Chapter 10: Graduation

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  "Dylan in my office."
"Yes Sarg?" I was at the academy.
"You are my top rank." He poured a glass of whiskey.
"I am?"
"Yes ma'am." He handed me a glass.
"No thanks." I say. He sipped the whiskey.
"I made some calls."
"May I ask whom?"
"What is the SRU?"
"Police strategic response unit."
"What do they do?"
"They a group of men and women who save lives on a daily basis."
"You are graduating top of the class tonight. They will be there to offer you a in, in the training program. Only a handful are selected."
"What are you saying?"
"I want you to represent LAPD police academy in the SRU training program."

I filled out some paper work on a patient. I felt arms trusting around me. I hoped that when I turned around it was Ethan. But it wasn't
"Just don't." I said to Ricky.
"I'm sorry." Usually I just brush him off but I was hurt.
"Lunch?" He asked.
"It's not your day." I told him.
"I figured Ethan or Adam wasn't coming today."
"Ricky you don't know me!"
"Hey let's not yell."
"Don't touch me."
"Faye you want security?" Milo asked.
"Can we talk?" Ricky asked.
"About what?"
"Come here." We walked to the cafeteria.
"I know I annoy you with my crush on you but I'm not blind I know you don't like me. I can see that you love one of them but you don't know who."
"I don't know either!"
"Calm down. Why don't you take a break and go home?"
"I'm quitting." I say.
"Woah! What?"
"I'm graduating the LAPD police Academy tonight and I'm going to be pronounced with a offer at a training."
"Are you going to take it?"
"It's a lot of hard work. It's either the job or the guy and I want his job more than anything."
"So you are leaving Ethan and Adam?"
"I am."
"I'm gonna miss you and I hope that you get into the program."
"I'm not leaving."
"Your gonna be married to your job, we won't see you a lot."
"I'll miss you too." I hugged him.
"Will you be in my music video?"
"Are you serious?"
"Well yeah!"
"Sweet thanks."

I stood in the mirror of the locker room.
"Last day." I say.
"As a kick ass awesome RN." Christina says. I turned to her.
"You always have to sneak up on me?"
"Yeah I do. Come here." She motioned. I walked with her.
"It's quiet." I say.
"It's late." She turned the corner.
"The elevator is that way." I say.
"Wait." We walked I it the cafeteria.
"Turn the lights on." She says. I flipped the switch.
"Surprise!" The whole medical staff was here.
"Oh my goodness." I covered my face.
"Is his my going away party?" I ask.
"It is." Christina rubbed my back.
"We have really enjoyed your love and hard work you have offered at Huntington as well as J.B Johnson." Another hospital I worked at.
"Thank you guys so much but I have to go." I complained.
"Aw what?" Ray asked.
"My graduation!" I say.
"Oh no!" Carly says.
"Hurry up let's go!" Kelly says.
"Don't want you to miss it." Tom adds.
"Ok." I say.
"What's he address?" Milo asks.
"Here." I wrote it down.
"Those who can make it will be here." Rabecca, Christine's daughter says.
"Alright. Thank you guys!" I ran to my car and drove home.

  I straightened my hair in the mirror.
"Let's do this." Jenn says.
"Who's your date?" I ask.
"Ricky." She says.
"Awe." I smiled.
"And i got you a date." She says.
"Connor was happy to help." Ricky says.
"How many people did you invite?!"
"You know...pretty much every YouTuber."
"Oh Jenn!"
"Let's go!" Ricky rushed me.
"Ok ok." I pulled on my jacket and we left.

  "Baby I'm perfect! Baby I'm perfect for you!" We all sang in the limo.
"And if you like causing trouble up in hotel rooms." Ricky took it away.
"And having secret little rendezvous." Trevor sang. We laughed.
"We gonna party!" Kian yelled.
"Yeah we gonna party!" Jc yelled back.
"Party hard!" Jenn says.
"We are here!" Ricky says. Connor got our and opened the door for me. We all piled out of the car.
"You go get your police diploma and make me proud." Jenn says.
"I will." I saw Monica, tucker, and Jane walk over.
"Oh Mija." Jane hugged me.
"She's my Mija too!" Monica pulled me in for a hug.
"And she's my hermana." Tucker hugged me.
"I am." I say.
"Got make me proud." Monica says.
"I Will."
"Go!" Tucker says. I walked to my seat. Right next to Felix and Jasmine.
"Hey, rumor has it your top of the class." Felix says.
"Maybe." I smiled.
"I'm proud of you guppy." That my name in the academy. Everyone called my guppy because I was small but fierce.
"Me too." Jasmine nudged my shoulder.
"Thanks you guys."
"Jasmine Dike." They called.
"Faya Dylan." I walked up and took my certificate.
"Felix Dyme." I went back to my seat. I waited for the last person to be called.
"I'm very proud to say that our top rank student of the LAPD police academy is Faya Dylen." They clapped as I walked to the stage.
"She has shown hard work and determination. I'm very proud of her." Sarg handed me he mic.
"Thank you very much Sarg. My classmates named me guppy because I am little but Fierce. I want to thank sarg for pushing me passed my limits to get me here and my my boss for supporting me through this career change as well as my roommate Jenn for accidentally enrolling me into the course. I didn't know if I wanted to do it and she clicked the button. I don't regret it at all." I saw Ethan and Adam in the crowd. Ethan was in a cap and gown he graduated from culinary school today.
"Thank you." I have the mic back and went to sit down.
"Hello, I am Sargent Gregory Parker with the LA SRU or the police strategic response unit. I am part of a team right there is Eddie, Sam, spike, Wordie and Jules. We work as a team to disable deadly situations and save lives on a Daily basis. Our hours are long and we work hard. This not an easy job. We recently lost a team member due to the bombs we had. We are looking for a replacement. There is a training being held and I want Dylan in the training program to possibly become a member of our team. We look forward to seeing you Dylan. Thank you."
"Holy shit." Jasmine says.
"Right on Guppy!" Felix fist bumped me. After the ceremony we all fled to our families. I hugged Jane.
"You better take that job!" She says.
"I'm planning on it." I say. I turned and started talking to Jenn.
"Faye." I turned around to see Ethan and Adam.
"Go home." I say.
"Faye." He says again.
"I don't want to talk to you. Congratulations."
"Just give her some time." Connor says.
"She's going through a lot." Kian adds.
"I just want to talk to you." Ethan says.
"Please just go." Ricky says.
"I'm talking to Faye."
"And I'm talking to you." Kian says.
"Leave now." Jane says.
"Jane please." Ethan says. She shook her head.
"It was my fault." Adam says. I turned to him.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"I'd love to talk." Adam says. I leaned to his ear.
"Text me tomorrow." He nodded and they left.
"Let's celebrate!" Jc cheers.
"Dylan." Greg says.
"I look forward to seeing our name on my list."
"Me too Sarg." She smiled.
"Good luck." Jules says.
"Thank you."
"Looking forward to seeing you on our team." Sam says. As they walked away.
"I hope to make the team." He winked at me and Jules hit his chest.
"What?" He said as they walked off.
"He hits on everyone." Eddie assured me.
"Have a good night." I told spike.
"You too."
"Sam's hot." Sam says.
"Well it's the name." High eyebrows rose.
"I'm kidding." He laughs. He put an arm around me and we walked to the car.

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