Chapter 22: Protocol of Life

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"My favorite is still gonna be Faye body slamming Franklin." Sam says. We were laughing in the conference room. Who knew today would change everything?
"Whop whop!" The alarms sounded.
"Team one got it!" Wordie calls.
"Alright." Jules and I loaded the car with gear.
"What we got Winnie?" Sarge asks. I got in the car with Wordie.
"Robbery at the bank. 2 subjects."
"Are they female or male?"
"One man one women. Possibly married."
"Alright Jules I want you talking. Faye and Wordie with Jules."
"Got it." Wordie says.
"I feel like the kid who never gets put in the baseball game." Sam says.

We arrived and geared up.
"We have Wendy Daniels and Lou Donivan." Winnie says.
"Sam, spike, with me." They went in the trailer.
"Find me info on Daniels and Donivan." He says.
"Working." Spike says.
"Wordie you are Scorpio. Faye stand by Jules. Your goal is to apprehend the subjects and free the hostages. Sheriff what doing on?"
"They have two guys working on transferring money. Both hostages. Daniels looks like she's about to break. We have eyes and audio." He says.
"Give sherif a headset." Jules says.
"What's the plan?" Wordie asks.
"Sarge?" Jules asks.
"Take it." He says.
"Ok we got entrances?"
"Locked and barricaded." Spike says.
"Window drop." Wordie says.
"Only got the one big one." Spike says.
"Wait there's one." Sam says.
"Ok we got one on the east side." Spike says.
"Ok Wordie your first, me, then Faye. Got it?"
"Got it."
"Eddie get a ladder." I say. We set the ladder in the wall and climbed up.
"Stealth guys." Jules says. I pulled out the glass cutters and cut a large hole. We dropped in.
"Wendy and Lou! This is the SRU we want to help!" Sarge says on the intercom. There was 4 shots fired in the air.
"Cut the stealth get in there!" Eddie yells. We ran around the corner.
"Camera." Jules whispered.
"You got the subjects behind the register.
"They are here!" Wendy yells.
"Move!" Lou yells at the guys.
"They went in a room. Damn it!" Sarge yelled.
"Door open?" I asked.
"Yes." Sam says.
"Come on." I said to a little girl.
"My name is Faye and we want to get you out safe. Can you whisper to them?" I ask. She nodded. We were getting the hostages out. A bullet went pass.
"Officer down!" Sam yells.
"Jules is hit in the arm." I say.
"Get her out!" Sam yells.
"Protocol of life!" Sarge says.
"Put her in the middle of the room!" Lou yells.
"Do it." Sarge says. Wordie pushed her in the middle.
"Can I help her?" I ask.
"No!" Wendy yelled. I saw Adam and Ethan in a corner.
"Faye protocol." Sarge says.
"Sarge." I say.
"Protocol." He repeats.
"Stop moving the hostages!" Lou yells. A shot fired.
"Faye is down!" Wordie says.
"Status Faye!?" Spike asks.
"Hit in the leg."
"Oh my god!" Sarge says.
"Help me out we got two officers down!" Wordie says.
"Jules you listen, you are gonna be fine. Faye is gonna help you and we are gonna walk away from this!" Sam says.
"Faye!" Ethan calls.
"Shh." I say.
"Stop talking!" Wendy yells.
"Hostages." Sargent says.
"Wendy, Lou, we need to get the hostages out to keep them safe."
"You leave them alone or I shoot!"
"Sam, Eddie get in there!"
"Put you hands in the air." Wordie yells.
"Now!" Eddie says.
"Status Jules!?" Sam asks.
"Faye is helping me." She barley could breath.
"How bad is it?" Sarge asks.
"We both need a hospital." I say.
"They aren't budging." Sam says.
"Scorpio." Sargent says.
"Don't shoot!" Lou yells. Wendy took a run out the back door and Sam shot.
"Lou Donivan is apprehended and Wendy Daniels is down." Wordie says.
"No pulse." Sam says.
"You know what to do Sam." Sarge says. He took his headset off.
"No!" Lou got out of Wordie's grip and grabbed his gun.
"Get out now! This is my money!"
"Get out!" Sarge says. Sam Wordie and Eddie ran out. Lou walked over and smashed our headsets.
"Let them go!" Adam said.
"Shut up Adam!" I say.
"You know each other?" Lou asked. He shot Adam in foot.
"Ah!" He screamed.
"Wounded hostage." I say.
"We need a medic!" Jules says.
"Not until I get my money." Jules and I talked.
"Can you let Adam go?" I ask.
"Where is my money!?" He asks.
"He needs medical attention." Jules says.
"Sam." Sarge says. Sam walked in and saw Jules laying there bleeding. He slipped us a headset.
"Faye we are gonna get you out." Adam says.
"Get Adam a headset." Eddie says. Lou waved his gun around.
"Can we let the hostages go?" Jules asks. Ethan looked at me.
"I'm sorry." I mouthed. He shook his head.
"Faye." Adam said.
"Mm mmm." I say.
"I'm right here." He says. I closed my eyes.
"Status?" Sarge asks.
"Bleeding." We say.
"I'm working on a way to get you out." Sarge says.
"Money transferred!" The guy says.
"Get out!" Lou says to the hostages. Ethan didn't leave.
"Get out!" Lou yelled again.
"Not with out them."
"You wanna be shot too?"
"Tell Ethan to get out!" Adam says.
"Adam wants you out." I say.
"If your here I'm here."
"Fine he stays.
"No Faye he needs to get out before we can get you guys out."
"No Ethan you have to leave."
"It's protocol." Jules says.
"Ok." A tear fell down his cheek and he left.
"Ok here's the plan. Sam and Eddie are gonna drop through the window above you." Sarge says.
"Cover yourselves." Wordie says. Jules and I held each other close. The window broke and Sam and Eddie dropped in. Eddie shot Lou.
Ethan ran in and picked me up. Sam picked up Jules. I wrapped my arms around Ethan's neck. They put us in an ambulance and drove us away.
"What hospital are we going to?" I ask.
"Huntington." The paramedic says.
"Oh great." I say.
"Faye is that you!?" The driver asks.
"Who's asking?"
"It's me Johnny."
"Hey. It's been a while."
"I haven't seen you in trauma what happened?"
"Joined the SRU." I say.
"Yeah. Hey Sarge how is Jules?"
"The bullet barley missed the vest so she's not bad."
"I'm here." She said.
"We can do better." Sarge says.
"Jules is sam with you?" I ask.
"Him and Eddie are with authorities." Spike says.
"Right." I say.
"I'm offline." Wordie says. I took out my headset.
"You ok?" Ethan rubbed my forehead.
"It's part of the job."

We sat in the hospital room reviewing the situation. And what we should have done to not risk 2 officers lives. Sam and Eddie walked in.
"How did it go?" Sarge asks.
"It was ok." Sam sat down.
"Finish the report?" Eddie asks.
"Yup." Sarge closes the binder.
"How are you two?" Wordie asks.
"I'm good." I say.
"Getting better." Jules says.
"Let's go home." Eddie says. Sam stayed with Jules. We shared a room that night.
"Somebody is here." Christina says.
"Your buddies." Ethan and Adam walked in. Sam closed the divider.
"Faye I don't think I could ever see you like this again. That scared me to death." Ethan says.
"I'm very happy you got out safe but hat was dramatic and crazy." Adam says.
"It's my life and I love it. I save lives."
"By risking yours."
"It is part of the job."
"You are one crazy person."
"I know."

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