Chapter 29: Family

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  "Hey Winnie I'm calling in a kidnapping."
"Plate number."
"Alpha tango 3 4 bravo 9."
"Child name?"
"Beth and Carl Lane."
  I ran to Sophie.
"Hey Faye."
"Let's go."
"Code Amber." She looked around her.
"Let's go."
"Carl!" She screamed.
"Come on Sophie."

"Eddie!" Sophie yelled as we walked through the doors. He pulled her into a hug.
"What's going on?" Ed asked.
"Soph?" He asked.
"Whoop whoop!" The alarm sounded.
"Amber alert for Beth and Carl Lane." Winnie says.
"Faye what the hell is going on?" Eddie yelled.

  "Sophie do you know anyone who would want to take Beth or Carl?" Jules asked.
"No. She's only 5 months old and Carl is 12." She cried.
"We are gonna find them Soph." Ed says.
"All i got is an address." Winnie says.
"Give it to me." Ed says
"So what happened exactly?" Spike asked.
"I was at the park with Sophie and I went to the bathroom. When I walked out there was Carl and Beth getting into the car. 
"Why did you run?" Soph asked.
"She can't outrun a car." Ed says.
"A boy around the age of 14 called 911 2 minutes ago but barely got anything." Winnie says.
"Play it." Sam says.
"Hello? 911 what's your emergency? My sister and I were taken. Ways your name? Hey! End of call."
"That was definitely Carl." Ed says
"We are gonna get them Eddie." Sarge says. We pulled hot it eh house.
"On my go." Sarge says.
"3 2 1."
"Winner you sure his is the right address?"
"1719 wood berry drive?"
"They aren't here. But we are going to need some cruisers."
"What's there sarge?"
"It's a meth lab." A guy moved.
"Hands where I can see them!" Jules yelled.
"Don't mess with the pregnant lady." Spike says. He spit on Slaters shoes. Slater rubbed it right in his face.
"Boss." Smile says.
"What do you got spike?"
"I played the recording over and over."
"There's Airplanes taking off."
"Good work."
"Do you know anyone that lives near the airport?"
"No." Eddie says.
"Our family is in Toronto." Sophie says.
"Winnie you got anything? We're losing daylight."
"The black Corolla was spotted on Wells and Frankco street 5 minutes ago."
"Let's roll."
"Greg you have to get my babies." Sophie says.
"They will be tucked I their beds tonight, I promise."
"Sarge is Carl friends with Kyle?" Sam asks.
"Who's Kyle?" Slater asks.
"My son." Sarge says.
"Kyle?" Sarge was son the phone.
"Are you with Carl?"
"I want you to go to the office and wait for us to come back."
"I don't want you hoe alone."
"Because someone took Carl and Beth."
"I love you." He hung up. 
"Spotted on Seder and Corporate."  Winnie says.
"Floor it." Slater says.
"This is the SRU, pull over immediately." Sarge says over he ratio. And surprisingly they did.
"Get out of the car and out your hands on your head." Sam says. They guy got out of the car.
"Search it." Sarge says. They guy was scared beyond his mind
"Clear." Jules says.
"Clear." I say.
"Look man I just bought the car."
"Where?" Slater asks.
"The guy came to my house."
"Did he give you a name?"
"Johnny Appleseed."
"Damn it." Eddie kicked the car.
"Hey easy." The mans aid.
"All he said is he was with his kids and he needed the money. That's all I know. Please don't hurt me."
"Team lets go."
"Who's Appleseed?" I asked.
"He's a criminal at large." Eddie says.
"But for all we know he could be pretending to be him."
"Winnie get that guy a sketch artist."
"Already on it boss." 
"Now we are back to square one." Slater says.
"Boss someone. Said they saw the kid in a conscience store of south wood." Winnie says.
"Let's go."

  We go to the store and walked inside.
"We need your security tales." Sam says.
"Why? You FBI or something."
"SRU." Sarge showed him his badge.
"I'm Sargent Greg Parker and my team captain here got his kids kidnapped and we're looking for them."
"Take them." He put his hands I the air.
"Thank you."
"Got a sketch." Winnie says. Our phones beeped.
"You no w this name?" I showed him the sketch.
"Yeah he bought Cheetos. He had a little girl and a boy with him."  
"This they act abnormal?" Sarge asks.
"Define normal this is America."
"Look..Abdul..I want my kids I their beds tonight we are not playing a game."
"His name is Johnny and he lives in maple street that all I know."
"Get the sketch to guns and gangs run it by Wordie." Sarge says.
"Alright boss."
"I just don't understand why someone would take kids." Jules says.

"Wordie my man, what do you got?"
"Hey Ed, the guy's name is Dean Rosen he lives at 718 maple street. He got busted with pot 2 years ago."
"Thanks Wordie."
"You got it. Find your kids man."
"718 let's go!" Sarge orders.
"This isn't the dumpy part of town." I say.
"Yeah looks pretty nice to me." Slater says. We got out.
"Shh." Sam says.
"Take them back dean!"
"You wanted kids and I got em!"
"You don't takes kids off the streets! That's illegal! Damn it dean!"
"I'm sorry Pam but your the one who's eggs are old!"
"Ouch." Slater says.
"Non lethal." Sarge says.
"Rubber bullets."
"Tear gas?" Sam asks.
"We don't know here the kids are." Jules says.
"She's right. What's the plan boss?" Ed asks.
"Let's get the entrances covered. Jules and Faye on the roof."
"Sarge I don't want Jules in the roof." Sam says.
"Slater in the roof with Faye let's go."
"Faye remember at the museum when Jules and I dropped down and apprehended the subject?" Sam asks.
"It's gonna go like that if things get bad."
"Got it." I say. Slater and I tied our belts to the roof and linked arms.
"On my go Faye and slater. The word is Scorpio."
"So we have a location on the kids?"
"Not in sight possible basement." Jules says. Sarge and Sam entered the house with Ed.
"Hey dean I'm sArgent Greg Parker with the SRU."
"Get out of here. Pam take the kids." She ran downstairs and pulled out a gun.
"Kids are downstairs. Soph they are gonna Be just fine." I say. I heard her start to cry.
"Sir-" he fire 3 bullets into the roof.
"No harm." Slater and I say.
"Scorpio." At that very moment there was chance that Dean could have saw us drop and shot us but we were lucky and we landed right on him.
"Spike and Sam cuff em." Sarge says.
"Get the kids and Pam." We ran into the basement.
"Good job." I hugged slater.
"Good job." He said back.
"I didn't want him to do this." Pam cried.
"You not in trouble." Jules says. I watched Eddie walk out of there with his son and daughter and see Soph rung Into his arms. That was a day I will never forget. The smile on ed's face and the tears Sophie cried. That was incredible. That was a Family.

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