Chapter 48: One Word Changes Everything

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We were talking with Ethan at the office.
"What's the black eye from?" Sam asked not knowing what he just said.
"Whoop whoop!"
"Saved by the bell." He says.
"We got a boy who called 911 saying his father is about to kill 200 people including himself."
"Sending the address."
"Let's go!" Sam yelled.
"Be safe." Ethan kissed me keep.
"Always am."
"Vest it if you have to." I nodded.

"We aren't necessarily welcome hear so lets me nice." Sam says. We got stopped at the gate.
"How can I help you?" Sarge rolled down his window.
"We just want to check the place out."
"You're SRU what do you want?"
"Look we got a 911 call we just want to make sure everyone is good."
"Everyone is great."
"Can we walk the perimeter?" Sarge asks.
"Sure but keep your distance." Sarge smiled and we pulled out.
"Faye and spike, Jules and Eddie, Sam and Drake. Let's go."
"Boss we got the west." Spike says.
"East." Jules says.
"North." Sam says.
"I'll watch the font." Sarge says. Spike and I walked down the west gate.
"Tell me what you see." Sarge says.
"They are just talking and walking around. Maybe 200 people, men women and kids." Sam says.
"What's the point of this place?" I asked.
"Like extreme rehab." Spike says.
"Why are the kids here?" Jules asked.
"Their parents didn't want to leave."
"It's a cult." Eddie says.
"Eddie let's not put labels on people." Sarge says.
"Stating the obvious."
"Boss they are leading the people into a barn." Spike says.
"Yeah. Children too."
"Keep an eye on them."
"Got it." We paced the west side line 2 or 3 times before it was looking suspicious.
"Screaming." I say.
"Cut the fence." Sarge says. Spike snapped the wire.
"In." I say. We walked through and ran to the barn. We out out ears to the barns door. Spike sniffed the air.
"He's about to poison them." He says.
"Get that door open now!"
"I'll check the back." Sam says.
"Masks on." Eddie says. I slipped my mask on.
"Call the medics." Drake says.
"Already on rout."
"I want this door down now!" Sarge yelled.
"Working on it!" We pulled and pulled.
"Locked on the inside."
"Spike help me out."
"No explosives." He was thinking.
"An axe?" Sam asks.
"That would take all day." I say.
"We don't have all day."
"It's getting stronger." Drake says.
"Find a door, a window, something!" I looked in the walls of the barn.
"Door breaker?" Sam asked.
"No time." Eddie says.
"Help." We heard from inside.
"Can you hear me?" I asked.
"Unlock the door!" I say. Their fingers were on the lock.
"Come on you can do it." I say.
"Window!" Eddie says.
"Open!" We busted through the window.
"Deactivate it spike." Jules says. He walked to the machine.
"Sam door!" I say. Drake and same unlocked the door.
"Spike?" I asked. No answer.
"Spike! Status?" Sarge asked.
"Find spike."
"Door open." People flooded out of the barn.
"Help!" I heard.
"I'm coming honey where are you?"
"Hel-" he was cut off.
"You ruined everything!" A man yelled.
"SRU we want to help."
"Go away." The smoke cleared and a boy was taken hostage with a man and a women.
"2 hostages." I say.
"Why are we doing this?" I asked.
"I was told to!"
"By who?"
"The man."
"Is the man real?"
"Of corse he is."
"You were about to take innocent lives."
"I was told to. My family and I are gonna all go and you are gonna let us."
"I can't do that."
"Richard Novak is your guy." Winnie says.
"Richard? My mane is Faye."
"I said get out!"
"Eddie solution?"
"No solution." I say.
"I have the solution."
"Faye let them go and then we will get them when they leave." Sam's says. His gun went from the boy to me.
"Gun on me." I whispered.
"Hey Richard, I have a little girl at home. I promised her I would be at her ballet recital tonight. Her name is Liv."
"Let us go."
"Ok." I put my hands up.
"Stay right there." He pointed to me.
"I'm not moving." He slowly walked away.
"Tell your friends to back off."
"Eddie. Sam. Jules. Drake. Sarge. Frog it."
"What?" Jules asked.
"She trying to tell us something." Sam says.
"Red frog tongue and a blue tongue."
"Bomb!" Spike says.
"No body slamming. He could trigger it. " Sarge says. They walked outside. He were apprehended.
"Bomb wasn't finished. We are all clear." We took a deep breath.
"Good job fierce."

I walked out of the locker room.
"Ready?" Jules asked.
"I'm so ready."
"Let's go." Sophie says. Liv and Beth walked out holding hands.
"We will meet you there." Spike says.

We got to the place and Liv say that big stage.
"Momma." She said.
"No no." She said.
"Why? You are gonna do great."
"No no." She shook her head.
"Do it for dad. Do it for me."
"You are so good, Liv. You got this." She smiled at me.
"I love you."
"I love your too. Now break that stage." She ran to the door.
"Best mommy ever." Sophie says.
"I know right?" Jules adds.
"Not the best daddy." We sat down.
"Don't put him down like that." The show started.
"Hey." Ethan sat next to me.
"Where have you been?"
"Devil child."
"Aw Sawyer." I say. We laughed. Team one then flooded the front row.
"Livia!" Eddie cheered at the end of the show.
"Daddy!" She jumped off the stage and into Adams arms. I stared to walk over.
"Let him be proud." Sophie stopped me. I watched her. Glowing with happiness.

"Your uncle teddy was the best." I was telling Liv.
"My brother. And grandma and grandpa were amazing. You look just like grandma." She smiled. I bent down to the grave.
"I love you." Liv kissed the gave stone.
"Awe." I smiled.
"They would have been so happy to meet you." I kissed her cheek.
"No matter what I'm your mom and I love you."
"So Tara, Nick, Teddy, could I have your daughter or sisters hand in marriage?" I tuned around with hands on my face, crying. Ethan held a small ring on his palm.
"They already said yes." I turned around to see Adam holding a box on one knee. This was battle of brothers. I looked at both of them back and forth. I put Liv on the ground and she ran to Adam.
"Daddy!" I look again back and forth.
"Faye we can do this. No more secrets." Adam said.
"I knew from the first moment I saw you, in target, it was you or no one." He quoted Sam.
"Be my army wife. Be the reason I come home."
"Every day I didn't t say I love you the feeling got stronger." They went back and forth. Liv hung her hands around Adams neck. I didn't know what to do. My life was going to change in one word:

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