Chapter 30: Baby Dillon

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"Breathe." I told Jenn.
"Where's Ricky?" She asked.
"He's coming. Your doing good."
"Christina!" I yelled.
"Let's take look." Christina walks in.
"Alright you are 5 centimeters. Half way there." She says.
"Want the epidural?" I ask.
"Wait for Ricky." She says as she squeezed my hand.
"Your gonna do great."

I watched Ricky hold his daughter for the first time with tears in his eyes. They were a family weather they planned it or not. My phone rang.
"Get to the station." Sam says.
"On my way."

"Let's get some marksmanship training in." Sarge says.
"I thought you said we were working today?" Eddie jokes.
"I want to see Eddie and Faye in a one on one." Slater says.
"You're on." I say.
"Ok on my go." Jules says.
"Whoop whoop!" The alarm sounded.
"Damn it." Slater says.
"All teams on deck!" Winnie says.
"Give me the break down." Sarge says as we load the cars up.
"We got a school shooting at Gate Hill high school."
"That was my high school." Sam says.
"Move it." Sarge says.

We got to the scene and police trap was stretched across the school
"It's a shame these happen." Jules says.
"Your subject is Bow Laton. He's 17 I got a address."
"Slater and Spike."
"On it." Spike says.
"How do we get in?" I ask.
"You can enter through the front but we don't know where we his or what set him off." Sheriff says.
"Pack lethal and non lethal and tear gas just in case." Sarge says.
"Team one is Jules and Faye. Team 2 is Sam and Eddie, I'll be in the truck."
"Ok." We broke off.
"Jules and I got the south wing."
"We will take the north. One floor at a time."
"How many floors?"
"3 including the basement."
"Hey the hostages out." Eddie says. Jules and I stared walking down the hall. We opened a door.
"Let's go, quiet." I say. We got some students out.
"Does anyone know Bow Laton?" Jules asks.
"Yeah is he in trouble?" A girl asks.
"Take her to the truck. Sarge we got a girl saying she knows him."
"Thank you Jules." We continued getting hostages out.
"We got a runner going to the top floor!" Sam says.
"Faye go!" Jules says. I trucked my ass up those stairs and body slammed him.
"What's your name!" I scream.
"Tommy Jameson."
"Damn it." I stomp my foot.
"Body slam #2." Sam smiled.
"You know it. Let's move it." The guy stood up and I took him to a cruiser. I got back with Jules.
"South side is clear on the second floor." I say.
"North side is clear on the second floor."
"Spike, slater."
"Dad is a dunk. said his son came home from school early took the gun and left."
"He doesn't know anything."
"He's got a target." I say.
"Bullied?" Eddie asks.
"Sarge what do you got?"
"The boy is bullied on a daily basis but this girl says that he's a really good kid and he gets straight As."
"Sam you and Eddie take the basement." Jules says.
"Cover top." Sam says.
"On our way back." Slater says. Jules and I walked up the stairs. We cleared out a projector room.
"Sarge, teacher said Bow was in here and she thinks his target is Jake Miller."
"What's a quiet alone place?" Ed asks.
"The pool." Sam says.
"Let's go." Jules says.
"No Jules and Faye you need to get hostages out."
"Yes sir." I reached my arm out.
"Shh." I say. Jules points to a door. I nod.
"123." She whispered. We opened it and it was a science lab.
"Everyone out." Jules and I get them out.
"Last room cleared on top floor." I say.
Sam Eddie how are we?"
"There's yelling in the pool." Sam says.
"We talking boss?" Ed asks.
"Yeah Sam you take it."
"Bow?" Sam asks.
"I'm with the SRU, this is my buddy Ed, we want to help." We couldn't hear the other end of the conversation.
"I'm sorry to hear that. This was my school."
"Boss he only wants one guy in there."
"Faye your Scorpio. Ed your Scorpio 2." I ran downstairs.
"It's a headset."
"Sam do not!" Jules yells.
"Offline." Sam says.
"Damn it Sam!" She yells.
"I need eyes!" Sarge yells. I ran around the corner.
"Boss there's no windows." Eddie says.
"Tear gas?" I ask.
"Anyone got ears?" He asks.
"Very faint." Ed says.
"Ed." I pointed.
"Boss we got a vent."
"Get in."
"Working on it." I say.
"Faye get out here."
"I'm Scorpio."
"Ed take it."
"Don't miss." I told him."
"I never do." He assured me. I patted his shoulder.
"Get them out alive." Jules says.
"Ed let me know when you have the solution."
"Is Jake in there?" Slater asks.
"Yes." Eddie whispered.
"And a girl." Sarge sighed. I walked out if the building.
"I have the solution but it's not stable."
"Eddie." Sarge says. 4 bullets where shot."
"Officer down!" Eddie yells. Jules broke down into tears and she was on her knees holding her stomach.
"Sam!" She yelled.
"Samuel Braddock you get your ass out here!" Eddie says. I hugged her.
"Sam!" Sarge yelled. Slater helped me get Jules up. She crashed.
"Damn it Sam!" Spike says.
"Sarge you not gonna believe this." Eddie says.
"What is it?"
"Vest." Jules was overwhelmed.
"Apprehend." He says.
"Sam!" She ran in there.
"Status on Sam?"
"Unconscious." Eddie says.
"Get a medic team in there!" The 2 hostages walked out as I ran in. I followed Jules.
"Sam!" She called.
"He's gonna be fine." Eddie says. Jules took his vest off.
"How is he?" Sarge asks.
"Bruised and winded." I say.
"Get him out of there." Sarge says. They wheeled Sam out and jules followed him.
"Edward." The authorities said. Ed nodded. They took him into custody, it's protocol.
"You let Eddie leave him!" Jules cried. Sarge pulled her into a hug. She fought it but gave in.

"Do we all agree that Scorpio was the need solution for this situation?" I asked.
"Yes." Everyone agreed.
"Good job." Sarge says.
"This was Jules' last mission until the baby is born." Sam says.
"I'm going on maternity leave."
"We get a temporary rookie next week." Sarge says.
"Name?" I ask.
"Jay Howard."

I drove to the hospital that night to see Lilah.
"Milo, Dillon?" I ask.
"Thanks." I walked down the hall.
"I'm back." I say.
"How was work?" Ricky asks.
"Today was hard. Sam got shot but it his he vest."
"How is he?" Jenn asked.
"It's Jules I'm worried about."
"Come see Lilah." Ricky says.
"Hey." I rubbed her hair.
"Wash your hands." Jenn swatted my hand.
"I'm a Former Nurse!" She laughed.
"Alright come here." I took her into my arms.

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