It's Your birthday

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Ed: Ed will cook you your favorite food. After you eat, he'll give you a present, which ranges from your favorite music to to a realistic looking spider that he fakes is your present. Then you guys will watch tons of movies.

Greg: He'll take you out to your favorite restaurant, and then give you your favorite book series that you don't already own.

Sam: Sam will suprise you by taking you on a trip. He knows you love to see beautiful sights, so he'll take you to the top of a mountain, or a trip though a forest to find a waterfall.

Spike: Spike will pack a picnic, and take you through a walk in the park. He'll fix you his traditional Italian food because he knows you love hearing about his background. Then he'll give you a suprise gift that either comes from his culture or yours.

Jules: She'll take you out, and you guys will share lots of laughs. She'll probably give you what you've been looking at for a while, but you never got it. You'll thank her, and insist that you'll give her something in return.

Lew: Lew will take you to an amusement park, and ride all your favorite rides. You guys will have funnel cake, and all the junk food. At the end of the day, he'll give you your gift that will make you smile ear to ear.

Wordy: Wordy will take you too the restaurant where you guys had your first date. You guys will talk, and laugh all night. When he drops you off, he'll kiss you lightly on the lips, and after you break away, he'll give you your gift. Promising him that you'll open it after you get inside.

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