Chapyer 40: Mommies Sunshine Daddies World

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Chapter 40 get it? 40 weeks? I have no life
I walked through the doors of the office.
"Faye go home." Winnie says but I didn't hear her, Im busy arguing with Adam.
"Adam go away."
"Please come here."
"Adam!" I groaned as walked in.
"I got a milkshake at 3 am every night I deserve some attention."
"And you didn't even have to walk out of the building to get it." He followed me to the locker room where I was retrieving my things.
"Faye come here."
"Don't touch me."
"I didn't do anything." He laughed.
"Your just so touchy."
"I'm a needy guy." I laughed. I got my jacket from the locker.
"Leave the poor pregnant girl alone." I say.
"Your my fiancé."
"And?" He hugged me and placed his head on mine. He tried to kiss me.
"Stop." I pushed him away.
"I just want your love."
"Stop." I laughed again pushing him away.
"One kiss?" He asked in the elevator.
"Adam James I will not!"
"Faye Marie will you please?"
"I'm gonna hurt you." I pressed the button.
"Please please please?"
"You begging does not make me want to kiss you anymore more." He was quiet.

I intercepted a hot call about another airport code black for team one.
"Where are you going?" Adam asked me.
"Ugh, gonna stop by Jenns."
"I'm going to the restaurant to help Ethan out."
"Ok." I grabbed my purse and we walked out together.

I arrived at the airport.
"Police only." A women says.
"I'm SRU."
"Badge?" I showed her.
"Come on back. But with that baby I'm going to have to ask you to stand clear."
"Got it." I opened he door to the trailer.
"What's up fierce?" Slater asks.
"They got you in here?"
"Spike has his robot thing and he's checking to bag."
"So what we got?" I sit down.
"There was a suspicious bag left and the K-9 unit dog sniffed something so we are trying to-"
"Keep the peace. Get me a headset."
"No." He shook his head.
"Come on I'm SRU too."
"No. You should check out Leah Ann she's good."
"Take that back right now."
"I'm sorry please don't body slam me."
"Yeah she's here." He says.
"Sarge is going to kill me hush!" Sarge opens the door.
"I'm calling Adam." He says.
"No sarge." I grab his phone.
"I'll stay in the trailer just do your thing."
"I didn't give her a headset." Slater says.
"I don't want you here, with a bomb!" He says.
"I've worked with bombs before even when I was pregnant, I started this when I was pregnant."
"Yeah but no one knew."
"Faye please just-I want you to be safe and I want Adam to have his fiancé and baby."
"And he will."
"You don't see Tucker and Gloria a lot why don't you go see them?" Slater asks.
"He's for a point." Sarge says.
"Yeah spike?" Sarge says.
"Go home before you tick him off."

"Hey buddy!" I picked Jorge up and kissed his cheeks.
"Awe." Gloria says.
"Faye when are you due?" Gloria asks.
"I'm one week passed my due date."
"If the baby doesn't come by Friday we will have to induce labor." I say.
"Gloria was right on time." Tucker says. (Tucker kind of looks like David Lopez in my head)
"Who's your favorite aunt?" I ask.
"How's mom?" He asks.
"I don't know. I stopped seeing her."
"I don't blame you." I looked at my watch.
"You keep looking at your watch are you late for something?"
"No I'm good." I tried not to look like I was in pain.
"Faye?" Gloria walked over.
"I said I'm good."
"She's having contractions." Gloria says.
"Is that what that is?" I ask laughing.
"Don't bull crap me Faye." Tucker says.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Gloria asks.
"Because I can handle it."
"Let's go, Tuck you stay with Jorge."
"You call me when you get there." He says.
"I'm ok."
"¿¡Eres estúpido!? ¡no!" She say.
"I don't speak Spanish well." I say.
"She said are you stupid."
"Go." She pushed me out the door

I was breathing slowly.
"You're doing great." Carly says.
"Where is Adam?" I ask.
"He's coming baby." Gloria says. I was in a lot of pain. Jane rubbed my forehead, I was sweating. Christina came in.
"I call your SRU friends and Jenn and Ricky."
"Thank you."
"Anything for you." She took my hand.
"I want a epidural." I shook my head. She giggled.
"I wish I had that option."
"Contractions are 8 minutes apart." Carly says.
"Faye!" Both the twins walk in. They both took my hands.
"I can't tell the difference." I say.
"I'm Adam." He said kissing my hand.
"It hurts." I grunted.
"Breathe." He brushed my forehead.
"I'm gonna be an uncle." Ethan's says.
"Dilated at 5 centimeters." Tom says. I'm pretty sure Tom works in every department of the hospital.
"I don't how I feel about a guy delivering our child." Adam says after tom leaves the room.
"What?" I ask. Ethan laughed.
"I'm serious."
"Shut up Adam." I say. I squeezed my eyes.
"I'm right here." Adam said. As this moment I could feel was pain but joy. I'm about to be a mom. That's the most important job in the world. It's hard but it's so rewarding.

"6 centimeters. Carly says."
"Let's get the epidural." Tom says.
"Can I have just Faye and Adam in the room?"
"Yeah." Ethan rubbed my hand before getting up to leave. I need it you sit up as straight as possible."
"I know the drill Tom." He smiled. I sat up and Adam held my hands and his lips brushed my forehead and stayed there.
"Little movement." He says.
"I know."
"Don't be bossy." Adam says. I felt a cold rush as the back of my robe was opened.
"You're going great babe." Adam whispered in my ear.
"Wait tom." I say.
"I don't want it."
"You sure?"
"You're in a lot of pain." Adam says.
"I can do this I'm in the SRU God damn it!" They laughed.
"Ok but let's do this together." I nodded. Carly checked on me.
"Still at 6." She takes her gloves off.
"I need to walk around." I say.
"Ok." Adam helped me out of bed. We swayed to ease the pain. I sat down on the floor and say cris crossed.
"Better?" Adam asked.
"Much better." I sat there with my eyes closed. I endured through the incredible pain.

Carly came in. My arms were on Adams shoulders and I was taking in deep breaths.
"Let's check on the baby." She says. I walked over to the bed and laid down.
"Alright at 7. Three more to go."
"Can you bring Jules in?" I asked.
"Yeah." He kissed my forehead and left.
"I never got to thank you for saving the hospital." Carly says.
"It's my job to keep the peace and save lives."
"The SRU saved my life and I'm so happy. Thank you Faye. I'm mean it."
"It wasn't just me. It was Team one. In fact I got hit in the vest on the room."
"Awe you took a shot for me."
"It's not exactly like that but..." She laughed.
"Just Jules wasn't allowed I had to let everyone come." Adam says as he walks in with my team.
"All you guys are here?" I ask.
"Yes!" Jules says walking in.
"Who had Sadie?"
"You guys are insane." I say.
"We got Arwin Something." Jules says.
"What?" I ask. She hands me a gift bag. I took out the tissue paper.
"Are you kidding me!" I started to cry.
"That's the cutest thing ever!" I held it up to show Adam.
"My little SRU member." I stuck my bottom lip out. It was a miniature SRU uniform.
"Thank you." I hugged her.
"She's on half team." Sam's says. We laughed.
"Stop it." Jules hit his arm.
"Piece of work." She mouthed.
"Mine too." She smiled.
"A contraction is starting." Carly says.
"Alright enough party time." Adams says.
"Bye!" They said as Adam held the door open.
"You jumped to 10." Carly says.
"What?" Adam asks.
"Ready to push?" She asks.
"Wait right now?"
"Oh shit." Tom walked in.
"Dilated?" He asks.
"10 and ready."
"Not ready." I say shaking my head.
"Alright let's get her out." Adams eyes her huge.
"Well get over there." Carly pushed him. I felt the contraction.

After hours and hours of labor we were minutes away from seeing her.
"Aaaahhhhh!" I screamed.
"Come on one more." Tom says.
"I can't." I was exhausted.
"Yes you can! You are on the SRU God damn it!" Adam says.
"Remember when I was in the bank with Ethan?" I nodded my head.
"And you went down for me. Do you know how hard it was for me to just watch you bleed. Faye you were there for me and I can't thank you enough. You saved so many lives that day. And I'm beyond proud of my girl." I was crying.
"I Love you." He said.
"I love you too."
"One more push!"
"You said that last time!" I screamed. The most proud moment and most excited and happy moment of my life was I heard her scream. I broke down in more tears. All the people talking around me I blurred out because at that moment all I cared about was Adam and that baby. No one else in the world was more important than them at that exact moment. Tom placed her on my chest. I watched Adam cut the cord. I held her head to me.
"Oh my god." Was all I got out. I just gave birth to the more beautiful girl in the world. And she was mine.

"I knew that when I met you an adventure was going to happen."
-Winnie the pooh

One Day Closer // SRUΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα