Chapter 16: Just a Little Drunk

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"Another?" The bar tender asked.
"Ya know what?"
"I'm go home."
"You're not driving right?"
"No sir." I smiled.
"That's my girl." He wiped the counter up.
"You be safe now." He said.
"Oh I will. You have a nice night." I walked out and headed down the street.
"I don't need you Ethan. You lard sack. Shit you make stuff with lard." I hobbled down the path.
"Hey girl." I guy said.
"Hey." I waved and kept walking.
"You play with meat for a living. Haha, that sounds funny. Fap." I laughed at my own jokes.
"Hey hunny why don't you come here."
"You need to take a step back because you stanky."
"You're mighty fine."
"I could kick your ass."
"Do it." I threw my fist in the air and popped one right in the face.
"Holy shit." His friend said.
"Want one?"
"No!" He ran off. I just kept walking and walking. And then I reached a house that I thought I knew but I wasn't for sure.
"Aye let me in!" I banged on the door.
"Oh Adam. So good to see you." I let myself in.
"Are you drunk?"
"I only had 3 glasses!"
"Why don't you let me take you home." He grabbed some car keys.
"Fuck me."
"Excuse me?"
"Fuck me." I got up in his face.
"You definitely had more than 3 glasses."
"You can bet your bottom dollar." He laughed.
"Let's get you home. I got up real close to him.
"Fuck me."
"No Faye I'm not gonna take advantage of you." He pushed me away.
"You touched my boob!" I busted up laughing. He kissed me. Holy shit he kissed me.
"Come on." I took his hand.
"I'm not gonna take advantage of you."
"But you want to."
"but in not gonna."
"Please Adam."
"I'm gonna call Ethan. Why did you leave the party early?"
"No!" I hit his phone and it hit him in the face.
"Ouch." He rubbed his forehead.
"Don't call the wizard!"
"Faye what the fuck?"
"Don't do it! I hate him."
"You guys are gonna get engaged any day now. I'm surprised your not pregnant."
"And why the hell would I be pregnant?"
"I don't need to explain that one."
"Fuck me."
"Let's go." He dragged me to his car and he buckled me in.
"Listen to what I'm gonna say."
"Go home."
"Drink some water."
"Yup yup."
"Lay down."
"Get a good night sleep. You gonna crash in 10 minutes."
"And in the morning take some Tylenol for your hang over."
"I hear ya. You're lookin pretty drunk yourself."
"Wow." He brushed his hand threw his hair.
"I'll put the Tylenol on your night stand you need a little more help."
"How it gonna get there Rodney?" He laughed.
"What is so funny! I wanna laugh too!"
"Who's Rodney?"
"I ain't say nuts about Rodney."
"What kind I like pecans?"
"Your quite entertaining when your drunk."
"Who drunk? Me drunk? You drunk."
"Faye you need to calm down."
"Nope." I took my shoes off.
"Put those back on."
"Don't touch me!" I slapped his hand.
"I thought you wanted me to fuck you?"
"Yeah." I put my leg over his.
"I'm trying to drive." He swerved.
"You know something?"
"Rodney didn't come by yesterday." He laughed.
"He didn't?"
"No! That little shit said he'd stop by and now Jenn's pregnant."
"Woah wait, Jenns pregnant?"
"Yeah and she's president."
"Who's baby?"
"Ricky van Dillon."
"Why the van?"
"What van who van?" He pulled up to Jenn place laughing his ass off.
"Remember what I told you?"
"What I told you- never mind." He got out the car and came to my side. He helped me out the car.
"Oh shit oh shit." I say.
"My legs don't move."
"Yeah they do."
"No look." I swung Them back and forth.
"They are fine." He was about to help me out.
"Im Gonna Face plant and your Gonna pay my medical bills."
"I'm so done with you." He picked me up and shut the door with his foot. He walked Inside and tucked me in bed.
"I'll be right back." He left the room.
"He's a little shit and his name is Ethan. He plays with his meats and wear beats. breaks his girlfriends heart."'I sang to myself.
"He lets his sister insult her dead family."
"What are you singing?" He asks from the kitchen.
"A song I made up about Ethan."
"Am I in it?"
"Fuck me Adam." I say.
"You are going to bed." He set 2 pills on my night stand And he made me drink a cup of water.
"Now lay down and close your eyes. I'll check on you in the morning."
"Yeah." He stood in the doorway.
"Don't call Ethan please."
"I won't. And I'm gonna talk to Ann."
"Will you stay?"
"I got work in morning Faye, you don't."
"What if I have the nightmare?" He sighed.
"I'll stay if you keep your hands to yourself."
"I cross my heart and hope to not die."
"Scooch over." I moved.
"Goodnight." He turned off the lamp.

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