Chapter 38: Im comin' home

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  Tell the world that I'm comin' home

  "WOOP WOOP!" The alarm sounded. Everyone had a smirk on their face.
"What is going on?" I asked.
"Nothing." Sam says.
"Nothing at all." Jules added. I rolled my eyes and got in the car with Eddie. He smirks the whole way there.
"What we got Winnie?" Sarge asks.
"Stop and put your dress on." She says.
"What?" I ask. Everyone was laughing.
"I'm not kidding Faye." She says as Eddie pulled into the Gwenivire drive way.
"What?" I looked at Eddie.
"Go. I'll wait." I was looking back at forth between vans.
"Now Faye." Sarge says. I awkwardly got out of the car and went to change.

  "Finally!" Eddie says. I put my headset in.
"Back on channel 3 guys." Sarge says.
"What the hell is going on?" I asked once again.
"Nothing!" Slater says. Eddie drove off.
"Someone better start giving me some answers.
"You will see when we get there." Jay says.
"Ugh!" We arrived at a the airport.
"What are we doing here?"
"Well it is the anniversary of your first mission." Sarge says.
"Body slam!" Sam yells. I laughed.
"Come on." Eddie says. I got out of the car and we walked inside.
"Stand right here." Sam places me.
"What are we doing?" I ask laughing.
"Don't turn around." Slater says.
"You guys!" I felt arms twisting around me and I knew who that I was an do busted into tears and fell to the ground.
"What have you guys done!?" I asked I between breaths. I turned around and there stood the love of my life. I launched my arms at him. I was hyperventilating hardcore.he rubbed my back.
"Adam!" I cried.
"I'm home." He said.
"I can see that." He laughed. Jules was crying and I even say slater shed a few. Don't tell him I say.
"Wow." Eddie says wiping his eyes.
"I missed you." I cried.
"I missed you more. Heard you took slashed your back on a railing? What were you were putting my baby in danger?"
"Just hold me." I said.
"I won't let go." He pulled me away and kissed me.
"I need a tissue." Eddie says.
"Me too!" Sarge says.
"Me three!" Jules says.
"And me." I heard a familiar voice. I turned to see who it was.
"Hey Wordie." I say with my legs wrapped around Adam.
"Welcome home Slade." He says.
"Glad to be home."
"Why are you home early?"
"It's only a few days."
"But it's early."
"We pulled a few string with Dilvitch." Sarge says.
"He didn't even like you." I say. He laughed.
"Now your making me cry." He says. Everyone laughed.
"So how far are you?"
"7 months. She'll be a daddy's girl." A tear fell down his cheek.
"A girl?" He asked chocking up.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"I'm beyond excited!" I snuggled my head in his shoulder.
"Can I get a hug?" Eddie asks.
"No." I held him tighter. Hey laughed.
"Alright." Adam patted my back. I jumped down off of him and he hugged everyone else.
"So catch me up!"
"Jules and Sam had a girl name Sadie and got married!" Slater says.
"Holy shit! That's awesome."
"And we are expecting another." Sam says.
"I'm happy for you guys." They smiled.
"Jenn had her baby. Teddy had his birthday, Gloria had her baby your sister spread a rumor about me. I broke your ring."
"You did not break that ring." Eddie says.
"You what? Ann what?"
"Ok I'll tell you about the ring, we were doing second for the mayor and his wife when his wife went missing we called lockdown and got a ransom note that they were in the boiler room."
"When we got down there they had guns pointed at our heads." Eddie says. Adam looks at with that look. I know that look.
"He guy was...yeah and he broke my ring." I say.
"He what?" Adam asks.
"He stepped on her ring." Eddie says.
"No what did he do to you?"
"It's not important I'm fine."
"Faye what did he do?"
"He was trying to get Eddie to talk by hitting me." He was so pissed. I saw it in his eyes.
"Ethan look me to your dads to get your great grandmothers ring." I pull it so he can see it.
"I'm sorry I was gone." He said. I smiled and took his hand.
"What about Ann?" He asks.
"She has a big imagination." I say as we get in the car.
"What did she say?"
"We can talk about it at home."
"Ok." He looked at what was around my neck.
"Ethan gave you my old tags?"
"Yeah." I held them and he kissed my cheek.

  We walked through the door to our room.
"It is so good to be home." He says.
"It's been weird without you." I cleaned up the messy kitchen.
"Have you had morning sickness?" He asks.
"Not a lot."
"I gotta ask."
"What?" I looked at him.
"That baby is mine for sure."
"Do you not trust me? I trust you."
"I was gone for almost a year I want to make sure that's my kid and not Ethan's."
"I never slept with Ethan. Man you and Ann both." I shook my head.
"You know I gave up my life for the SRU and I gave up even more to do it with you." I say. He wrapped his arms around me as I stood at the sink.
"Please don't." I moved his arms and walked to my room.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"You just don't get it."
"Get what?"
"It has been so hard without you." My voice cracked.
"I've had dreams about you coming home. And the baby and the SRU in my shoulders with that is so hard and you finally come home after a year...ish and the first thing you ask is: is it mine? Adam I'm not gonna lie to you this shit it hard. It's fucking hard." I made the bed.
"I'm sorry. I don't mean it." He looked at me from across the bed.
"I need a minute. Why don't you talk to Ann about what she said." I left the room and he didn't follow me. I went downstairs and sat at a table with some coffee.
"You ok?" Lauren asks.
"Thought you didn't like me anymore." I say.
"Honey we know Ann has a big mouth."
She sat down next me. No one knows that Adam is home. I'm gonna tell them at dinner.
"This baby, my job, it's not easy."
"I'm sure it's not." He put a hand on mine.
"But we are here for you and we want to help with the baby weather it is Ethan or Adams."
"It's Adams. I wish everyone would stop assuming I slept with my almost brother in law."
"How's the wedding planning going?"
"With the support I have it's gonna be shit."
"Well I'm not gonna let hat happen." She said.
"We are gonna plan his wedding and it is gonna be a fairytale. Straight out of the Faye and Adam story book. Ever read that one? It's a good one." I laughed. I never connected with Lauren before.
"I know you probably don't want to hear this but I want Elizabeth to help me plan with wedding with Jane and you." She took a deep breath.
"Ok." She said.
" I promised it would be a fairytale didn't I?" I smiled.
"Thank you." I hugged her.
"Now let's talk names." I laughed.
"I'm torn between Ella and Arwin." I say.
"Well when Adam comes home in a few months you can ask him." I smiled. She had no idea.

  I sat down at the dining table in the Gwenivire.
"Why are we having dinner with the slut?" Ann asks.
"Say that again I dare you." Lauren says. I tried not to laugh. She scuffed.
"Why are we having dinner?" Mr. Salde asked.
"Yes please do tell." I had Elizabeth flown down just for Adam because I know he is secretly a momma's boy.
"I have a surprise for you. I know it's early but your gonna thank me." I say.
"Better be good." Theresa says.
"Ann I want you to know I will not help plan your wedding for what you said to Faye." Elizabeth says.
"What you said was incredibly rude."
"How do you even know?" I drank my water.
"How does it feel to be hurt?" Elizabeth asks.
"Mother!" She yelled again.
"For give her now." Her old says.
"I'm sorry Faye." She said.
"Thank you now let's order." I say.
"What would you like to drink?" Adam asks. Elizabeth's face when she saw him. She lit up more than I have ever seen before. And Ethan's face was glowing. Ann hugged him.
"Oh Adam!" Elizabeth said.
"Thank you Faye." Herald says.
"Your very welcome." Everyone had tears in their eyes. Except Ethan. He's a 'man'. We had dinner that night as a family and for once it wasn't a fat mess. Until this caught me:
"When do we meet Monica?" Elizabeth asked. Ethan choked on his water.
"Ethan you ok?" Adam asked.
"Yeah." He coughed.
"Ummm...." I said I can't believe Herald didn't tell her. He gave me the don't tell her face.
"How about Jane?" I ask as I fake giggled.

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