The Chosen One

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"You really did give me a scare", Abigail says with a relieved sigh as she leans back in her seat at Demi's Inn. "What did your mother say?"

Taylor takes a sip from her cup of tea and sets it down on the table, "She seemed all right about it, quite surprisingly. Maybe a bit spooked about the whole thing. I've never done something like that before. I'll be heading back to hers for a bit before I go home"

"Who exactly was it that you visited?", Abigail asks.

Taylor's mind races for an answer. She could just say it was a relative but Abigail would surely ask which one and where they live. "You don't know them", Taylor says, trying to sound casual.

"Your family isn't that large. Surely I must know them", Abigail insists.

"No, they're quite distant. Let's leave it at that now, will we?", Taylor rambles and sips at her tea to avoid further conversation on the topic.

It's incredibly cozy in the cafe this evening. Boughs of pine are hung around the few windows and holly leaves are pinned over every picture frame. Small, neat vases of poinsettias are kept on the tables. And the same old Christmas tunes you hear every year are lazily humming out of a record player by the reception desk. But despite the warmth and inviting glow of the cafe, Taylor doesn't feel very festive. She absentmindedly forgets that another person is sitting at her table as she thinks about all that is to come. The return of the vampires themselves, something she's both eagerly waiting for and dreading at the same time. The search for Karlie's mate, whoever the lucky male or female it is. The killing of Taylor's terrible spouse, Desmond - this being something she's particularly looking forward to.

But Taylor begins to wonder if she will be able to survive these future events. Karlie is strong, but will she be capable of juggling so many tasks? Murder, ruling a kingdom, living with a mate, taking back the freedom that was rightfully hers. She has much larger responsibilities than Taylor, larger than any responsibilities Taylor will ever have. And then the girl starts to feel selfish. Surely she should not be worrying as much as she is. Karlie is a vampire. Taylor is a human. The blonde shakes her head as she remembers this. Of course Karlie would be able to deal with the burdens of a vampire's life, being one herself. Yes, it will be a frightening task to kill another human being, but Karlie would be able to do it. Yes, it will be unbearable to part with Karlie after she finds her mate, but Karlie would be happy.

And Karlie's happiness is more important to Taylor than her own.

"Taylor, are you crying?", Abigail whispers, placing a friendly hand over Taylor's wrist.

Taylor sniffs, loudly, and drags a heavy hand through her hair. She tangles her fingers into her short locks and leaves her hand there, resting her head against it, "Yes, I am, Abi"

"Talk to me, Tay", her friend encourages, and strokes her thumb over Taylor's hand in little circles. And her touch reminds her of Karlie. Except Karlie's hands are cold. Karlie's hands feel like soft ice. Not like the intense warmth of Abigail's, heated by the blaze of the open fire in the inn. And more tiny tears spill down Taylor's cheeks.

Tears for Karlie.


"Oh, gracious, you almost never call me by my full name. This must be bad"

"Ab, listen to me. I'm not happy. I'm not happy with my life and I want to leave"

Abigail's eyes widen. Her mouth opens and closes like a goldfish, "You mean you're going to run away?"

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