8: Colorado Pt. 2

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I opened my eyes with a smile. I put my robe in and walked downstairs.
"Merry Christmas." Ethan says.
"Merry Christmas." I replied. His arms wrapped around me and he rubbed my head.
"Since when did we get presents?" I asked.
"That's such bull shit." We laughed.
"Mm." I sat at the table and he put a plate in front of me with 2 chocolate chip pancakes on it. I drizzled it with syrup and took a bite.
"Oh my gosh." I moaned.
"Amazing. I could totally live with this." Ethan's phone rang.
"One second." He took it outside. I took another bite as I waited. He walked back in.
"Who was that?"
"My dad."
"Oh." He just looked at his phone.
"I got it."
"Got what?" I was confused.
"Your looking at the proud owner of Providence on Melrose Avenue."
"That's amazing!" I got up and hugged him. 
"And we just got ranked he most expensive restaurant in LA."
"I'm so proud of you!"
"And I graduate soon from culinary school."
"Holy shit!"
"And what!?"
"I have you." Awe! He kissed me.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too."

  Ethan helped me put my snowboarding goggles on.
"I think your head it too big." He says.
"No it's not!" I fixed it on.
"Ok?" He says.
"See it fits."
"Yeah..." He puts his on.
"So you have never done this before?"
"No." I shook my head.
"Ok, well it may take a while to master."
"How many times have you done it?"
"Look at you. A master." I nudged his shoulder.
"I don't mean to brag." He smirks, I laughed.
"Alright let's go." I took his hand and we walked out of the building.
"It's kinda like ice skating or rollerblading." He says.
"Ok." I moved a little.
"You don't need to show me up right off he bat."
"That was really good."
"It was?"
"Yeah. Try some more." So I did.
"Wanna Try a hill?"
"Sure." We got in the conveyer.
"Don't fall." Ethan told me.
"I won't." He held me in.
"It's a long drop."
"I can see that." When we reached the top we got out.
"Lean like this." He shifted from side to side.
"And just yell for help if you need me."
"Ok." I built up some bravery. I was about to go.
"Faye." Ethan says.
"Be careful."
"No casualties." I say. He laughed.
"Alright." I lunged forward and glided down the hillside.
"Holy shit!" I yelled as I slid down.
"Lean Faya!" He yelled. I glided away from a tree just in time.
"Ah!" I yelled. I slid to a stop and he met me at the end.
"That was good." He told me.
"My heart is beating as the speed of light."
"Adrenaline." He says.
"No shit." He put an arm around me.
"You ok?"
"I think I'm done." I took my goggles off.
"Yeah I need a break."
"You were doing so good."
"Thanks." I patted his shoulder and slid to a bench.
"You want to just go home?"
"If you don't mind."
"No problem. You want to make cookies?"
"Yeah, let's do that." I smiled.
"Let's go."

  I flopped on the couch as we entered he cabin.
"I'm so sore." I groaned.
"Me too." He flopped next to me.
"Still up for cookies?" I ask. He didn't answer.
"Ethan?" I turned to look at him and he was out.
"Nap time it is."

  "Ethan!" I threw a present as him.
"Ow." He rubbed his head.
"We didn't open presents." I say.
"I'm taking a nap." He rolled over. I walked behind the couch and pushed it so he rolled off.
"Are you serious?" He asks.
"Ok ok I'm up." He sat up. We opened the box I have him.
"Yay, underwear." He said sarcastically.
"I didn't know what size you were."
"So you got me extra small. Perfect thank you."
"You're welcome."
"That one is yours." He pointed. I grabbed the box and opened it. I laughed.
"You got me a stethoscope?" I ask.
"The one you have has duct tape on it."
"Thank you."
"Those are not cheap."
"I know that's why mine has duct tape on it."
"I got you a real gift too." I passed him another box. He tore the edge.
"Aw sweet!" He put it on.
"I won it a work party."
"Let's just hope my dad didn't get me the same thing."
"It's a nice Rolex." I looked at in on his hand.
"It is thank you." He kissed me.
"Last own for you." He handed me a small box. I lifted he lid.
"Awe a snowflake necklace."
"So you can remember your first Christmas in Colorado."
"I love it!" I kissed his cheek.
"Let's send a photo to my dad." He says.
"Ok." He snapped a picture of me kissing his cheek and sent it to his sister, brother, and dad. I sent it to Jenn, Jane, and my birth mom Monica.
"My sister said: who's the hottie." He says.
"Jane said we look cute."
"My brother said you look gorgeous."
"Awe thank you." The timer beeped on the oven.
"Faye Marie did you make cookies with out me?"
"No!" I pulled them out of the oven.
"You are mean!"
"You fell asleep."
"You could have woken me up."
"You can do dishes." I motioned my head to the sink.
"Yeah thanks." He took a cookie.
"I love you!"

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