Chapter 13: Liar

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  "Nice grouping." Ted says.
"Thanks." I pulled he bolt back of the gun.
"Good job Dylan." Sarg walked in.
"Been here since 5." I say.
"That's my girl." He says. I pulled the shooting target back and took it off the clips.
"Nice!" Eric says as he walks in. 
"Pew pew." I shoot my pretend guns. They laughed.
"I bet $20 bucks Dyaln gets in to the SRU." Ted says.
"Your on." Eric and Ted shook hands.
"Go home." Sarg says.
"I got no where else to be."
"You have been here 12 hours, go home."
"What am I gonna do?"
"Go party with your YouTube friends."
"Ugh." I locked the gun up.
"We gotta have a party when Dylan gets into the SRU." Ted says.
"Hey Gabbie sent me to get you." Alx James walks in.
"Holy shit it's Alx James!" Ted yells.
"Yes bitch is me."
"Hey Alx."
"Hey, cars runnin." He says.
"Bye." I said to Sarg and the guys.
"I want to party." Ted says.
"Faye!" Alx nagged.
"I'm coming, let me get my stuff." I went into the locker room and grabbed my phone.
"Where did Alx go?"
"He's waiting out front." Eric says. I walked out of the training center and got into Alx car.
"What happened to the Jag?" I ask.
"I don't wanna talk about it. Buckle your ass up."
"Who brought you to...this?" He asks.
"Couldn't she pick you up?"
"Damn you salty today."
"I'm pissed about my car."
"But you don't want to talk about it?"
"No." He drove off.

  We arrived at Alx apartment.
"What is the plan?" I ask.
"Ask Gabbie." He says. We walked inside.
"Gabbie!" Alx yelled.
"Hey Alx." She walks around the corner.
"Don't be creepy." He says.
"I'm not. You are." I sat on the couch Alx's dog jumped on me.
"Hey buddy!" I pet her ears.
"What's her name?"
"Gracie." Alx says.
"I'm pissed about my car."
"What happened to your car." Gabbie asks.
"Fucking Corolla. I'm about to make a video about it." He says.
"Gabbie what's the plan?" I ask.
"I'm about to take you to Kian and Jc's."
"Why? What is going on?"
"They are having a party."
"I just got home from the center I don't really want to party."
"Too fucking bad, bitch." Alx says.

  I walked Into Kian and Jc's house.
"Hey dude." Jc says
"Hey." I set my stuff down.
"Your friend Adam is really funny." He says.
"He's here."
"Yeah upstairs with Kian."
"I invited him to the party."
"Who's gonna be at the party?"
"Jenn, Adam, Kian and I, you, Andrea, Ricky, Sam, Trevor, and Connor."
"So it's a little party."
"Yeah." We walked upstairs.
"Hey." Kian said.
"What's up?"
"Getting ready For the party dude."
"Hey." Adam hugged me.
"Train today?" Adam asked.
"Yeah 5-5." I say.
"And the recruitment was shortened by one month."
"Train?" Kian asks.
"I'm training To be in the SRU."
"It's the the SWAT." Adam says.
"I thought you were a nurse."
"I was but I changed careers."
"Oh." Adam picked up his phone.
"Hey." I took it.
"Faye." He tried to get it back.
"No." I ran downstairs.
"Give it back!" He laughed.
"No!" I stood in the kitchen looking at it. From Ashely: can't wait for another wild night, thanks for lunch.
I looked at Adam, He looked at me.
"Here." I have it back and walked back upstairs.
"It's not what you think." He says.
"Just drop it. Ok?"
"Stop." I put my hands up.
"Just leave me alone." I took my purse.
"Faye don't leave." Jc says.
"Hey!" Gabbie walks over.
"You don't have the keys." She says.
"I'll walk thank you." And I took off.

  I walked down the street with my head high. A car slowly drove next to me.
"Leave me alone Adam." I say.
"Faye it was one night. She exaggerated the text."
"I don't want to be your successful girl. I want to be your girl."
"Get in." He unlocked the car.
"Faye get in." I stopped.
"You lied to me."
"You are dating Ethan too!"
"That's different!"
"You spilled your heart out to me and then you just stab me in the back." My voice cracked.
"I won't see her again."
"Did you sleep with her?" He didn't say anything.
"Adam! How am I supposed to trust you?"
"Faye please. I won't see her anymore."
"That doesn't change what you did." The car stopped but I kept walking.

  I walked into Providence.
"Table for 1?" A woman asks.
"I need to see Ethan?"
"Mr. Slade?"
"He's working right now."
"I need to see him."
"Is it an emergency?"
"He's working Hun." I walked to the back of the restaurant with her following me.
"Ma'am." She says.
"Ethan." I called out.
"He is working." She says again. I walked into the kitchen.
"Low simmer." Ethan says to a student.
"Hey can I talk to you?"
"Kevin take over." He says.
"Leaving?" Kevin asks.
"Have a good night boss."
"You too Kevin."
"Linda it's ok." Ethan says to the waitress.
"Whatever." She walks out.
"What's wrong?" He says to me.
"Can we go to your place?" I ask.
"Yeah. Of course. Let me change." He walked into his office.
"So you're the girl that gives boss the butterflies." Someone says.
"Me?" I ask.
"You didn't see how he clams up?" She says.
"We ugh, we dated. Are dating."
"So you dated them broke up and now your back together?"
"It's a long story."
"You really need to talk to him or is it just sex?" She looked up from her skillet.
"Excuse me?" Everyone laughed.
"Nice one Gina." A guy said.
"That's actually not your business."
"He'll tells us about it later, he always talks about every detail."
"Yeah sometimes it gets explicit."
"Your face is about to get explicit."  I rolled up my sleeve.
"Really? You? Tiny little guppy gonna even leave a mark?"
"Do you know what the SRU is?"
"Are we playing 20 questions?"
"Watch your ass because I might just save your life one day."
"Woah Faye." Ethan walked out of his office.
"Control your hound." Gina says.
"Control your attitude or your career in my kitchen is over."
"Chill boss just having some fun." She says.
"Gina I will Fire your ass."
"I'm done." He put her hands up. We walked out.
"I heard everything. I'm sorry she talked to you like that and I don't tell anyone what we do." He says.
"I wouldn't believe anything that comes or her mouth." I say.
"One second." He turned around and I followed him back into the kitchen.
"Gina?" He says.
"Yeah boss."
"Walk." He says.
"Your done in my kitchen."
"You are through in my program."
"You're done!"
"Little bitch." She says to me.
"GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY KITCHEN NOW!" Ethan snapped. She threw her apron on the ground and left out the back door.
"If anyone of you want to talk to Faye like that you can walk. That is not tolerated in my kitchen."
"Got it."
"No problem."
"Won't happen."

   We sat on the couch watching mission impossible.
"Ok so what's up?"
"Alx picked me up from the center then I went to his apartment. After that Gabbie took me to Kian and Jc's and Adam was there. We were just talking about the party and I jokingly took his phone and he there was a message form a girl on it talking about how great their date was and she couldn't wait for he next one."
"Wait so he was seeing other people behind your back?"
"Your dating me. So?"
"He told me the other day how much I ment to him and how much he loved me and then that. I'm sorry that won't fly with me."
"I'm sorry Faye."
"Thanks for firing her."
"I'll probably save your life one day." He laughed.
"I couldn't think of anything." We laughed together.
"I love you." He kissed my forehead.
"I love you too."
"You can look through my phone anytime." I laughed.
"Thank you."
"You can trust me completely."

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