Chapter 17: staying at the Gwenivire

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Tom And Christina. ^

I woke up next to Adam.
"What are you in my bed!" I yelled. He rolled over.
"You wanted me to spend the night in case you had the nightmare. Jenn isn't here and I didn't want you alone."
"Did you sleep with me?"
"No." He shakes his head.
"Well did did did I?"
"Are you slurring?"
"Are you ok?"
"You got really drunk last night." He says.
"Well shit." I got it of bed.
"Are you sure your ok?" I felt something coming up.
"No." I went in the bathroom and threw up.
"Faye are you ok?" Adam hovered over me.
"Faye?" Everything was fading.
"Faya." And I blacked out.

I woke up to the beeping of my heart rate monitor and a IV on my finger.
"Faya your in the hospital." Doctor Wakefield hovered over me.
"I have training today." I sat up.
"Lay down." Adam says.
"I have training." I repeat.
"Actually you don't."
"We ran some tests." Tom says.
"Give me the break down." I say.
"You have alcohol poisoning." He says.
"Am I on fluids? Are you giving me water? I need to pee more."
"It's your turn to play patient."
"How is my heart rate?"
"It's slowing down." Tom says.
"Give me some water?" I ask.
"Hey Faye some water?"
"Hey Faye. Yeah." She left.
"Faye what in the hell!" Christina walks in.
"I'm not here." I covered my face.
"Alcohol poisoning." Adam says.
"You stupid!" She started hitting me.
"I know." I say.
"Alright that's enough." Tom pulls her away.
"Faye!" Bobbie walks in.
"Let the party begin."

I was snuggled up in bed. I turned to see someone walk in but it was dark.
"No." He set some flowed down.
"Ethan go away."
"Your not in China." He knelt by my bed.
"I said go away."
"I want to be here for you."
"You have 5 seconds to leave."
"I'm not gonna hurt you."
"I will code you."
"You're a patient. "He look my hand.
"CODE WHITE!" I yelled.

"Faye it's ok." Adam stood next to my bed.
"Get Ethan away from me." I say.
"He's not here." He stroked my head.
"You're warm." He says.
"Bobbie." I yelled.
"Yeah?" She walks in.
"Check her for a fever." Adam says.
"Alright." She pushed the easer over my forehead.
"It's slight." She says.
"I was an RN you can tell me the temperature."
"101.2" she says.
"Was that so hard?" I sat back.
"How long has it been since you peed?" She asked.
"Like an hour."
"Let me get you some more water."
"My heart hate went down." I say.
"Your blood pressure is still low. If we can get it up I'll send you home." I looked at my phone. I had 13 missed calls from Ethan.
"Will you delete those?"
"Yeah." He took my phone.
"Voicemail too?"
"Yeah." I picked at my fingernails.
"I never thanked you for telling me about my zipper." I laughed.
"Ethan just about lost his mind."
"He's extremely protective over you."
"Not anymore."
"What did you do?"
"I told him I would visit his restaurant in China and give it a Yelp review." He laughed.
"That's good."
"That's really good." We laughed together.
"Jenn is calling you." I took it and answered it.
"It's a girl." She says.
"How can you know that? Jennifer!"
"I know I know. I should have told you."
"Does he know?"
"He just walked into my room."
"You're home?"
"I'm at the hospital."
"Why? Me too."
"I got alcohol poisoning."
"I'm in the ER. Ask Christina or Bobbie to find me."
"Ok see you in a minute." I hung up.
"Hey Ricky." I say.
"Sorry the guys couldn't make it.
"Congratulations man." Adam says.
"Ugh thanks.."
"No." I mouthed to Adam. His eyes got wide.
"I just wanted to give you this. I got to run." He set down a balloon.
"Stay for a minute." I say.
"I have lunch with Jenn."
"She's actually coming to see me. Any minute." I say.
"Oh ok." He sat down.
"So does YouTube pay well?" Adam asks.
"Ugh yeah I guess."
"How may bedrooms is your place?"
"Adam." I shook my head.
"Faye you have a visitor." Bobbie says.
"She's good." I say. Jenn walked in.
"Tell him." I say.
"Oh hey Ricky."
"Hey Jenn. Ready?"
"Actually I wanted to congratulate you."
"Why is everyone congratulating me?!"
"On being..."
"A YouTuber? A music artist? What?"
"A dad." Jenn says. He dropped to the floor. Adam busted up laughing.
"Ricky!" Jenn ran to him.
"That went well." I say.

"You're how far along?" I ask.
"2 months."
"You guys have been..." Adam asks.
"Yup." Ricky says.
"I did not see that coming." I say.
"Neither did I." Ricky laughs. Bobbie walked in.
"Levels?" She asks.
"Heart hate is constant and blood pressure normal."
"When was-"
"5 minutes ago." I say.
"I'll get the discharge papers."
"Milo!" I yelled
"Discharge paper!" I say.
"Alright." Bobbie laughed.
"Did Christina tell you?" Bobbie asks as she takes out my IV.
"Tell me what?"
"She's expecting."
"Yeah I'm really excited."
"You have to throw her a shower."
"Before the wedding."
"He proposed?!"
"You have missed a lot!"
"Clearly!" We laughed.
"Let me fill out your papers." She left.
"Here are your clothes." Adam says.
"Thank you." I crawled out of bed.
"Um Faye." He says looking away.
"Robes open in the back."
"It's not like you haven't seen it." We all laughed.

Adam pulled up to my apartment.
"Jenn went to Ricky's so I'll be alone."
"Can you stay at my place?"
"Ok." He drove away.
"I don't want to be alone."
"I know. I wouldn't either."

He pulled up the the Gwenivire.
"Your place is back there." I say.
"Ethan moved out. I cant afford that kind of high class."
"You live here?"
"Yeah. It's pretty nice." We walked in.
"Bell boy Mike."
"Hey Adam."
"Receptionist Donna."
"Mr. Slade."
"Elevator man James."
"Ann." He pointed. She glared at me. Adam have her middle finger.
"I'm on the 23rd floor."
"Is that the top?"
"It's no presidential."
"What is it?"
"Vice President." I laughed.
"You think your funny." James says.
"Better than Ethan." He laughed.
"That's for sure." And he really was. We finally got off the floor.
"I work Monday through Friday 8-6" he says.
"Where is the kitchen?"
"When we came in we went right, kitchen is on the left. There is a yoga studio, pool, gym, massages, and steam room."
"How fancy."
"I will get you a card in the morning so you can use everything. If you order room service put it in the Slade tab the security number is 126."
"Ok. Anything else?"
"You have free realm. And my mother is coming." I remember what Ann said.
"Tomorrow night, You can stay in the room but we have family dinner."
"It's probably best if I stay."
"Ok." He opened the door to his room.
"Ta da."
"Holy shit man."
"Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen." He pointed.
"Thank you so much." Our faces were inches apart.
"Your welcome." We started into each other's eyes.
"I'm gonna change." I walked away. He stayed put.

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