Chapter 18: Dinner

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  I woke up and put my gear on for training. I have 2 months to get ready and I'm not wasting a single day. I called Sarg.
"I'm coming in today, did you find a therapist for me?" Adam walked in with a toothbrush in his mouth and took the phone.
"She was in the hospital yesterday I don't want her coming in."
"Go change." He says to me.
"She's ok now."
"Alcohol poisoning, It was bad."
"If today goes well you will see her Tuesday morning."
"Ok. You have a nice day." He hung up and gave me the phone.
"I'm going in."
"He doesn't want you in right now."
"Your not my mom." I took my jacket off.
"Explore the hotel."
"Breakfast downstairs." He says.
"There." He pints to the night stand. I got up and put it in my pocket.
"If Ann bothers you just come get me."
"I can take her."
"I know you can but we want to keep it violent free."
"Fine." We walked out of the room.
"Just so you know Ann and Theresa's room is right there." He points to the door next to his.
"Only room available." He uses quotations with his fingers.
"That's bull shit."
"That's what I said."
"Mornin James."
"Morning." He pressed the first floor.
"So how does the card work?"
"Give it to the waiter and he will ask you to write down the security code."
"Oh ok." The elevator stopped.
"Have a good day." James says.
"You too." We walked out into the lobby.
"I'm gonna clock in you go sit down." He walked In the kitchen and I sat down. I flipped through The menu.
"Hi my name is Ashley I'll be your waitress. What can I get you to drink." I'm evil.
"Water for me and my fiancé will have water as well." Yeah it's gonna sting.
"Alright can I get a name for the tab?"
"Slade." She gulped and tensed up.
"Write down the code for me." I wrote 126 on there.
"I'll be write back with your waters." Adam walked out and sat in front of me.
"I got you water. Play along."
"What?" I took a ring from my right hand and put it on my left.
"What are you doing?" Adam asks.
"Ashley we are ready to order." I say. She turns around and I see the hate in her eyes when she sees Adam.
"What can I get you?" Adam put a hand around me.
"Pancakes babe?"
"Yeah. Let's do pancakes." She wrote in her pad.
"Shouldn't you be in the kitchen Adam?" She asks.
"I'm having dinner with my fiancé."
"I can see that but your on the clock."
"Take it up with my dad."
"Fine." She left. Adam moved his arm. We both just laughed.
"You are evil." He says.
"I know." I laughed.

  "Relax." The instructor says.
"Take a deep breath." I put my hands in air.
"Find your inner peace." She says. I opened one eye. This is some weird shit.
"Hey." Adam touched my shoulder.
"Someone is here for you." I quietly left the room.
"Who's here?" I put my hair in a pony tail.
"Faye!" Ted yells.
"I've been worried. It's so not like you to not come in."
"I got sick yesterday."
"Adam." Someone called. He left.
"Why are you here?"
"Ethan and I had a huge argument."
"I'm sorry."
"Jenn's moving and I just needed a place."
"You can always crash at my pad."
"Yeah. So are you and Adam.."
"No. I have this re accruing memory of the accident at night when I sleep and so someone has to be there to calm me down."
"I'm sure that's been rough."
"It really has been."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"I'm gonna get it out if the way."
"I'm proud of you."
"How have you been?" I ask.
"Great. Sarg is really happy with my negotiation skills."
"Yeah I need to work on that."
"Well hey I gotta run, I'm happy your ok."
"Yeah alright."
"It was good seeing you."
"You too." He hugged me before leaving.
"Ms. Darcy." I looked up and saw a beautiful women get out of a limo.
"Thank you Chantel." She says.
"You room is ready. 23rd floor room 1156."
"Thank you." She looked familiar.
"Ann you are doing a great job." She says.
"Thank you." I watched her sit down with Ann at a table.
"Come meet my mother." Adam says.
"That's your mom?"
"She is stunning."
"Yeah she is." We walked over. Ann glared at me.
"Adam." She stood up and hugged him.
"It's good to see you ma."
"You look so dashing." I loved her British assent.
"Who is this?" She asked.
"I'm Faye Dillon." I held out my hand.
"She is one of my best friends." Adam says. Ann coughs.
"Lovely to meet you. Don't you have a girl?" She asks Adam.
"Ugh no ma."
"Unbelievable isn't it?" Ann asks.
"Yes." I chuckled. Ann rolled her eyes.
"Ma." Ethan walked over.
"Hello." They hugged.
"Where is your father and his poodle?"
"Lauren is not a poodle." Ethan says.
"They are in a meeting." Adam says.
"Mother, Faye will be joining us for dinner." Oh really?
"That sounds lovely." She smiled.

  Kill me now. Elizabeth and Lauren are just bashing each other.
"Control your poodle Herald!" Elizabeth says.
"You should go back to Britain and sip your tea." Lauren yelled back.
"With pride!" Elizabeth yelled.
"So, how's life?" Mr. Slade asks Ethan and I.
"Faye and I broke up." Ethan says. All eyes are on me. I'm sitting next to Elizabeth and Adam just sipping my water on my phone.
"What?" I wasn't paying attention.
"I didn't know you were dating." Elizabeth says.
"It was short." I say.
"It was 6 months." Ethan says.
"Doesn't sound short to me." Ann says under her breath.
"When?" Mr. Slade asks.
"Ann's engagement party." Ethan says.
"They had a brawl outside." Theresa says.
"I'm sorry to hear." Lauren says.
"I'm not." I softly say. Adam kicked me.
"What about you Adam, dating Faye?" Elizabeth asks. He choked on his water.
"No." He shook his head. Ann laughed.
"What is going on?!" Ethan asked.
"I took her in when you kicked her to the street!" Adam lost it. I pressed my fingers to my temples.
"She lied to me!"
"Ann is rude and you know that!"
"Hey!" Ann yelled.
"Ann would never say that!" Ethan snapped.
"She insulted her dead family! You are supposed to be there for her and comfort her! You walked out on her Ethan!"
"I did not!" Ann yells.
"Annalise!" Elizabeth and Lauren yell.
"See!?" Ethan yells. I was getting stressed.
"Ann, every single night Faye wakes up from the nightmare of her family's death. She faces it every day! What sick person lies about their dead family!" Adam smashed his wine glass. I've never seen them like that.
"Adam James!" Mr. Slade yells as he walks away. Ann was shocked, well Everyone was including me.

  We went to bed that night without saying a word.
"I'm sorry." I whispered with our backs to each other.
"Its not your fault." I didn't say anything. He rolled over and out an arm around me.
"I'm here for you."

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